
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, February 05, 2007

~Phoney Baloney~

Well... I have been on a real Phone call tantrum you might
say today.. I bet I scared poor Penny, I made..14 phone calls
to Sandra, Chris, Ken, Deborah, CMH, APS, my Dr. and to
Legal Aid.. now these are not just 1 call..Deborah I talked to
her 3 times.. OH..And I called the city water to tell them AGAIN
I refuse to pay my landlords water bill and I do NOT appreciate
getting dunned for it.. She said she would call Ken. I m NOT
paying it.

Heres a doozie with my Health Plan ..Deborah.. I asked her just
what the status is on my chair..where are we in the progress of
it... I went TOTALLY nutz.. She said.."Well. seems the Drs office
didn't send the right form..and then the 10 day time limit ran out..
so I called your Dr again to have them RE SEND your stuff AGAIN".
So.. you know what this means? Not ONE thing has been processed
for me to get my chair.. means no order is in..nothing.. I was told
a month ago? be 16 weeks? 4 months.. well since not ONE thing
has progressed..I am still on square ONE..now.. I asked Deborah..
"Just WHO'S fault is this that they re NOT sending in the paper
work on me, as though this is NOT a matter of emergency?" she
had NO answer other than to blame the Dr. said she was going to
call..well ok..I called the Dr.. I asked. April.."who is it that is NOT
doing their job in handling my paper work?" she had no answer,
Ive never talked to her before I know Erica and Sherise.. so. NOW.
I am back to before square ONE even on my chair.. I am NOT a
happy camper at all.. I actually YELLED at Deborah.. She politely
told me she did NOT have to listen to that.. ok.. so I made a call
to her supervisor..and of course got HIS voice mail as well.. I
will see if HE calls me back..

I did get a call back from Chris.who NOW has denied all he said
he would do to fix the house.. I told him about the gap on the door.
I reminded him of the things needing done, he made the awful
mistake of hanging up on me.. not good..SO.. I called Ken.Dad.the
owner of the house.. He said make a list and they would try and
see what he could do.. NOW get this..They KNEW from the
beginning..that 2, possibly 3 windows needed replaced here..
and MISTAKENLY only ordered ONE Chris said..well..Kenny
came to fix the GAP around the door..yes!! he fixed that..and
Kenny said.. well we got like 10 windows..but they go to all
different places.. huh? and Chris said they ordered ONE?
something is smelly in this.. I pointed out to Kenny the walls
not finished, the ceiling..the condition of the bathroom floor,
the cracked toilet bowl..and I think..that little Kenny maybe
said he DID all this..and Chris maybe is covering for his
little brother ? thinking well what can she do. probly not thinking
I would contact Ken~! I invited Ken here to see this.. I did
take pictures too.. THEN Chris says well only PART of your
rent is paid by CMH you owe me the balance.. ok fine.. I will
pay it..but he agreed to less so I wouldn't have to but I will
I will send him a check for the what 3 times 60 ..ok 180.oo
I owe him.. make it rough but..well will shut him up on that
wont it? I pay my bills.. I take good care of things..and I have
rights.. to expect more than what I am getting from these
people. Do you think that its because I am in this chair that
they feel ..well what can she do? they ARE gonna find out..

I called everyone today and I was so MAD..poor Penny was
worried..told me to try to just not let it get to me..but she does
understand..shes been witness to all of this..every time she
comes here she hears me on the phone..she knows the
condition of this place.. I guess was my own fault for wanting
to move in.. but I agreed to NOT move my things in here so
Chris could get this stuff done..I had to pay extra storage..
So now I have to come up with this extra and pay that huge
gas bill ..this is NOT a good month too I think, plus all this stuff
I am just so sick of it..And I KNOW y'all are tired of readin'
this too lol.. and I apologize..but well, I can write what I wanna lol..
no I hate I do this.and I don't like being ugly to people.. I hate
that they MAKE me do this and act like I am a totally deranged
woman here..just to get the things I need to live ok, Jeez0pete..
lol.. I want this over.. I had thought of just moving.. but if I said
that to Donnie? Oh wow..he would come unglued lol..well I don't
think I would especially be too happy about moving either..It
aint easy..but I will tell you what give me a place on the river I
can afford? well.. just come on..lets go.. I bet I can get this stuff
moved lol.

I apologize for steady whining about all this crap here but well
this IS my daily life..and boy.. like I don't have enough trouble just
taking care of myself and the boys and trying to feel good and
have just a LIFE..be happy you know? that's all I want just ONE
day..of not to worry about paying these bills..or my chair and
whether today is the day Im going to fall off the toilet and really
hurt my self.. Theres a lot of other stuff I really would rather write
about..ok..tomorrow..be story day .. lol. I think I will do that at least
once a week..be kinda fun, I will dig out an old photo..and tell the
story about it. lol.. good thing I AM the one picking out the photos
hey? lol..

Its still cold out but with that stripping and these towels up on the
windows, its made a difference.. Well time for me to close this
down and go relax and UNWIND from today, I almost blew 3 fuses
today.. The total number of calls I made I added them up cuz I took
notes on every one I made. I made 18 phone calls and that has
made my ear feel NOT so good..and I have a headache.. Im layin
it down and am getting out of this chair ..After I get that last dough
nut out there, maybe that will make me feel better. :-) Nitey Nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Allo ma Belle,
    You deserve a good night's sleep.
    sleep tight,
    Don't let the bed bugs bite.
    Your friend,

  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Bon Soir Mon Ami? lol..
    Im learning Robert..:-) so nice to hear from you.. Thank you, I hope I sleep tonite too..I was very wound up today and still trying o unwind..any ideas? :-) I got no wine, I got plenty of WHINE tho lol.. I dont know any good sweet wine.. I bet that would be nice..hmmmm do you Robert?

    Thanks for leaving a comment for me..I appreciate that you know .. take care :-) sweet dreams.. :-)
    Nite hon..
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois it sound like you had a awful day. So sorry that shouldn't happen to you.
    It is Bob birthday today he is 67 years old...I took him out to eat. We did the shopping for the girls today and then we check out the church to see what it needed done. I made a cake for him this evening, had 3 of the grandchildren here. It was a nice quiet night.
    Hoping to go to bed early, so much to get done tomorrow.
    Our church roof fell in because of the ice storm, hoping to see what all the damages was...It been to much ice to really check it out good...Tuesday going to be close to 60 F...
    We still have lot of ice on our roof sure hoping it will melt and slide off and not cave in our roof.
    I pray thing will go better for you tomorrow.
    God bless you my friend,

  • At 10:06 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I hope there isnt alot of damage to the church roof. That ice and snow can damage so many things..from roofs to roads. Please tell Bob Happy Birthday from me.. and I am so glad you had a nice evening..I KNOW that was good cake too. :-)
    Tomorrow will be better, after I posted they informed me I will be supplied with a temporary power chair until I get my new one. ONly problem is it is 2 inches smaller than the one I have. I dont know how well that will work. I had this made intentionally bigger both ways to be able to sit easy and support my stumps fully..I will see..I hope it works.
    Sweet dreams Mary, hope tomorrow is a good day for you. Good Nite.. :-)
    ALways,Lois ****

  • At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am a landlord and I have a list of 6 thinks to do on the old house, now I also have a crew working on the new house. I have all new double glazed windows in the old house. The new house got a new hot-water heater.
    Now you see why I do not like to talk on the phone when it is easy to get a run-around from people. I once had an $800.00 water bill.

  • At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That's been quite a day for you, hasn't it? I hope you have managed to prize some of these people off their butts to do a bit to help you for a change, instead of steady obstructing you. Hope they get a chair to you P.D.Q., too.
    Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 7:08 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar,
    I made so many phone calls yesterday by evening I was so wound up my head felt like it was in a vice. No one should have to go through what I am to get people to get me a chair. I dont know who I Have to write to about this but it sure isnt right. Well your not a slum lord Momar like most are . . over 80 houses and cant take care of one? kinda greedy.

    Morning Raife,
    Today I am not calling anyone they can call me, they better. I dont threaten, I promised them I would get a lawyer, and was asked NOT to by the case manager at Health Plan Of Michigan. They were pretty good, now they arent worth a crap.. and have NO real good excuse either..blame It all on paperwork..
    easy out for not doing their jobs..

    Hope all is well by you and y'all have a good day :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Hi Lois, I'm back from a day of traveling for work and three days cross country skiing with my family. I know from the weather map and your blog that you know how cold it was out there. But we had a great tiome anyway.

    I'm sorry about your frustrations with your chair. That all sounds terribly frustrating!

  • At 8:07 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray!
    Good on ya! glad you had a great week end.. I know you said how busy you have been.. We used to do that too..We all were skiiers..and the family would all go and we would just stop anywhere on the side roads to ski, was great fun till I ran into the trees lol..I wasnt the greatest skiier lol :-) loved to play in the snow though :-D

    Yes, it really is Gray, this has just gotten totally out of hand and I dont really know who to go to next to get this kind of crap stopped with all this..Just think of those that wont fight like me? and do just give up..I know how many times I have said "i give up"..but then get mad..and Im ready to fight again lol.. this war path is getting might worn..I need to call in the tribe to help me I guess.. Now..wheres the Chief? lol.. :-D wish I could reach the Chief of the Chippewa Indian Tribe ..I bet if I proved I am..maybe things would be a little different too..

    Welcome home! glad your back.. have a good day.
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Morning Gorgeous. Well, sounds like your phone wires are about to melt. Sure hope it does some good - sounds like it already is! The squeaky wheel does get the grease. Keep it up Hon! Thanks for your email - sure glad you think of me. Stay warm - and get back on the phone when you need to.

    Bare Hugs,

  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Butty~!~
    Well I think the word LAWYER may have some effect, whats so good is that everything is documented .. right here..daily lol.. now all I gotta do is print out this blog..hmm I shoulda bought a case of black ink hey? lol.

    I hope you have a good day and are nice and snug and warm still a bit nippley outside here, not too bad in here the door strips helped and the towels I put over this window did too.. take care ~!~ :-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah - it's nippley outside - grin...
    Warm inside though - thank goodness..
    Don't have to dress warm..hehe


  • At 10:43 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    hehe Butty :-D..
    ya, save on laundry :-D stay otta drafts tho, dont want nuthin catchin cold hey? lol...
    Hope your havin a good day ..!
    Ive gotten 5 calls already. within 2 days I should have replacement power chair and all the bathroom stuff I need lol..what a magic word LAWYER is hey? lol..
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sure glad some of them call you back Lois, sure hope that get the job done for you... it never should take this long.
    I clean off some of that ice from the sidewalk today for a friend, some of it still 3 to 4 iches thick. And very hard in some places, other places it was getting soft. I didn't need a coat to do it either. The air is nice and warm when the sun shining.
    Now my back is a little sore again. That will pass in time.
    I hope you get plenty of sleep tonight...Mary

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Some drastic cold..many with no water at all or electric..the city came by to see if I had water, i do..i let my faucets drip, the COA was without power too today..Dawn came over earlier and said its getting really bad, snowing and super cold, I made her call me when she got home. I know she has 4 wheel drive and is used to driving in this but its the others I know are out there and careless.
    Be careful out there Mary so you dont slip and fall..ice is slippery. need some spike shoes lol.. Hope you have a nice sleep, Im headed to bed.. I am very tired..bet I dont get up at all..I hope not :-) good night my friend,sweet dreams..
    ALways, Lois ****


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