~I Kept My Promise~ :-)
As promised - here's a photo showing the ends of my shortened
legs. To be totally honest and open about it.. I think they're ugly.
I have sat quite a few times..and looked at myself in the mirror,
I still sit and look and shake my head and ask myself that question
we all ask ourselves when things go bad, "What did I do to deserve
this?" I really don't know that I have, but maybe this wasn't done to
me FOR me, but for others.. I can handle this 95% of the time..so
many cant, so maybe I'm kinda like the GORGEOUS poster
WEEBLE for amputees, to encourage and say "HEY!, get ON with
it..Shit happens". did to me.. I hate it..but well the best part is STILL
here and that's me..so maybe this was meant for others, I don't
know.. But I will tell em all to "lets get rollin, no lagging behind and
boo hooing.. not on my shift anyway .." its not acceptable.. :-)
You can see the difference in them..The left is the one that gave me the
problems and still does off and on.. its a tad red. If I do even the tiniest
of wrong things to it..or put the wrong lotion it lets me know real fast. I am
guessing that's why it has the folded end as I call it.. The left was not
prepared at all for a prosthetic leg,like the right was and I think that's
why the size and shape differences in the two. I have seen photos
of amputees and I have noticed quite a few others that have the end
folded like mine, maybe its just the way some Drs do surgery, but I had
the same Drs.
The right, I had it in that binder as I called it, for quite a while, till I just
couldn't stand it anymore because of the heat and the bloody thing
was so uncomfortable..it was tight and the slightest movement, it
would slowly slip off my stump, then the belt part that was around my
hip would dig in and pull. Plus it was so hot then and they didn't have
air conditioning at the hellhome, it was NOT good..But I think that is
a lot of the reason the right is smaller and shaped differently. I would
think the left would be since that is the one I mainly use first when I
go to transfer or move at all, that it has more muscle but it isnt.. I
just wish they could do something about the phantoms..
When they start, sometimes in just one..sometimes both at the same
time, even putting my hands on the ends doesn't tell my head that
there is nothing past my hands..I wish that would work, the phantoms
are a daily thing..for me anyway..and I just have reached a point that
I tolerate them and put up with it..telling myself that it is only for a little
while..then sometimes if I change the way I am sitting that helps a lot
too.. I get some really bad stabbing kinds, the one I hate is the stab
that goes right up into my heel..that hurts...
Nothing exciting today, in fact my phone , sadly, did not ring all day.
Penny was here and cleaned then ran and paid my water bill before
Penny was here and cleaned then ran and paid my water bill before
they shut it off and of course picked up my icee....these things are
addicting.. I have 2 in the freezer! for tomorrow, cuz shes not here..
ohhh and guess what she DID do? She got me 2 lottery tickets..and
I AM going to win..soon too.. I KNOW it..:-D I play 2 sets..I have
decided to play them every wed and friday..When I win, I promised
Penny she and I would take a trip to Europe, as I have to have some
one travel with me to help me.. She is REALLY hoping I win :-) So,
NOW, its just a matter of time..
Time for some food, TV and to say "Nitey Nite" love ya, and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..
At 5:37 PM, Anonymous said…
Well if you do win the lottery and get to the UK I would like to volunteer to be your driver and take you to all the places that you would like to see.:)
Nice photo Lois - nothing to be ashamed of - you are you and I like you just as you are.
Bed time for me - I have sat in front of this computer nearly all day working and now am looking forward to my lovely bed and book.
Love Julie x
At 9:25 PM, Anonymous said…
Stumps???????? You just have little legs - nothing more, nothing less - and they are beautiful. Although you think they are ugly, in reality they are what has made you known to us - a beautifuly, sensitive, caring person. If it wasn't for your little legs, how would we have ever had the joy of knowing you and experiencing the travails you go though every day. You are a very special person, Lois, and I feel very fortunate to be able to read your blogs every night and wish that somehow I could help you have all those things that you so rightly eserve.
At 11:18 PM, Lois said…
Hi Julie :-)
Wouldnt we just have a great time? I know quite a few people in the UK , family, would be wonderful..I would give anything to go..
Hi, what a sweet thing to say, how wonderful..you are too kind..but it sure makes me feel good and I am SO very glad you come here every nite to spend time with me.. I am so glad you let me know.. Thanks..
Y'all have a good one..Niters :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 1:02 AM, Anonymous said…
Nice Picture of you again...I wish thing would not go wrong in this life...but they do.
Pam is doing a lot better now.
Last night we had lots of rain,the day turn out alright.
We even got to have the ball game tonight...Becky had no problem on the field...
Time for Bed...
God bless you Lois.
At 8:52 AM, Anonymous said…
Hey there Gorgeous,
Well - of course I love the pic. You know how I feel about your photos! And you do look gorgeous. As far as showing the ends of your legs, well, that is you - it is how you are and how we love you! And thanks for sharing the information.
You are always in my thoughts!!
Bare Hugs,
At 2:49 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Anonymous (9:25PM) has said everything I would like to say, only so much better.
There is not an ugly spot on your whole body or your personality.
Thank you for being YOU - our Gorgeous Weeble!!
When Julie's busy, I'll drive!! ;o) Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 6:16 PM, Lois said…
Hi Butty, Raife,
Im glad you liked the photo..just me.. so nice to hear from you..
Always, Lois ****
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