~Bad Lookin Thumb!~

There is a photo of what my right thumb looks like today. The date
and time are there.. I got up this morning and you see how red,
the dark spots are where it has cracked open and was bleeding..
its spreading more to the top of my hand as well as under the base
of my thumb.. It is really sore and hurts.. I sat and I looked at my
hands and arms.. and I honestly have NO idea what has caused
this OR what it is..and NOTHING I can do seems to be helping..If
I use just warm water to wash over them, after they dry off they
dry so badly that causes the cracks when I use my hand to push my
chair..No matter what kind of cream or ointment I put on makes it
even redder. But I am getting worried,, but the bad thing is I am so
discouraged that I cannot get in to see this dermatologist until
JUNE ..the 5th of June.. that's 2 months.. what am I to do in the
meantime? Julie refused to give me anything.. ask Penny..she
heard her...Why didnt Julie KNOW? read on.....
I found out that Julie is NOT a doctor.. but a physicians assistant..
So perhaps that's why she had NO idea of what it is. So, now, get
I found out that Julie is NOT a doctor.. but a physicians assistant..
So perhaps that's why she had NO idea of what it is. So, now, get
this.. I found out TODAY, they DO have a Dr as in Doctor
come in there once a week!..So, why did she wait until today, this
is Janelle at the clinic, to tell me this? When I called today I told her
that I will not go all the way up to Kalamazoo and since that clinic
doesn't feel my hand condition warrants an immediate visit to a
dermatologist so they squeeze me in that I felt I may have NO
choice but to go to the emergency room. I have to have some relief
and I cannot take any more chances that this would spread all
over my body which it IS.on my left stump I noticed..in 2 places..
Janelle says, "Lois, I can make an appt for you for NEXT Wednesday
when the doctor is here and you can see him".. NOW..why did she
not suggest this 3 weeks ago? Why didn't Julie when she refused to
give me ANYTHING because she didn't know what it is... That we
are treated like we are nothing because we have such poor health
care is awful. . There is NOT ONE doctor in this town that will take a
medicaid patient.. or what ever it is I have. They will medicare.. but
not me.. Isnt that discrimination? We have to get sub standard care
and are treated with such discrimination..this is awful.. and just think..
if I was some quiet mousy woman that didn't raise hell..these people
would let me ROT! ! What is wrong with this??
And- to wait almost 3 months to get a rash taken care of? THAT
really amazes me...If you have a rash NOW, what do they think
it will just go away? The more goes on and I see how I am being
treated with such disregard for my health.. upsets me.. That I
cant go to just any Dr, I have to settle for this clinic that only has
a Dr once a week and they don't even know your history or what
ALL your problems are.. This assistant comes in asks what the
problem is today and doesn't even bother to look at anything
about you ..and the bad thing is they don't really care.. I think this
is where the bad students are sent for punishment for bad grades
or something..
I know you can tell Im upset about this..that they have such little
disreguard for ME.. I am nobody.. A welfare person..low life..living
off the government as they see anyone that gets SSI.. doesn't matter
Im disabled.. or that I have numerous health issues..Im a free loader
living off the government.. that's why we get the sub standard care.
Boy have I gone on about this hey? but I am worried..and I am really
stuck.. I could go to the ER..but unless they deem it a real emergency
after I get there..I could end up having to pay for it.. I cant take that
chance either ! So you see.. Im stuck.. I have another week to wait
to get some sort of relief from this.. Ive tried everything, trust me..I
have called every one and their red headed cousins.. and I have
still gotten NO WHERE.. Boy .. that sure makes me feel great.. Then
they wonder why we are depressed.. isnt this a good reason??
Enough on this for today I am posting this..gonna soak these hands
for a few and get out of this chair.. I will admit I am slightly down in
the dumps today.. but this lady hasnt sung YET and this is FAR from
over.. I love a good fight.. and well this isnt right.. I don't know what I
can do maybe a good law suit might help.. I need a good lawyer or
something :-) Maybe I need to call my sister..:-) Between her and I ?
Well no one would want to take both of us on let me tell ya :-) Time
to get a snack and say my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "Nitey Nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya.. and thanks !! :-)
ALways, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 5:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Trouble is, Honey, you're not good T.V. material. If you were 26 years old, 36 - 26 - 36 ,blonde and beautiful (You ARE the last two!!) you would have a couple of T.V. crews round there and everyone falling over themselves to help.
The paper that ran the story about the ramp can't help, I suppose? If the local D.I.Y. store can lend a hand, doesn't it put these so-called doctors to shame?
That was a shameful trick, fobbing you of with a no-doctor like that.
Maybe a letter to the local paper might sting someone off their asses and in to action?
I'm mad as hell over this treatment of my favourite Weeble. If there is anything I can do from my end - say the word.
My Russian friend seems to be getting similarly cavalier treatment over in Russia.
The greatness of a nation can be measured by the compassion shown by those in authority to the weakest and most vulnerable of their peoples. On this count, both the U.S.A. and the Russian Federation seem to be failing.
Well, thats my Limey two-pennuth, anyhoway.
Keep kicking ass, Honey. Take care.
L.O.L. & G.B.H. from
At 10:33 PM,
MaryC said…
Hello Lois
Yes your hand look very bad...I think there is not enough doctor to go around. So sad when people are needing help.
Becky bottom is doing better for now. And Patsy can drive now WOW she is so happy about this.
The weather here is real nice, it 67 F right now.
God bless you Lois
At 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
You need just to have a blood sample drawn at home. I still think it might be staph. Please, please try to get wound care - I do not think you need to see a dermatologist. You need to see your pcp and get your blood cleaned up and then consider wound care which I think your PCP can prescribe or order.
At 2:19 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife,
It worries me when I think of the trouble I have getting anywhere and Im mouthy and yell alot..those that dont I worry what happens to them? No we are not an asset any more..we are considered Liabilities.. big difference.. I think alot of the problem with this clinic is the nurses that think they rule.. when they dont..
Hi Mary,
we have rain and ice and snow headed at us again.. Winter isnt over yet.. :-)
Hi Momar,
the warm water soaks seem to be helping to take the redness away.. I just dont want this crap to spread..
Sure is nice to hear from you and thanks so much for the loving concern for me.. greatly appreciated..thanks :-) what would I do with out y'all? be all by myself and that wouldnt be good !! :-)
Hugs N Love,
Always, Lois ****
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