
Amputee life before and after...

Friday, June 22, 2007

~Grass n Plants~

The boys are cool...Poor abused babies, got it rough hey?? :-)

I have been told some of the nicest things lately that just
really make me feel really good and like I am not just a
dot on a map of zillions,unnoticed, that who will remember
me.. I sent an email this morning, it was a song that was
sung by Don Ho, Tiny Bubbles.. great song and a very
nice sort of relaxing kind.. but most Hawaiian music really
is..very soothing. But he passed away this year, a month
or so back.. I saw his photo and was listening to him..and
I thought 'this man will never die', just like Elvis, or JFK,
and that lovely Princess Diana.. those people will be always
remembered..where some one like me, with no one really,
just a sister , and Donnie, and I think to a point they will maybe
remember me.. but I think.. I am the last from my parents, who
will remember them? I get melancholy and think about this
stuff..usually when I have nothing else on my mind that is
cluttering up my head with problems.. :-) and there wont be
many of them until the next batch of bills come in .. :-)

I have been threatening to get that ancestry.Com but it is just
so bloody expensive.. I just cant do that..!50.oo a year..that's
a lot.. I will say that if you find what your looking for and all,
then yes, its probly worth it..but what I want to find I am starting
at knowing nothing but MY original birth certificate with my
birth parents names on them.. I would like to know my nationality
and something about my birth father, none of us know anything.
My brother does have the news paper clippings of when he died.
He wasn't very old.. My friend in the UK , bless her heart looked
up and found the birth records of my adopted mother and her
family, but I knew they would be there..There are so many things
I would like to know and people I would like to find, perhaps some
may be looking for me, many use that looking for family, so perhaps
the cost is worth it..for that kind of money you would think it would
be limited ..not for just a year...
I was sitting at this desk this afternoon about 2 or so, and I heard
this noise which sounded like a lawn mower.. There have been
trucks out there washing the streets, every day now for 3 days
they have been washing them..I thought it was another one of
them..the streets here must be really nasty the way they have
been steady scrubbing them.. Ive counted 3 times now they
have gone past my house and along the side of it.. a spray that
comes out the front, and 2 scrubby disks that go round scrubbing
at the road, leaves a wet trail but when it dries I look out there
and I honestly see no difference. I think they do that to get rid of
all the gunk from cars, trucks, then all the stuff put on the roads
in the winter, salt and sand, probly gives the roads longer life.
That's part of the joys of summer putting up with road repairs
from damage done by ice, those pot holes are deadly, I hit
one once and lost my hubcap.. I wish I had thought about doing
the sides being different.. who would notice? I bet there is not
ONE person that has gone around to notice if someones car
has all 4 matching hub caps. I didn't even on my own! I never
paid attention even when I washed it now that I think about it..
I had a cute little Plymouth Reliant,, 86..nice little car..My Dad
bought it brand new..I gave it to Kelli when I lost my right leg..

anyway... I looked out and saw that a path had been cut around
the edge, and I knew Robert was here.. He had been coming on
Sunday, which he was due this past one..I figgured was fathers
day that he didn't work. But I've not heard from him all week..my
grass really needs cut.. I look out there and its hard enough
looking at the sad state of my flower beds, let alone the grass
being a foot high..well not that high :-) it was long, needed cut.
Penny came today and brought me a nice surprise..2 tomato plants..
she planted them outside by the garage...lots of good sun there.
I put arrows to show where they are.. in the middle of them
is the new rose bush Penny brought me. The tomatoes
shouldn't have any problem with the rose as small as it
still is..come this fall we can pull the tomato plants out.. She
found a flower box in the back of the flower bed, filled it
with dirt and put it out by the front door on the outside
landing.. She is going to put some Impatients in it.. They
do so good in shade. This place could be so nice.. I am
going to go out side there one of these days..and I may
do it next week.. I have to go OUT 2 days next week, to
get my state ID and to the bloomin Dr to let her veryify ONE
more TIME..again..that my legs have NOT grown back...

Well Im starved, lunch was so bad and ugly and totally pathetic
today and I was so mad when I saw it I sent it back told them
to keep it.. Add it to someone elses to give them a full meal..
The tiny amounts they put in these its awful.. They make sure
theres only enough ..JUST enough for one person..heaven
forbid, there would be leftovers. Sad. Anyway.. Time to find
food and do some serious TV tonite.. Ive been up late every
day this week and I still have NOT caught up with my inbox,
Im behind in answering which I hate to be..so letter writing
is on the schedule for tomorrow.. Im just SO busy :-) my life
is just SO HETIC ... haha.... This GORGEOUS WEEBLE
bids you a fond.. "Nitey Nite" :-D

Y'all have a good one Y'hear? Love ya, and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


  • At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois
    You often ask your readers what they'd like to know about - well we know and see you now with your beautiful little legs. What about a description of your "beautiful longer legs" - and maybe even a photo...and thank you so much for the nice, thoughtful comments.

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning :-)
    Yes, I always like to know what would be interesting..I run out of ideas sometimes lol.. I honestly dont have alot of photos of me with legs..a few.but I will post one..and tell how GORGEOUS they were as well! :-)
    Nice to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois ****


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