
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

~Snowy Morning Wake UP~

We woke up to some heavy duty snow this morning.. My boy got
me up about 5:30 and I heard this scraping sound and thought
'hmmm, a plow?' and looked out and you can see we got some
snow..Dutch sat there at that window most of the day watching
it..He loves his window..I have to admit..I enjoy the window too..
There is so much more life outside these windows than what was
at the apartment... all we saw there were parking lots and dumpsters.
thats not the greatest..before the apartments , that wonderful
field..that was nice.. so alive with animals..I always saw something
The boy was yawning, and his mouth is wide open,,i hope you can
see the teeth in this cat..hes only 3..looks like fangs of a huge
tiger doesnt he? he bites too..when Dutch plays hes very
aggressive so when he gets mad well with teeth like this..they can
do some damage...Scarey pic hey? I like it though..

I love this picture of him just glarey eyed looking out..this was
early the sun wasnt even up..The light outside on the left
is so bright it comes from that garage across the street,
I dont need night lights in here the house is so lit up from that
place over there..If you look on the side of the window there
you can just about tell how bad this window is and needs to
be replaced..the paint is chipping and I guess even the sash
cord was cut is why the window fell open..There still is a draft
in here and its from the one behind the couch.. I have to keep
one of these up or Dutch will climb thru and bend the slats of
the blind lol..When he wants in the window he wants IN the

Penny will be here tomorrow and we have lots to do..I tried
to move my bed today and all I did was make a bigger mess
in there than what was already there. I am having a hard time
getting into my closet, so I thought if I move my bed the other
way that I could get into the closet better..Well I tried to move
that bed by myself..and it absolutely refused to budge! If my
stinkin power chair was runnin i could move anything with it.
and I know I could this bed.. Me, myself, well I just couldnt
get it to move, i sure tried hard and just had to quit before I
blew a fuse..

I did get a call and they will be here tomorrow to check over
my chair and see whats wrong..I was telling my counselor
today that this just isnt right what they are doing to me about
this..I told her this is what makes me so mad , I can gripe
and call and complain..what about these poor people that
cant and are afraid to..just not right..they would just sit back
and quietly wait ..not say a word.. I bet quite a few people
these past few weeks wish that I WAS that way TOO!!! lol me?
never.. I see something wrong I WILL bring it to someones
attention trust me lol..

So much I have found out these past few months since all
this CRAP started in august..I ve really learned alot..all the
places that are really supposed to help, that advertise they
do ..dont..St. Vincent DePaul acted so fast getting me a
stove and fridge it was just days..the fastest of any of them..
I called many places..and I honestly was so disappointed
in places that I thought I KNEW were help ful but were NOT
at all..Salvation Army said they couldnt do anything to help.
But I got what I needed..I still need other stuff . but Im making
it every day some days less troublesome than others.. lol..

I like the days that I actually wake up happy and today was
one of those days.. I woke up..sat for a minute..realized,
'hey' I think im happy today, this day might be a good one'
I decided then that I wasnt going to call and gripe at anyone
today I was giving everybody a break from me..I have to do
that if I dont well..I would go nuttier lol..I have to step back so
to speak and get my perspective back..so I can see a little
more clearly..and kinda wind down, let the day take care
of itself so to speak I was leavin it alone it could just be a
regular Day lol..works for me..

Lunch was ..well..like the usual from there..Dutch just looked
at it..and stepped on it as he walked by and jumped down..
it was some kind of meat and sure didnt look appetitizing
not to me anyway.. I may make some toast and tea..Its still
drafty but I turned the heat up a tad..its hard to see up there
to read that tiny dial..but I turned it up once the sun goes
down it really gets cold..You see by sunset it was cold..
the sun had just dropped behind the buildings..see the
puddle is frozen almost already ..it was bitter cold today ..

I bet I know where its warm tho.. I know LB does..hes so goofy..
when I lay on my back..he will walk up between my stumps and
start to go in circles..every time he will push against the insides of
them until I move them apart enough so he can curl up in a ball
there..Hes slept at that spot since he was a baby, his favorite spot.
Mine? my favorite spot? Over on that bed..Its only 7 now but I am
really tired, so I know where im going..I am not passing go or
collecting 200 dollars..straight to bed for me..I love monopoly..
Nitey Nite.. :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya and thanks.
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois, it sure getting cold here tonight they say 9 F, wind chill will be -2 F in the morning..then it going to warm up 50 F by noon...Love your pictures my friend wow they are great...how much snow did you get?
    Got a big day on Friday, so going to bed early...Stay warm....sure hope you get your power chair fixed real soom and the ramp too....Mary

  • At 11:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is 29F out and going down to 25F - it will warm up to 45 by Sunday. It is 11:20pm and time to go to bed.

  • At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Hope they can do something about that power chair to-day.
    The wind's round to the North, to-day. That means COLD!!

    "The North wind do blow
    And we shall have snow
    And what will poor Robin do then, poor thing?

    He'll sit in a barn
    And keep himself warm,
    With his head tucked under his wing,
    poor thing."

    There's one greets me every morning, waiting on the trellis by the front door for me to feed him. It is such a joy. Starts my day right, like posts on a certain Weeble's Blog!!! LOL ;o)
    Take care, Hon. Lots of love and G.B.H. from

  • At 7:52 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    16F here when I got up, a lot warmer than Mary. We had an inch of snow and there was a vicious wind this morning.

    Thanks for the nice photos. Little Boy sure found a nice spot.

    Stay warm, Lois!

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning!!! :-)

    Hi Mary ....bitter cold here too..we were sposta get 10 inches of snow, by the looks i would say we got 6 or so..Im so glad you like them I have the best time taking pics. I wish LB was out and about more all he does is lay in that chair the big lazy..lol.
    I slept late today.. i havent slept till 8 in a long time.. i feel good! :-)

    Hi Momar..
    Well stay warm, and hows the new house coming along?

    The chair guy is sposta call first. Im gonna ask him if he has a shovel he may need to shovel his way in if hes the first to come here after all this snow ! he may not wanna lol. Donnie is due over later Im afraid to tell him to bring his..lol he may not come over either lolol.. I would but hell I cant sweep a floor! could you see me out there shoveling snow in a wheelchair..Id freeze in one spot and be stuck..lol..*sigh*
    Are you referring to Mr. North or South? dont your robins fly south for the winter like ours? dont you have a south for them? boy do I sound stupid lol...duh.. no comments on that now either hehehe

    Hi Gray!!
    Hey, I got smart kids. Looks so pretty out there but you can hear the crunch of the tires out here by
    this stop sign..Im surprised no wrecks. Yesterday there were alot of them was near blizzard conditons and white outs..bad drives to work..sun is out here and looks nice.

    LOVE YA'S...have a good day... :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Morning........I like to look at snow I think it is beautiful but I am glad we do not get any at least not very often...........my mom has a cat that loves to sit by the window too...hopefully they will get your chair fixed for you very soon......you are an amazing lady ......you have a great day and stay warm...

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Lynn,,
    so nice to hear from you... My boys love the window..moreso Dutch than LB,he likes to look but only a glance or so lol..

    Thank you so much for your kind words. I got a call and now they wont be coming till thursday next week :-( the guy that was due to come is in a chair..well he cant get in here ..lol.. i dunno..but sure is taking too long I know..

    Its nice and warm in here today. cold out..but sunny.. hope your day is a good one.. Michigan is a snow state lol..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 11:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes it is my sister n law lived there she and her family finally moved back home about 3 or 4 years ago...........i know she was glad to be away from all that snow...

  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Lynn,,
    I lived in Houston for 15 years..great city , made a good living was good to me..but I didnt like the rain and heat..I like the changing seasons.. I had to come home.. I was born and raised God's Country the Great Upper Penninsula of Michigan..great place..

    Always, Lois ****

  • At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Our robins are a completely different species to yours. They stay here all year. They are one of the few birds that sing right through the winter. Blackbirds and thrushes do, too, but only on fine warm winter days. They are distant cousins of our robins.
    Take care, hon. L.O.L&G.B.H. from
    Raife ;o)

  • At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois it was cold all day, the wind was real cold to me anyway. Had a wonderful day shopping with a friend Patsy I grew up with. We got to visit RoseLea that in the nursing home about 20 miles from us...had a great visit with her. My friend Patsy husband in the nursing home here, he shore love his power chair there...Jim love to go fast there and that going to get him into trouble...
    That snow is a lot of work Lois...sure hope you have someone that can help with that snow. Anyway you need a ramp to get down to it....You have a great night my friend...Mary

  • At 9:18 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes snow is alot of work..I can remember looking out the window of the shadow of the house and seeing a person on the roof!! scared me..then I found out was my Dad..clearing the snow..lol. No I didnt shovel I will wait for the sun to melt it. Donnie forgot his shovel..but he forgot his hat here too..so he will be back! lol..My power chair was very fast..My grands loved to take it out in the hall and go as fast as they could over at the apts... Nikki loved it. they have alot of power..

    Hope you have a good evening Mary and rest well and sweet dreams..
    Always,Lois ****


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