~Falling Leaves~
Look closely and tell me what you see... besides the neighbors
2 dogs.. I saw the yellow one loose today which surprised me
since that one is always tied and seems very aggressive when
ever someone even just walks down the street.. Luckily no one
was walking when he was loose.. the black one is a love..he seems
to be happy, always goes up to anyone that is over there or even
going by.. What I am asking you to notice are the LEAVES on the
ground by the mailbox.. The leaves are starting to drop ..with the
cool temps they will come down fast...
There is the tree by my garage as I look out the kitchen window.. I
There is the tree by my garage as I look out the kitchen window.. I
have NO idea whos truck that is..:-).. but you can see the red already
starting..soon the whole tree will be just gloriously red and will glow
almost when the sun hits it.. I remember how beautiful it was last
year.. Soon I will have been in this house for one year already.. I
think it was the 23 or 24th that I moved in here...doesn't seem that
long already ..some times it feels like Ive been in here forever and
then other times I sit and look at the calendar and wonder just where
this year went.. I guess because even though I really don't go out I
stay busy and involved in stuff... which is really good.. You can not
ever go out and still be involved in the world and what is going on
around you.. sometimes I know TOO much :-)
LB was sitting on the table when I was trying to take that first photo..I
LB was sitting on the table when I was trying to take that first photo..I
asked him nicely to move.. he sat there..I asked him again.."LittleBoy,
MOVE~!" when I raised my voice to him he very slowly raised his head
and was just glaring at me as you can see.. He HATES when I yell at
him..makes him very cross.. Look at that face.. I had to laugh when I
saw this.. I wish I could show it to him to see just how mean a look he
can give.. As sweet as his face is..you can sure tell when he is pissy..
Hes such a Garfield... :-) Rotten kids :-)
Penny came today and cleaned and went to the store and of course
Penny came today and cleaned and went to the store and of course
she always puts bread out for the birds and squirrels..both the black
and the red ones were out there eating.. Last time they were by the
living room window, I don't think they knew there is some out there
too.. The boys were both sitting on that box and when the squirrel came
up to the bread ..well you see, they watch every move those guys made.
Look at the red on this tail of the black one..Hes so pretty...
Look at the red on this tail of the black one..Hes so pretty...
The black squirrel had a big itme..he made a pig of himself ..
he would nibble and eat a few of those crumbs then right behind
him is my makeshift birdbath, he would run back to it and get
a drink..then run back to the crumbs again. He got up on the
fence once but I wasn't fast enough with the camera to get it..
Between these cats and the animals outside I stay busy just
snapping photos. :-) But I enjoy it.. gives me something to do..
I had a major surprise last nite well evening.. Chris phoned and
I had a major surprise last nite well evening.. Chris phoned and
asked if he could come over for a while to talk to me..Of course
I said yes.. I have no hard feelings towards him even though he
was very rude.. When he got here, he came bearing gifts of a
wonderful bottle of wine.. we didn't drink it tho.. but we did talk..
He apologized for being so rude and mean the last time he was
here and told me he respects me alot..that I can do like I am ..
take care of myself..and what impresses him the most is that I
will stand up for myself and face what ever it is and wont let
anything intimidate me.. which I had to agree with him.. I will fight
for whats right and should be mine..and I wont back down.. I was
really impressed that Chris (landlord) took the time to come and
talk to me.. That was really nice of him and really for anyone to
go to a person that they have hurt and admit they were wrong..it
takes a lot and I respect him for that.. When he left he thanked me
for my hospitality in letting him come by..We had a nice long talk
and I think it helped to smooth things out.. I am pleased to know
that he does think so highly of me.. He had a really bad bad day
said some tennants had moved out and almost destroyed the
house.. I just don't understand how people can do that.. destroy
and ruin something that belongs to someone else and that they
are good enough to let you live in it... sorry people in my book...
Other than that and getting up 3 times last nite.. I cannot drink so
much during the evening.. I did sleep late today tho..till 8 am.. I
didn't know how to act! The boys were starving..theyre used to
Mom getting up by 5 at least and giving them breakfast.. We got
them this new friskies cat food..its in a smaller container but I
mean..these cats eat EVERY bit of it.. they lick the bowl clean.. I
feel bad sometimes thinking they may still be hungry..since that
dish is empty but they have 3 kinds of dry food out there so I know
they arent.. But this new stuff they really really like it..and its the
same price as the canned but not as much... but then the canned
they NEVER ate it all..I bet they would leave over half of it, so this
new stuff is better.. I am glad they eat all of it...
Lunch was a burger from Dairy Queen today and I havent had any
thing from there in a while.. I was impressed it was very good and
they had LIME ICEES...talk about good! excellent.. THEN I got
and I have saved it for this evening.. a caramel Sunday.. I love
caramels.. Its sitting in my freezer right now and I am going to go
out and get it.. The boy Donald will be here later and If I don't eat
it now..I know he would.. I do have a couple Dove chocolate bars..
no DOUBLE chocolate..and Donnie is a chocoholic... Was funny
today I asked him about their anniversary and what they had set
up to do for it.. Donnie says they are "going camping" well that's
good..but for an anniversary..well put me in a nice hotel room
with room service by a casino..now THATS a good anniversary..
My Carmel Sunday is callling and I need to get some things
together for Donnie to fix for me.. He said he would take the air
conditioner out of the window for me.. I wonder though if he puts
it in the basement will it smell? I sure don't want that.. So I may
wait.. Penny said the thing on the de humidifier said 90% so
it is still VERY damp down there.. That pail to catch the water
HAS to be emptied every day.. Tomorrow Heidi comes so may
be she will go down and empty it for me. Now its time for a Sunday
and time to say "nitey nite.."
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and THANKS!!!
I sincerely appreciate that you read this..and those that leave me
notes to let me know that you do..well I really am very pleased
that you do and tell me .. Means a lot to me.. I am grateful..I
have many blessings..and dear friends are many of them..
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 11:16 PM, Anonymous said…
It is difficult to get butterscotch or caramel in new York City.
My cat likes to birdwatch - He likes his birds cooked and de-feathered.Brooklyn has several flocks of wild parrots.
At 9:06 AM, Anonymous said…
Great pictures again Lois, love the one with both of our boys looking out the window together.
When we got home from church, the weather was real bad...that way I am here this morning. Got to keep my computer safe from those bad storm.
So glad Chris was good to you, I hope he stay that way.I know it hard to be a landlord, when poeple destroy and ruin the rent home...my brother Leonard has rent homes...and the thing he told me.
Lois have a wonderful day my friend.
God bless you.
At 5:25 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar..
Did you know you can make your own best caramel in the world? in 6 hours... get a can of eagle brand milk..put it totally immersed in water in a pan..gently boil it..for 6 hours adding water to make sure the can stays covered.. In 6 hours you will have some of the best caramel you have ever eaten.. I used to make homemade candy..how I know..If its scarce there make it and sell it!!! lol.. easy to do..
Wild Parrots? wow.. I thought you had pidgeons? I saw a show about some hawks that nested on a building there...
Hi Mary,
Im glad you like them.. LB is sucha stinker isnt he? he can give a look.. Its a shame how some people are then it makes it harder for the others...
I hope you had a good day today.. Im going to write my self a note so I know its friday tomorrow..I was confused all day... I hate that LOL..
Always, Lois ****
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