
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

~Start With a Bang~

Today started out with a bang.. a massive thunderstorm woke
us up.. The kids ran and of course when they did that they woke
me up cuz they were laying on each side of me ! LB was on my
right so when he jumped straight up I didn't notice that much..but
Dutch when he took off he ran straight across my chest and THAT
woke me. Usually one of the rules for living here you have to adjust
to the fact that when we have a bad storm we will either lose cable
or phone or both.. Usually cable it was really bad for a while just a
light flash and it would go off...As the morning wore on though it
cleared up and got warm its 80° out as I write this.. and it sunny
and nice, the boys are layin in the sun.. I was going to put the pics
of LB and his girlfriend today but I got in a discussion with a friend
and the time slipped away and I had lots to do so...I didn't get a
chance to write it..I will maybe tomorrow..The piccy is just of one
of the little birds out by the feeder..I love taking pics :-)

My Angel Food was delivered today and boy did I get some good
stuff I ordered 50.oo worth. the main bunch is 30 then you can
add other boxes of meat that you want.. I got a nice steak and
ribs and sausage as the extra.. it will last a long time.. plus there
were 2 TBone steaks..those I like.. not often, as I'm really not a
meat eater.. A nice salad with vinegar and oil dressing..is good
for a meal for me, but every once in a while I like meat and usually
I have a burger or meat loaf..The food today was great and it
will last me for a long time.. Since I wont be getting the canned
food box anymore from CAA I just have to start watching the sales.

Although I did look up on line about CAA and their food boxes..We
get one a month, and then every 3 months you get a 2nd box.. I
looked on line at how you qualify..so unless theyre fibbin..I don't
have to do anything for the 2nd box but ask for it.. I refuse to give
the CAA my personal insurance card info OR my social security
number.. I'm registered with the Dept Of Human Services and I
have been getting this stuff for 6 yrs.. I don't know why I never
paid attention to this.. yes I do.. I NEVER had to fill out anything
when I was renewing my card..like what would change anyway?
I was gonna grow back legs and not be disabled anymore? I'm
not giving them that information..it was the same with COA they
wanted ALL my personal info too.. I'm NOT giving out my SS
number to anyone for any reason.. its too easy now to have your
id stolen..not that I have anything worth stealing - but still why
take chances.. I plan to call CAA Monday to verify what I read..
I have a feeling they made up their own qualifications. I hope
they keep better records over there now.. that one woman kept
everyones file in a box under her desk! I had needed some paper
work from them before and the woman took the envelope in HER
CAR and it fell on the floor..a month later I called to inquire what
happened.. well she found my mail..under her car seat.. bad
job skills I say and if that's any indication on how Nonni does her
job..well I think they need to revise their work hapbits a bit...

The kids were due to stop by and as of this writing ive not heard.
They were going to check out a new kind of wood stove that burns
green wood,, no smoke, ash, creosote ..nothing.. and it costs over
7000 dollars.. a lot but he plans to heat his whole 4 bedroom house
tri Level .. and his garage.. AND his hot water..He gathers wood all
year, hes got a fire place now he uses to heat and only uses the
furnace for back up.. Its a great wood stove I read up on it, its by
GREENWOOD... So the kids may be getting one of them Its worth
it if it does all it claims.. I know they will be here as I told Donald I
had some food for them so I KNOW he wont go by with out stopping.
They have to go right down 131 which is only 2 blocks, in fact I can
see the light down there thru my living room window...Which the sun
is pouring thru right now making my ceiling fan not much good. I may
have to turn on the AC.. In the winter the gas is outrageous.. in the
summer its the electric.. I don't know how much energy this fan
pulls, I know its really nice in here when its on.. the air circulates and
it helps spread the cool from the AC since its in my bedroom..

Well not much news for today, I am working on another story that
I promised a friend I would write, I had told some of my escapades
and they asked that I write it out in story form.. I plan to and
then maybe add it to my other life stories..I bet if I wrote every
single story I would be writing every day for 6 years :-) Now its
time to write my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!! :-)
ALways, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A funny story about wood stoves. In New Hampshire and Vermont there are so many wood stoves, that they create their own pollution.
    a fellow who lives in my house works in a gourmet super-market and he will bring home organic, range fattened beef - I will use it for stews.

  • At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Lois we had some thunderstorm last in the morning... staying in out of the rain was a good time to paint inside.
    Only got one cabinet done and some trim...Bob said he would help my Monday...
    Becky sore under her left leg is a lot worst now...going to have to take her to the doctor Monday...she going to need a wound care place if thing don't get better for her.
    Bob feeling a little bit better, he might go to church in the morning...hoping to eat out after church...have to wait and see how he is feeling then.
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Gorgeous One,

    I am back from my 2 weeks in Alaska. Have lots of photos which I will share with you - eventually - please be patient. Lots of work to do on them.

    Just trying to catch up a bit. Nice photos of Rebecca and Donnie. Your new cam is great - hope to see more and more of - YOU! Love the new pics of you of course.

    I'll try to keep up now for a while - hope to be around.

    Bare hugs as always,


  • At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That looks like a common-or-garden House Sparrow (Female) to me - sits in the roof gutter and chirrups constantly. You often hear them clattering about in the roof space with their hob-nailed boots on!!
    You think your people are bad with personal data. Over here, some moron lost a couple of discs with the entire record of who was receiving child benefit - bank details, social security numbers, the LOT. They still haven't found the discs after several months. Then there were the secret files that were left on a train, when they should never have left the building - and so it goes on and on!! So your social security people aren't really trying very hard!!!
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    I believe it.. cheapest way to heat! Only thing is everyone can smell it on ya..Probly every one in NH and VT smell alike hey? :-)

    Hi Mary :-)
    Only bad thing about painting when it rains they say it wont stick..I dunno I am NOT agood painter at ALL...I dont trust paint..and it DONT like ME!! :-) I hope Bob improves and Becky gets better..

    HIYA BUTTY!!!! :-)
    Welcome back!! I bet you had a great time.. Iam anxious to see the photos..so nice of you to share with me..make me feel like I went too :-) I will be waiting .and IM GLAD your back!! you were missed :-)

    Hiya Raife :-)
    Ya its either that or a sparrow I dont know..but there are a bunch of them.. I was worried I didnt see any for a few days and the seed didnt go.. well the squirrels were feeding the birds in the garage where Penny keeps it ! No wonder they didnt eat out of the bird feeder :-)

    They all need better supervision, the ones here at CAA, they got a new one..well I think shes worse than the other one..rude on top of it.. and I dont need free food that bad Id go hungry first..and I know that wont happen!!

    So nice to hear from y'all thanks bunches !!! hope you had a nice day!

    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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