
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

~TADA!~ :-)

TADA! See? I did it.. I took some photos in the leopard
PANTS! Now, I tried it, wore them..want my opinion? I
don't like them worth a hoot! I never had to work so hard
to get pants on EVER!.. I figured I would try them for a
while..see what its like so I can say from my own trial of
wearing them as a Dak, which I have never done..Well..
I will tell you what.. I wont wear them again..what a pain
in the patootie..These amputees that wear them ..well I
don't know why they do.. I think skirts look a lot better
than pants anyway!...Its too much like work to me.. I like
fast, easy, safe..To me..pants are none of them...
I just don't like the look of empty pants legs, no feet to
be seen. Strange.. I look at that photo..I know its me..but
wheres my legs that I don't see? my brain Sees them there.
I feel them there..all the time..but theyre not there...its
really an amazing thing...I probly will never understand it.
But I still say this set will look a lot better, to me, as a
skirt.. not pants..
I had to laugh at my self as I tried to get these pants back
up over my butt as im sitting on it, and on the potty. I had
to decide which would be the easy way. sitting there or back
in my chair. Well I backed into my chair and tried getting
them on that way. It wasn't easy pulling first one side,
then lift up..then pull the other, lift up, then again 2 or 3
more times till I could get the blooomin things where they
were sposed to be and not feel like I was being cut in
half.. If these pants hadnt been satin..well I bet I would have
just left them off and not tried to fight getting them back
up...Doesn't that just look totally weird? I look like im totally
double jointed :-) I thought was a fun photo :-D
Of course the boy had to check mom out in these weird
pants..they were so slippery he tried to go across my
lap and slid right off.. Its great material..and by wearing
it like I did for a few hours today I know what I have to do
to modify it..I need to do some alterations on the jacket
too.. The sleeves are too loose and I like a more tapered
sleeve not one flopping all over...To make a skirt out of the
pants will be very easy and the material I have left from the
pants legs I havent decided what to do with it.. I may make
a black top and trim it out with this material and make a
really nice suit..Now all I need is somewhere snazzy to
wear it.. I think I would look good wearing this to the casino..
be cool and kinda dressy since the material is so nice...
You can see how shiney it is..So, I wonder who is gonna
take me ? :-)
I took these photos from a video clip..If you decide you like
the photos and want the video just send me an email and I
will send it to you... Its nothing spectacular ..just me in all

After the fight with the pants for a few hours I decided I had
to check out the lumps in my bed..I took all the pillows off
and pulled the blankets back to find the sheet and a thinner
blanket I guess Penny had put on for padding, were all
wadded up and made my back sore laying on them.. It was
a major deal to fix this.. but if I am going to sleep tonite I had
to.. I pulled the sheet back over the corner, straightened the
blanket, then I had to pull my comforter up and back to where
it was..I then had to get onto my bed, and sort of hop over my
lumpy blankets and try to get them out from under me.. I had
to, I cant reach the far side of the bed unless I get on it.. I did
manage to get the blankets fixed, but I know they wont stay,
the mattress has a plastic cover, not cloth..no Matter what I
put over that it will still slide. Its a hospital mattress, one that
is more sanitary for a hospital in case the person has problems
and has accidents in bed..For me its not good since I drag
more and it being so slippery everything goes with me.. A
cloth mattress is better..for someone like me that is...

Well this has been an interesting day for me gaining knowledge
about wearing pants as a DAK. I don't like it and I doubt if I will
wear them again unless its by a special request..then I might
consider it..Im easy to get along with..But until then its skirts
for this lady .. I think they make me look more feminine and that
is VERY important to me.. I like looking my best, then I feel my
best...its only logical.. The best for me right now is to get out
of this chair for today..and have a light dinner..I hope Penny
comes tomorrow so I can get some more kool aid.. Food,
TV then sleep..GORGEOUS WEEBLES need all the beauty
sleep they can get ..."Nitey Nite"...:-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? love ya..and thanks !!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I was once told that to be a dak makes it so difficult to dress for men or women. Certainly to put on certain clothes is very difficult. some people have home attendants many hours a day. others almost no hours - it's not fair.

  • At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Fantastic photos. You look great in your new outfit - no matter how you wear the pants. How about a leopard skirt and black stockings. That would be the ultimate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Send the video Lois, you sure do look nice all dressed up.
    Very nice pictures of yourelf.
    I work a double shift today with Pam, she is doing real well. Just a few problem hoping they can be work out in time.
    Becky and Pam were here for Lunch, nice to be able to cook for them. Pam wanted to go back home around 4:30 PM, was hoping she would stay untill Dad got back from church...so off to her home till 11PM...one of the best time together we had in a long time. She love for me to tell her bed times stories...my stories are never scary, it always about her and the things she has love doing in stories form. I am so bless to have them in my life.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow gorgeous. Now that is a DIFFERENT look fer sure. Well, like you, I'm not sure I like it, but you do know how to post a very interesting set of photos. Still having problems getting any puter time here. Oh, yes - i would love the video of course. And your story to go with the pants was great!!

    Hope to have some time to spend with you soon Hon. Love ya.

    Bare Huggers,

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning :-)
    Yes it is hard, I worked out a way that works great for me, I sit on the potty and everything I wear slips over my head..or buttons down..I back into my chair and Im set..Pants are too much like work..Not for me...

    Thanks Anonymous..I would like a name...ok? Please? lol...Yes that would look nice but I dont have any black stockings..:-) but a skirt is in the works..

    Hi Mary,
    Thanks, I got an excellent deal on it and I may get the solid black too..be nice..then interchange... Have you thought of putting your stories down on paper Mary?

    Hi Butty!
    Thanks hon...Im so glad you liked the photos..I shall send the video as soon as I finish this.. Hope all is well by you.. :-)

    Hope y'all have a great monday..:-)
    Always, Lois ****

  • At 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey ... wild!

    The description of you in the new silk pants outfit is just the wildest.

    I loved the one where you pull up the empty pants leg.

    Hehehehehehehehe ...

    really the greatest.


  • At 2:48 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi d...
    Thanks.. so nice to hear from you :-)
    im glad you like..
    Always, Lois ****


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