~Morning Dove~
There is one of the morning doves that you can hear cooing
out there. Its a gray color with black spots on it.. Some people
I think eat these little birds..Well look at those Cornish hens
we can buy to cook.. Theyre good..I don't think I could eat one
of those doves though..That's like rabbits.. I cant eat those
either..There is a huge outdoor sports store down the road
that has a restaurant in it..they serve buffalo. rattlesnake and
all sorts of wild game there.. Im kinda glad im more of a
vegetarian than a meat eater I think..plus I like fish too..Some
of the fish they have here in these lakes are excellent. The
lake Donnie lives on is an excellent fishing lake. That's why
his dad likes to come down in the summer so he can take
Donnies pontoon boat out and just float around and fish all
day..It has a canopy so its out of the direct sun...That can
do you in..ask me how I know!!
One summer day, my ex and I and his brother and his wife
decided to go down to this huge lake, rent a boat and fish
all day..We got a nice 16 foot boat that had plenty of room
for the 4 of us and all our junk plus the fishing tackle..We
loaded up the boat and Davids brother said he knew the
lake and where the good fishing was..Mark and David
fished a lot they were brothers but good buddies as well.
Marks wife, Sheila and I were good friends too.. By the
time we got the boat out and launched and started to find
a place to fish it was about 8 am..early..and it was going
to be a beautiful hot sunny day...
As the day wore on we must have went around that lake
I know at least 3 times.. by 2 oclock I started feeling really
kinda bad.. I was so HOT.. I looked at that cool water all
around the boat and all I wanted to do was jump in so I
could cool off.. I started to get nauseated and I told the
others I had to go ashore and get in the shade..I was too
hot.. Mark started the engine and we started to head
back to the boat launch where the car was.. We got
almost there and the last thing I remember was David
saying.."are you ok?" ... I woke up sitting in the back
of an ambulance.. I had heat stroke ..I don't think Ive
ever been so sick from the sun but 1 other time and
that was when I fell asleep on the jettys in Galveston
for about 5 hours ...I learned NEVER to fall asleep if
you are laying in the sun!...the hard way...but I learn,
that's the main thing...
Rebecca came today from Keystone..she has 11 clients
she has to see in 3 days..shes busy.. She just moved into a
nice new duplex that's a lot bigger..I talked to her about
finding a bigger place for me so I can get my sewing up
and running again so maybe I can make a few extra dollars.
I explained to her I cant do it the way it is in here I just
don't have enough room..for cutting and sewing its just
wouldn't be easy..Shes going to keep an eye out .. I
would like to make some extra money while I work up
enough courage to fly again then I could afford a trip
to the UK.. I have a son and so many friends there I think
it would be a great holiday..If I could do some sewing it
wouldn't take me long to save up enough to take a holiday
there..I would like that..One of these days I will muster up
the courage to go.. I think the hard part is flying by myself.
If I had my legs..I wouldn't hesitate to go alone.. but like this
I just feel safer if I have someone with me to sort of ride
shotgun so to speak..
I have some leftover meatloaf and you KNOW how good
it is when its left over and made into a sandwich..VERY
good..trust me :-) so that's what Im gonna do..and then
watch TV for a while..Penny will be here tomorrow but
we don't have a lot to do.. I was going to make arrange-
ments for a ride to meijers but Curtis wasn't available
to take me.. so Penny and I will go next week one day.
She has a easy day tomorrow not a lot to do..and we
have been good no big messes thank goodness! Im
off to get my sandwich and relax so its that time again..
for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".. :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****
God Bless you, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....
At 10:39 PM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois
I would not like eating doves either, I use to eat rabbit but not anymore.
Cow, chicken,turkey and fish is enough for me to eat...fish and beef I like the best. chicken give my stomach problem if I eat to much of it.
I have eaten buffalo and like it, but hard to fine. Deer is good to eat too, but hard to get. I like deer make into sausage the best.
I hurt my left foot this morning, hoping it get better real soon.
After a heat stroke you have to be careful from then on I hear.
I do hope you can get a bigger and better place to live...you need to be able to get around your home real easy and even go out side with out help too...that real important for your safety my friend. After Mike moves out in June, I am going to clear out this home of mine and make more room in it.Later will do some painting on the inside, it been a long time.
God bless you Lois.
At 8:12 AM, Anonymous said…
In East Germany aftr WWII the whole country raised rabbits, because they needed less food. I heard in 1945 and 1946 there was not enuf food available and some elderly people died of starvation in West Germany.
At 10:00 AM, Anonymous said…
My daughter was on a vegitarian kick many years back. No meat ... it's too close to murder. No eggs ... even the unborn have rights. No milk products ... she thought cows were unwilling hostages.
All that nuttiness stopped when her father (me) pointed out how carrots scream when they are torn out of the ground.
And as for the sun and sun stroke ... you were right. You should have jumped in the lake ... never mind it would mess up the fishing.
So there
At 2:19 PM, Lois said…
Hi Guys :-)
So nice to see you here.. I sure appreciate you leaving a note for me.. I like venison too Mary..My ex was an avid deer hunter..bow, and gun hunting...
My grandpa used to raise rabbit. I tried it once, and I have fixed it for david..but its not a fav like venison or partridge..now..thats GOOD stuff..
Im having shrimp tonite.. on sale couldnt pass it up.. :-) your invited ifn ya wanna come ! :-)
Love and hugs
ALways, Lois ****
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