If you have never been to a Native American Pow Wow, go..they
are one of THE most beautiful things you will ever see or experience.
The dancing, singing, drums, ceremonies,and THE most beautiful
costumes I have ever seen, and all worn so proudly. The Pow Wow
I went to was in Green Bay, Wisconsin, I had never been to one and
my 2 dearest friends always went as Ted was full blooded Oneida
and Nadine was full Cherokee. They were a pair let me tell ya..But
2 of the dearest friends a person could have.. I helped her with their
wedding made many of the dresses and accessories for it..Was a
HUGE wedding..
This Pow Wow I attended, was down in a valley sort of with hills
around where the people sat, some on the ground, or in lawn chairs.
There were tents along the outside edges that sold shirts and Native
American things, Dream Catchers, many many things..One of the
MAIN things there of course, guess? the FOOD..It was just wonderful.
They had a bread I forget the name..we bought so much food and ate it
while we watched all these amazing people march and dance around the
building where the elders and the music and drums were, where they
performed ceremonies.. Some times they asked you not take photos..
which we respected..I saw no one take any then.. I didn't.. As the Pow
Wow started you heard the drums..they got louder and louder.. then the
chants and singing started..down the side of this hill that led down into this
valley where we waited they all paraded and danced and marched and
started to go round and round that building.. It was the most colorful
display I have ever seen...the singing was wonderful.. I loved it.. every
body felt the rythym and the beat of the loud drums. the chants. wonderful.
All of the dresses and mens costumes are all hand made, the

around where the people sat, some on the ground, or in lawn chairs.
There were tents along the outside edges that sold shirts and Native
American things, Dream Catchers, many many things..One of the
MAIN things there of course, guess? the FOOD..It was just wonderful.
They had a bread I forget the name..we bought so much food and ate it
while we watched all these amazing people march and dance around the
building where the elders and the music and drums were, where they
performed ceremonies.. Some times they asked you not take photos..
which we respected..I saw no one take any then.. I didn't.. As the Pow
Wow started you heard the drums..they got louder and louder.. then the
chants and singing started..down the side of this hill that led down into this
valley where we waited they all paraded and danced and marched and
started to go round and round that building.. It was the most colorful
display I have ever seen...the singing was wonderful.. I loved it.. every
body felt the rythym and the beat of the loud drums. the chants. wonderful.

blue dress on the right there, look closely, you will see silver
bells sewn onto the dress all over it.. as she parades around
as she stomps one foot after the other and sort of turns left
and right that dress rings..the silver bells sound so wonderful..
They shine brightly in the sun..and the girls that wear them
proudly dance and show how beautiful they look and sound...
I didn't get a photo of the shawl dancers.. these beautiful women
have these delicately embroidered long shawls with LONG
fringe on the 3 sides.. as the woman dances she holds on to the
corners ..holds her arms out and waves and moves her arms
as if to look like she is flying as the shawl flows in the wind..They
all dance to the sound of the drums and flutes..
If you look closely you will see a litle girl I think there in

the red.. very young children only 2 or 3, just barely walking
would follow their dad or mom around and dance and laugh
and have a wonderous time..When someone watching in
the audience would yell and clap for these children they
would beam at them and wave and dance even harder . It
was a great time.. The weather was just perfect as you can see
not even a cloud in the sky ,, wasn't real hot which was so
good those costumes were heavy ... the feathers and fur skins..
A man standing next to me had a wonderful costume on and
he had a fox head hat on..a vest of fur.. he held a long tall walking
stick and on the very end of it woven and held in place by leather
strappings. was a deer rack...not real big..and in the center of it
were bells.. I asked him what the horns were from..
As the music changed all of a sudden he lets out this LOUD
yell..and stomps his walking stick onto the ground and proceeds
to step high with one foot then the other ..turns in circles as he
dances his way singing into the group starting to dance around
the circle again.. Anyone could dance,,they encouraged everyone
to take one dance around the building with them.. Many many did..
I preferred to watch..it was such an amazing day...
This Pow Wow Lasted all day into the evening and sunset..we had
to leave as Nadine had to go to work at the casino there, Its right
across from the Green Bay Airport..The Oneida Casino..it is just
great! She was a black jack dealer there.. She and Ted owned a
limo service.. they had 2 of them.. a long stretch white one and of
course a black one.. She had just gotten the new white one.. I lived
in a huge apartment complex.. when she phoned she said "Im coming
over to get you and take you for a ride in the new limo, so I was ready
to go! Well as we leave my apartment.. she says "Lois, theyre watching,
to see who this car is here for..I saw lots looking..so lets do this right..
Now.. I was NOT dressed to the 9's then.. I didn't look bad, I never do,
:-) anyway, I was scruffy lets say, so....
Nadine goes out the door first..holds it open for me..and I walk out..I
slowly walk up to the car as Nadine reaches around ..and opens the
door she reaches out and takes my hand and helps me into the car.
She had on a chauffeurs cap now..she was just home from the casino
and she was dressed nice..black pants a crisp white blouse and a
pretty black vest..well , I get in..she goes around ..the windows are
tinted so no one can see into the car.. We pull out and I bet in EVERY
window there was a face ..with the look "WOW I WONDER WHO
THAT IS???" on their face..We laughed.. She drove around for a
THAT IS???" on their face..We laughed.. She drove around for a
while and we stopped and got a soda..and sat in the car at McDonalds
in a white stretch Limousine that was cute.don't you know everyone in
there was wondering.. She drove me home..before she stopped she
reminded me not to open the door to wait for her..we wanted to give
those nosey neighbors a show..She gets out of the car..shes tall now
too..and puts on that hat, walks around that car and opens the door
reaches in, takes my hand and helps me out.. opens the door to the
building and we go inside.. When we got in there we peeked out the
curtains..and was the same thing..every window had a face in it..THAT
was fun..we had the best time doing that.. Was the one and only time
I ever rode in a Limo..huge car...
Well time for me to ride to bed.. I got up at I thought 530..well my clock
was off and it was 430.. so I am kinda tired..Penny was here today
and we are all squeaky , Donnie comes tomorrow to empty out the
garage of his styrofoam..be nice to see him.. Penny changed the
comforter and pillowcases on my bed and I KNOW how good that
is going to feel.. Im tired.. Hope you enjoyed the Pow Wow..
"Nitey Nite"
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Love ya and Thanks!!!!!!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 9:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've seen some Pow Wow and I've found them very interesting.
Bon soir,
At 11:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
I have never been to a Pow Wow. My daughter Beth has, when she was married to her x. His was 1/4 Native American...I am 1/16 Cherokee but no paper work to prove anything.
I got me a new countertop over, it don't heat up the house so much...anyway I need another stove, but they cost to much.
God bless you Lois
At 5:53 PM,
Lois said…
Bon Soir Robert!
So very nice to hear from you..Yes they are wonderful.. I had the best time and so glad I went..
Hi Mary,
Well now you can say you 'kinda' went to a pow wow..if you get a chance, go..they are well worth the time for what you get back out of it....Yes any appliances are..well no ..ANYTHING you buy now is outrageous in the prices.. I hope you can get one soon Mary..
Hope you had a good day today, take care and so very nice to hear from you..
Y'all have a good one now..
ALways, Lois ****
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