~Lovey Doveys~
My lovey doveys are back..They have really been out
side a lot lately..And they are always together, they arrive
the same time and leave...The sound they make is so
nice.. a very mild soft COOOOO...I can hear them inside
the kitchen ... I cant tell which one is the male or female
as they are almost identical, maybe they are both male
or both female? possible but they sure stick close to each
the bag in the garage all the birds are back to the feeder..
I should have known something was wrong when I didn't
see them out there hardly eating it.. I looked out once and
saw the black squirrel running out of the garage..well HE
probly is the one opened the bag to feed everyone.!. Well
its for them anyway but Penny went out and looked and
she had to come back for the broom and dust pan they had
such a mess... I know they sure like those sunflower seeds,
those are in that bowl that black stuff is the sunflowers... I
should have planted them !! I wish I had thought of that!
wonder if its too late to plant some..if they would grow ..
I know my dad always planted them along the side of the
garage by the garden.. When those things grew they
were over 6 foot tall..and the birds went nuts..A field
that a farmer has up north, he grows sunflowers and
when they are ready,to drive by it, is breathtaking its
so beautiful.. Flowers are such a good thing.. I wish I
could have some live ones in here..but with a plant and
flower eating cat..well its NOT possible...
I was sitting at my desk this morning and it was really
quiet,I thought Penny had gone outside.So I called
out "Are you in or out?" no answer, I said again "Are
you in here?"... I hear a voice say "Me?"... I laughed
so hard. like who else is IN HERE ?? No one had
better be! :-) Penny got us all clean and ran to the drug
store to refill a prescription for me. When I was in
hospital I started new meds and now have 5, plus an
aspirin every day.. They claim it helps, so it was added to
my others. My cholesterol was out of sight so I have to be
on a med for that and of course my thyroid and BP ones.
I'm not a pill taker and I have to keep them right here by
me.. I try to take them the same time every day so I
remember if I took them.. Sometimes I forget and then I
don't want to take a double dose for a day that
wouldn't be good..Drop my blood pressure like a rock ...:-)
Lunch wasn't delivered till 1:20 today, I had been getting
it about 10:30..I don't understand what is wrong with that
place.. I asked Chris when she was here and she said
their computer isnt mapping out the routes well enough.
Maybe they need someone else on the computer that can
do it right? I did call CAA and had to leave a message, I
called BigDaddy Ken, left a message there too.So hopefully
I will get a call back..if not today or tomorrow I guess I will
have to have a phone day Wednesday too.. I told Penny
she can be off Friday since its the fourth..she doesn't have
any plans till Saturday when its her grands birthday. I asked
if she would stop by and just take out the trash and do a few
small things for me..From Wednesday to Monday is a long
time..well for someone like me it is..
Well out of news for this day and I'm gonna work on that
story I said about LB and his girlfriend.. I got some of those,
no ..Penny did, those ice cream little nuggets.. Dibs? I had
a whole box full,but when the kid comes that's the first thing
he looks for are those,he ate everyone last time.. He or Dawn
are sposta come by today, if its Donnie I am NOT telling him
I replaced the ones he ate! If I want a taste that is !... I'm
gonna go eat some first ! I'm done for today so that means
its time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".. :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 5:53 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Squirrels will get into most things! We had one that chewed its way through the plastic base of a wire mesh pea-nut feeder. I Found an empty tin can that fitted (Sorry, fit!) and pop-riveted that in, in place of the plastic. That 'ad 'im!!! Now, the jackdaws are pulling the wire mesh apart! They are greedy beggars. They turn their heads sideways so's they can scoop up bigger beaks full of robin food from the tops of the gateposts, where I put the food in the morning. Bloomin' bids are costing us a fortune!!!
But they are such a joy to have around.
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 11:07 AM, Anonymous said…
Gorgeous One, It sure is fun watching the birds and other critters. We have bird feeders here - get lots - titmice, chickadees, goldfinches, cardinals, and lots of others. Also fun to watch the squirrels - they'll do anything to get the seeds. They can be quite comical. Never figured out the baffle on the pole though - it "baffles" them. Have seen them going up right inside it, then coming down with a "baffled" look - lol. We've also got foxes, racoons, garter snakes, very rarely a deer. We enjoy our critters.
I also enjoy you immensely - you gorgeous thing!!
Take care - bare hugs,
At 3:44 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois I know I am very late.
It has been a very long day Monday and this today has been on of those days too.
At times I just don't what to do first...wanting on a phone call right now...Bob just got back from mowing Pam lawn...I better get off right now...
God bless you Lois
At 4:03 PM, Lois said…
Hi Raife,
I know little buggers..but they are so pretty..I want to get like a small metal trash can with a lid to keep it in..its not fair to Penny to have to clean up messes made by the squirrels..lol... I LOVE the animals and birds.. I wish I had a birdbath out there for them too!
Hiya Butty ;-)
I LOVE the cardinals.. I have a pair that come to eat..the males are so beautiful..well the females are too but well Red is my favorite color ...snakes? ohoh.. I dont LIKE snakes..or worms even for that matter ick :-)
Hi Mary :-)
as long as I hear from you I wont worry its nice of you to let me know when your not going to be here its very sweet of you.. your such a dear friend..
So nice to hear from y'all just makes my day...thanks ...
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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