~Cleaned The Mess~
I got some of the mess cleaned from yesterday, It sure was
NOT easy to wring out all those towels. I bet was at least 12 of
them..Now Penny will have to haul them off to the laundromat
and wash them for me.. I sure hope they replace that floor in
there.. its really bad..and whomever painted in there didn't give
a flip if any paint got on it, and I think that's because they had
every intention of replacing it.. He better..around the toilet is
so awful..this toilet being smaller that linoleum around it is all
pulling up ..there is like a metal stripping that is going around
the base of the tub..its so bad the screws in it are all rusty..
there are nails that are actually sticking up ..Penny had to go
thru there and pound the nails down..she had to do that in the
door facings on the floor too..they sure havent been taking
care of this house.. Im telling Kenny when he comes Monday
I want that floor fixed in that bathroom and if its not Im going
to call CMH and tell them..In fact Lori with Keystone will be
here Monday and I will let her handle that..the floor in there
and these walls in here in the living room AND that window
still in the kitchen that isnt done yet.. This isnt right then
Chris calls and says I owe him over $200.oo for rent..well
he needs to fix stuff THEN I will consider giving it to him..I
take it out of my ickky book every month but I havent given
it to him just for this reason.. I just don't understand why he
didn't get this place done before I moved in since he had
from august to October to do it..plenty of time..I think these
guys go to one place ..do a little bit..then go to another and
never get any of the jobs finished instead of staying at one
till its totally done.. That's how it should be done..finish one
job before the next one...
I had a chat with a friend and we were talking about day
dreams..which I think every one has.. They are just dreams
we have while we are awake..I don't think the day dreams
come true any more than the night dreams do.. But we all
have them..maybe its something we all really need to keep
us striving for more..to make us think of what else is out there
that we dream would be better for us.. I know many times my
day dreams..when I just sit and look at really nothing and let
my mind wander to a place where I have all I need..Im happy,
Im in a house that meets my needs..in a place that Id love for
it to be..where I can see the birds..the water, a place I can
move around..have enough room so I don't bump into every
thing.. A place I can see my self cooking all those good
meals that I used to make, a nice screened in place for the
boys to almost be outside yet not be .. I wonder why tho we
do have these daydreams when we really know in reality
that they will never be-yet every chance that we have-quiet
peaceful time our minds wander to these places, maybe it
is our way of escaping.. I guess we all need something to
really hope for, to wish and dream of times when everything
will be right, easy, and we will be happy, even though we
know they will never be..
Ive advertised for months now for someone to come and visit
and stay with me for a week or so and help me.. Ive not gotten
that first response lol..Geez..what a bunch of lazies.. I was
sure I would hear pounding at my door right away or get at
least one email asking if they could come and help me.. I
havent even seen my KNIGHT! I think seriously someone
havent even seen my KNIGHT! I think seriously someone
has kidnapped him or drugged his horse and they are
wandering around heaven knows where! they SURE have
NOT found me.. I will have to replace this candle I have in my
window that's burning pretty soon or it will catch my beautiful
curtains on fire lol.. :-) I guess I will have to advertise some
where else..Hmmm maybe on EBAY? lol.. Offer a week here,
spending all that time with this GORGEOUS weeble..BUT
they have to help me fix some things..Not hard stuff I could
probly do some of it..just hard to move furniture and someone
stronger and TALLER sure would come in handy..could be
a fun time too~!~ :-)
I said I was gonna start eating a little better, and I made my
self a couple eggs this morning..well Ive not made eggs in
my microwave before..I usually use a frying pan on the
stove..well to get my hot plate up and running I would have
to move a dozen different things..unplug the micro and find
the cord to plug in the hotplate..then reach the frying pan
that's on the bakers rack..and and and..so I just grabbed a
bowl..put 2 eggs in it and put it in the microwave.. if you have
used a microwave and made eggs then you KNOW what
happened yes? Well I NOW have to clean up my micro
wave..those yellow centers of the eggies? well those babies
EXPLODE and make the inside of your micro all ickky/!!!!
Did you know that? I sure didnt!!! and NO ONE told me!!!!
Ive NOT made eggs in a micro before..and I will tell you
what I bet I don't again! I didn't KNOW you had to break the
yolk first or those puppies burst and just go all over..that was
fun.. the inside of my micro wave looked like it was growing
egg !!! and THAT was the start of my going to eat better..sure
increased my appetite hey? made me want some more eggs
real soon :-D.. well I learned.. just the way I usually do..the
HARD way lol..but I sure do LEARN.. :-D...
Ive learned too that when I almost start typin with my fore
head that I need to take a rest or go to bed lol..and If I don't
all you will read from here on will be jibberish..so this eggy
but totally GORGEOUS Weeble is heading over to that bed
and I say it every nite . that im gonna watch TV and never
see nuthin..I woke up with my phone in my left hand, my
clicker in my right, the TV on and LB snugged down between
my stumps and the kid was running back and forth across
my chest felt like I was getting a heart massage, I don't
remember but just laying down.. I musta hit all 9 zillion of
those lights out buttons on my clicker..I wonder if there are
some hidden ones on my phone too..Boy I hope I wasn't
talking to anybody..I don't remember..oh well they'll call
back if I was :-D..read about us crazies here and no wonder
no one wants to take me up on my offer :-D I dunno if I
would either!!! We're a bunch here I tell ya.. Cat in love
with a clock..One that talks.. And a GORGEOUS weeble
that don't know how to cook eggs in a microwave :-D
"Nitey Nite" :-D
head that I need to take a rest or go to bed lol..and If I don't
all you will read from here on will be jibberish..so this eggy
but totally GORGEOUS Weeble is heading over to that bed
and I say it every nite . that im gonna watch TV and never
see nuthin..I woke up with my phone in my left hand, my
clicker in my right, the TV on and LB snugged down between
my stumps and the kid was running back and forth across
my chest felt like I was getting a heart massage, I don't
remember but just laying down.. I musta hit all 9 zillion of
those lights out buttons on my clicker..I wonder if there are
some hidden ones on my phone too..Boy I hope I wasn't
talking to anybody..I don't remember..oh well they'll call
back if I was :-D..read about us crazies here and no wonder
no one wants to take me up on my offer :-D I dunno if I
would either!!! We're a bunch here I tell ya.. Cat in love
with a clock..One that talks.. And a GORGEOUS weeble
that don't know how to cook eggs in a microwave :-D
"Nitey Nite" :-D
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 7:48 PM,
Ainsley_Jo_Phillips said…
That's some egg story! LOL
There are certain foods that have a tendency to explode in the microwave.
I didn't know that eggs were one of them, but it somehow didn't surprise me!
It helps to cook such foods (hot dogs being one of them) at a lower temperature for a longer time.
Also, cover with a microwave-safe paper plate to keep things from hopping too far.
I can't think just WHAT foods, but I know that I've actually had food jump off the plate before and land on the floor of the microwave.
Sounds as if they have you living in a slum. I hope that somebody is able to make your place at least inhabitable until it's time for you to move.
AJ :-)
At 8:03 PM,
Lois said…
Hi AJ!
I mean.. I didnt know! I found out real fast. Well I knew some foods you had to puncture them but it didnt dawn on me that a egg yolk was gonna do that. :-)
This place really isnt the greatest for someone in a chair..but I had to get out of that homeless shelter or explode..so I had to take this, It will be ok I guess if I can get the stuff I need..Will just take my landlord a while,and If I had some help..would be great..Im going to start looking for another place. I have 3 years to do it..then I have to go back into HUD housing..so thats what Im looking for.. I dont care where, be anywhere.. I just need a better one. :-) but until then... this will do..its not too bad..and is kinda cute..
Hope you have a great evening..Im headed to the bed pretty soon..im tired..
Always, Lois ****
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
It's better if you use corning ware bowl with a saucer on top of it, that how I do it...We use paper plate a lot too.......it better to cook in something glass and not use the plastic at all, it not good for your health to cook in plastic.
HUD housing is what we are trying to get Pam on, it a long wait. She pay 300 a month for rent and she get 643 dollars a month to live on. She get Leap that help a little with the electric and gas bills...We do all the mowing the Lawn for her free.
We are wanted to get her some tomatoes plants in her back yard, I know the 7A.M. to 3 P.M shift. will help take care of it...anyway that our plans...Pam love tomatoes...She has a small flower garden in front of the house.
Well I hope you get your bathroom fix up before you land in the basements. That know way to check out that basement.
Are you getting your phone bill cheaper, Becky and Pam does because the have a med card. They pay a little under 7 dollars a month...but we have everything else blocked from there phone.
God bless you my friend
At 2:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I havent even seen my KNIGHT! I think seriously someone
has kidnapped him or drugged his horse and they are
wandering around heaven knows where! they SURE have
NOT found me.. :END QUOTE
Well dearest dear one, you havent SEEN him but you have talked to him and chatted too him.... We do you know....
Its not good reading about your troubles, and not being able to do anything about them. OH THIS DAMNED DISTANCE. Here you are the dearest thing in my heart, and you are in strong need of my help. AND I CANT!!!!
Its hard living with that, but i pray for things to change. One of these days things WILL change to the better in either way.
One of the good things is to eat eggs, i do it every morning all year. TWO ---B O I L E D--- EGS:
Thats good cause the eggs have a hard time running trough the stomach and your body must work to get them down, and when it does it lover the bloodsugar. And you feel "unhungry" longer and dont have to eat so much more. AND EGGS ARE GOOD TO EAT.... As good as it would be to lay by your side and stroke you gently over your body, you sweet woman of mine.
Take care dear and eat eggs until i come riding in my armor on my beautiful horse, one of thes days i promise i do!
Your own
At 5:29 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Im not used to microwave cooking I mainly used it for re heating.. I had not given that first thought that an egg would do that lol..
I was living in a HUD apt, and I am still eligible for it but I havent found a house yet, but I am going to start looking.. We get no phone discount here at all .. I asked. I cant wait to have this yard fixed up.. I just need that volunteer lol..
take care Mary...
Hi Rob,
I dont think your horse could swim that ocean dear man, but it sure is a nice thought. Perhaps I can come to Europe one of these days, Ive been seriously thinking about it I would love that.
One of these days things will change for the better perhaps I just need to work harder to get them. Im sure going to try.. :-)
You take care of yourself Rob..:-*
ALways, Lois...
At 10:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
HI there Lois
Eggs are only safe in the microwave if they are OUT of their shells!!!
Good to see that everything is not getting you down too much.
I got your email and will reply to it either later today or tomorrow.
It is glorious here - sunshine and 15c. Our clocks changed last night so we have a longer light evening to look forward to. I have been in my greenhouse sowing tomato seeds - lets hope they grow.
At 11:20 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Julie,
I go up and down so bad sometimes I pass my own self lol.. I have a hard time staying in the low spots I think thats why I fight so hard to get out of them..
I wish I had a green house. I may grow something on my porch but I dont know what. I love to garden...
Hope you have a good day..take care and write soon :-)
ALways, Lois ****
At 4:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
4-minute boiled eggs, that's the thing. BUT it is best to prick through the shell at the blunt end of the egg with a needle (I use the small blade on my pen-knife) - it lets the air out of the egg when it heats up so's the shell don't crack. 4-minutes will give you a firm white and soft yolk, then you can cut your bread (or toast) and butter into fingers ("Soldiers") and dip them in the yolk. Yum Yum Yum!! ;o)
I think I had better start building a row-boat. It will have to be quite big to get my horse and rusty armour on board!! It would take about six months to row the Pond and a bit longer to get through the Lakes to you, but it would be worth it!!
Now who's daydreaming?
Take care, Hon. L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 4:27 PM,
Lois said…
HiYa Raife!
Its good to daydream It keeps going on and on. Maybe it will dry up? lol..well geez we will have to think of something :-) I like poached eggs on toast. I like a good omlette too. Just hard to cook here and my hands give out with this carpal tunnel I drop stuff so many times I know I get my daily exercise..lol.. That bending will wear you out.. :-)
Hope you had a nice lazy day..I did...
good to hear from you..
Always, Lois ****
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