~Ouch ~
If you look at the 2 arrows one up top by my finger, the other
there above my thumb sorta..Know what caused them? Well..
last week I mentioned Chris brought a bottle of wine..I thought
I had a corkscrew..I didn't, I have no idea where it went..So
Dawn said to use a screwdriver..I used a ice pick..See that nice
Dawn said to use a screwdriver..I used a ice pick..See that nice
round hole there? I stabbed myself so hard and deep my thumb
doesn't work right and talk about SORE! it really hurts.. the
little gash up on the finger was just like sliced across where
the other is a stab.. I got my right hand once too..not bad tho..
So I did find out something I did not know..Well it wasn't a
cork , cork..it was a plastic cork.. I dug, twisted, and after about
a half hour I finally got that cork out.. If I hadnt run out of kool
aid I wouldn't have been trying to get that wine open to drink.
I didn't want plain water..so I figgured this would do and may
be even make my day a little better... :-)
I poured myself a glass of this wine..its a very dark wine..I
really didn't like the taste..it was bitter and dry. I like sweet
and juicy ... So I figgured out how to not really taste it..and
that's to just drink it real fast..and while its super cold.. I
finished that bottle of wine just about the time I logged off
of this computer.. I remember closing down, rolling into
my bedroom..even getting on the bed and laying down..
But HONESTLY, I don't remember one thing after that
till I woke up at 4:30 with Dutch walking all over me and
tapping my face.. I looked at the time and I was amazed.
I thought I had just dozed off ..I guess I did.. I know I went
in there about 730 or so..I had a good sleep..but then..
all I did was cover my head, lay back down and I didn't
roll out of that bedroom till 8:20 this morning.. I think that
wine did more for me to help me sleep than anything.. I
just wish it was sweeter..I am NOT a wine person so I
have NO idea what is what.. I do have a friend that makes
his own and promises to send me a bottle but that's been
every year now for 4 years.. That wine sure is ready to
drink by now.. . :-)
When I was married the first time, we bought a house, Danny
was my first husband..We lived in Pennsylvania.. A steel town,
outside Pittsburg... Next door were a husband and wife, Mr.
and Mrs Rossi..VERY Italian.. Mr. Rossi made homemade
Dego Red wine.. He would see one of us outside or both and
yell over to us... "Hey, come taste my wine"..we didn't hesitate
and went straight over there..Mr. Rossi had a wine press out
in his garage and made some wonderful wine.. His idea of a
"TASTE" was a drinking glass FULL...that was a taste..It was
so good.. My husband being Italian loved it.. Mrs Rossi was
the one that taught me to make my own pasta..she was an
excellent cook... and I wanted to learn...
She came over early one morning..and she had with her what
looked like a long , maybe 3 foot, stick..or pole.. That was her
rolling pin.. She got the flour, dumped it on the table..then made
a hole in the center and put in her egg and water and mixed..
and rolled, flour everywhere.. and she whipped that stick out
and proceeded to roll out that dough..She was an expert..She
cut those strands of noodles and floured them and told me to
keep dusting and moving them around so they dry out..then
she gave me the directions on how to cook them.. Needless
to say..they were THE best..anytime I needed to know how to
make something Mrs. Rossi was more than willing to come
and show me.. I can make some killer pasta and sauce... I
was taught by an expert...
I wanted to say thanks for all the nice compliments on the photos
yesterday.. Im so glad you liked them..Those that asked for
the video I hope you enjoy it.. I have the most fun doing that.. well
taking photos or making the videos..its something for me to do.
My days are long, specially when no one but the lunch girl Chris
comes in.. I decided I am going to start to do some knitting.. I
just need a refresher.. I can still sit here at my computer but I
would at least be doing something constructive, besides I need
some new dishcloths... :-)
Penny came today thank GOD!!! I was SO ready for her to get
here.. Dutch was so mad at her he wouldn't even pay her any
attention at all..Hes so moody... She did go and get some
kool aid for me though..I also had her get me some wine
coolers.. I heard wine is good for you so..I think I will find out..
These Seagram's wine coolers are really good..sweet too..
and GORGEOUS WEEBLES need sweet to stay sweet..
She did get me a blueberry pie too..so 3 guesses where
I am headed? yup..to the pie, to the bed, to the TV and
lets hope tonite I remember seeing something.. I hope
anyway . then to sleep, then to "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya, and Thanks..
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 7:32 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
I loved the leopard outfit and the beautiful fingernails. You say you don't have much but you have A LOT!!!!!!! I'd love to have a glass of wine with you. Thanks for everything.
At 8:18 PM, Anonymous said…
Lois so sorry you got hurt.
Hope your thumb get better real soon.
It sure has been cold here and rainy too all day long.
Pam is doing real well today, staff said she even laugh a little.
I took a little cold today, noise running some now...taking vit C hoping it will haelp me.
I do not want it to be cold and rainy anymore,it to hard on me. My age is really showing.
I better get to my mail, hoping to get in bed early.
God bless you Lois.
At 10:55 PM, Anonymous said…
Ah drinking! I love brandy or distilled wine. Some of the israeli wine is boiled to make it kosher and if it is boiled enuf, it becomes slightly distilled and a mild brandy. I love the spanish brandies from jerez - house of osborne and fundador - yummy!
At 8:01 AM, Lois said…
Hi A...
Thanks, Im glad you liked it, I enjoy long nails just hard to type with sometimes :-) Well YOU bring the wine oki?
Hi Mary,
I inflict my own injuries and make my own messes, you would think I would learn... The ice pick slipped, sure hurts tho..it will heal... I hope you get to feeling better! Take care..:-)
Hi Momar..
Yes, I know you know wine, I want some thing sweet, what do you suggest? Im a newbie at wine drinking, I know I slept good :-)
Hope y'all have a good day, so nice to hear from you..thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
At 2:09 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey Gorgeous Woman,
Just checking in - let you know I'm keeping up...
Sorry about the mishaps with the corkscrew...err.. ice pick... bummer. Well, a little wine always helps.
Take - care - will be in touch,
Bare Hugs,
At 5:26 PM, Lois said…
Hi Butty!
Good to hear from you..I worry when I dont.. the hand is ok..just a bit sore..I will survive lol..
Always, Lois ****
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