
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

~A Sewing Spot~

Ive been sitting today looking at my sewing machine over there
by the desk..Im sitting and making a plan of attack at just how I
was going to go about fixing it over there so I don't have to move
a zillion things to be able to sew.. I know I will have to pull my
machine out away from the wall...well first clean the stuff off the
top of it..There on the side of the machine, there is a bar that opens
out, I have a piece of cloth stuck in there, that's what the white
spot is..or it will pop open anytime it wants.. Its to hold the lid,
well the top of the cabinet thing.. The way it is..if I opened it
Up..it would flip back up this way and it would hit the shelf above
it, that's why it has to be pulled out first..

I havent tried putting my chair up there yet, as I think I may be
able to transfer to that little bench that is there.. I get nervous
thinking of sitting on that with no arm rests.. but I think If I put
my chair right up to the back of that bench if I transfer to it..It
would give me a better sense of security.. I don't like being un
safe.. Ive learned the hard way how easy it is to fall out of this
chair.. The bench may be the perfect height for me to reach the
lever that is underneath on the right side to run the machine..
It will take planning and maneuvering to do it.. I may be able to
just take the arms off this wheel chair and that might work.. I
just have to plan exactly what I want to do or It will cause me
extra moves and rolls and maybe even transfers I wouldn't
have to do .. I plan first..THEN I attack a situation or problem..
The sewing machine inside there is a old Singer, the black head
one.. It was taken off an old treadle machine and put into this
cabinet.. Its a beautiful one..well taken care of..It was given to me
by my dearest friend in the hhome.. Ceola.. She was my constant
companion every day while I was in there.. She was a dearie..
and so lovely... her hair was so snowy white..and if you saw her
in person..could see the porcelain skin she had..and twinkly blue
eyes.. She was a sweetie.. She carved eggs.. those huge ones.
ostrich ones I think.. and she had some on display out in the lobby,
I was in awe of what she could do with them.. She loved to sew..
when I moved out of there, her son Randy delivered her sewing
machine to me..and that's it there.. Means a lot to me.. and it
sews wonderful.. She couldn't live alone anymore..and Randy put
her in there.. she was really hurt by that..but he never knew how
she felt.. she never told him.. Not long after I left she passed away.
I was so sick then that I couldn't go to her funeral.. She helped me
make it through that place.. Look on her right wrist.. there is one of
the bracelets that I made...

But I think if I clean out that desk, and rearrange I could make a
nice little sewing area..with out a lot of mess..I could possibly do
this in the bedroom but that carpet in there is a 1000 times worse
than this in here.. I hesitate and take a deep breathe before I even
venture the trudge through the bedroom to my bed...I think this
will do I just have to plan..:-)

Well I skipped lunch and its time I made some food to eat..what-
I don't know.. I am just gonna raid the fridge and see whats there.
I have left over meat pie..so I may nuke some of that.. Im tired
and don't feel like going through a big deal to cook..so the pie
will save me a lot of work.. I sound like I hate work and I really don't,
its just well tedious..and I have to do more than just basics to do
anything I guess is why.. But, its that time again..for my famous
GORGEOUS WEEBLE words.. "Nitey Nite".. :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya..and thanks ! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for showing us your friend Ceola, it was nice seeing her picture. Wonderful to make friend where ever we are at in life.
    When I sew I make a big mess until I am complete done. ever thing else just about stop until it done...
    I hope you can stay in your wheelchair to do the sewing Lois, sure don't want you to get hurt...

    Patsy had her MRI today in Parson, Monday we will fine out how it turn out...sure hope she doesn't have to have surgery again...

    WOW we had the rain this morning, and it turn cold. They said we might get some snow tonight.
    How your weather there???

    Our Red Van is no more, the engine went out...Going to fix up our daughter Beth old car for me to get around in for now.

    Lois I dream you came to see me, wow the dream was so real...I don't dream much or remember them...
    I pray you have a great Wednesday my friend.

  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have a friend who graduated from fashion school in mid-life. she has 2 or three industrial sewing machines. I think her sewing tables are always ready to go. she mainly does costumes for the local opera company. she has done some clothing for the disabled, and she has an amputee dog with 3-legs.

  • At 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    Ceola looks a real nice lady, the sort who never had a bad word to say about anyone.
    You are right, planning ahead is VERY important. It's how we got just about everything right in this house we are in now. I used to go to sleep planning and carry on when I woke in the morning and sometimes when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night!! But it all panned out OK, and I'm sure your sewing corner will, too.
    I know you will have a ball when you get that fixed!! ;o)
    Take care, Honey, L.O.L. & G.B.H. from

  • At 2:31 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Thank you for the card! I love snail mail..your so sweet Mary to think of me.. you are such a dear lady ..

    Its been an awful day here..Ice,rain. and snow is next..Joys of winter..:-)
    I wish I could help you Mary.. I surely would.. Be nice to visit with you in person.. I have another friend Jo that lives not far from you.. :-)

    Hi Momar,
    Lucky friend! an industrial machine is a joy to have..the speed is addictive..I love it.. I can operate at least 4 or 5 different types of industrial sewing machines..

    Hi Raife..
    Seeing what you have done to your house you could make this little place just a wonderful place to live... your handy as a button :-)

    SO nice to hear from you..thanks so much.. Y'all have a good day..
    Always, Lois ****


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