
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

~Sunday, Sunday~ :-)

Quiet day today, rainy and miserable too all morning..by
lunch it was sunny and nice.. I didn't get any phone calls
and no visitors..been very quiet..but was a good day..gave me
a chance to play with my webcam... I had a note on my post from
day before yesterday insinuating that my boy is the cause of "my
nasty sore" in the photo of him..hes NOT the cause of any scratches
or anything .. He bites.. and leaves puncture wounds ..not sores :-)
I'm NOT allergic to cats...Maybe you know something I don't?
I told Dutch that and you can see he wasn't happy :-)
kinda mad hey? Dutch plays very rough but so do I...
and he only uses his claws on the tires of my chair to
sharpen them.. if you try to pet the boy..like I warned
Donnie yesterday, he will bite you...if he doesn't know
you he will.. Dutch doesn't really like Donnie cuz he teases
the kid, ran that truck into Dutch 3 times! :-)
This Vista I don't know if I like it or not.. It makes me feel
stupid.. The smallest thing you do it asks you.."are you
SURE you wanna do that?" well yesss, I clicked on it ! I
hate that..the whole screen goes black then the window
pops up asking you.. I notice the colors are more intense
which I like but the start? I don't like how they have it at all.
Took me forever to find the sound recorder and my spider
solitare.. I do like this new sound recorder though..it will
let you record as long as you want to with out watching
at each minute to make sure you click it to keep recording.
I record songs off the net that way that I want.Then I have
a converter, dbpoweramp..which is excellent..they record in
a different format and I have to change it, so the converter is
good also will compress a mp3 into a wav which is good as
they arent as big... I LOVE music, that's what I do most of the
time is go to all the different wav sites and listen..

I havent had time to do a story of the kittie porn I promised, Ive
been working on another story a friend asked me to write.. I
am seriously considering it as I would like to write down all my
travels since I started on this road trip so long ago.. and I think
my sons would like it..I don't think I could ever really relay it all
to them in conversation..so this might be better.. I do have my
journal to help me with where and what but I didn't Start that till
in the 80's my first writing was on January 9, 1983.. that's the
year I lost my left eye...well I didn't lose the eye.. just the sight
in it..:-) The joys of tree work..

I havent gotten a return call from BigDaddy Ken, so I guess I
will have to make some phone calls tomorrow , to him and to
Nonnie at CAA.. I hope he will do something about that tree.
well I don't guess he can other than talk to the neighbor and if
he doesn't want to take it down I don't know then.. hmmmm....
I will have to find out..Its dangerous and threatening.. I don't
see why HE doesn't see the danger in it.. With the storms we
have been having I'm surprised it hasnt come down.. I noticed
the trees here in this town and there are TONS..but I noticed
there are no tree services here...Probly why theyre in the
condition they are..and the way Asphlund cuts them I wouldn't
let them cut my grass with scissors !! :-) I hope he does do
something..plus I havent heard anymore about the woman hes
gonna have do the basement.. I wonder what hes waiting for
on that.. I think BigDaddy either needs to take notes or get
a secretary to take care of business for him..They never answer
their phones .. always a recording then you don't get a call back
for days sometimes weeks! Bad business....

Well I have NOT eaten today at all.. I had the best morning tho,
I chatted to my son in England.. hes so very nice..I had hoped
he would log on yahoo and he did..just made my day... I wish
his brother would get in touch but Ive not gotten but 1 mail from
him.. which he probly just needs time..because I'm their mom
doesn't mean they have to like me.. I have some relatives I don't
like.. speaking of which I have to call and find out about my
brother..His wife hasnt called so I guess I will have to phone them
to see how hes doing.. Busy week end for them their daughter got
married saturday..well his wifes daughter.. I will put that on my
telephone list for tomorrow... I'm hungry and out of news..so its
time for my GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya..and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****

God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....


  • At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…




  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Richard,
    I got them hon..thanks! I dont know why you got them back if I got them?? hmmm weird...my lovelylittlelegs@gmail should work or my yahoo...which I dont use much.. ok its all clear LOL.
    Lois ****

  • At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wonderful pictures Lois.
    Becky unset because she didn't get to go to church today, she needed to stay in bed for the most part...her sore under her left leg not doing well. Hoping to get her into the doctor on Monday.
    Pam legs are looking real good... she doing a little more now because of her roommate...
    We had a cat the bit Bob big toes one night...Boy he was very upset over that for a long time...
    God bless you Lois
    Next week going to be a extra busy week for me, if I miss you will know why.

  • At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Gorgeous,

    There's a lot to be said for a quiet day! I could use more of them.

    Great pix - love the quality. Especially love the pix of the Gorgeous YOU!!

    Hope you have a great week!

    Bare hugs,


  • At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Lois,

    How are u doing. Me doing quite well.

    The pictures of you are very nice, specially the skirt.

    Of what material is it made of.

    Have a nice day.

    Take care



  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I hope Becky gets better. Its got to be so hard for her, a roommate for Pam may be just what she needed.. You have such a full plate Mary..I wish I could help you..

    Hiya Butty!
    Thanks ..this new web cam is really good Im pleased..I am anxiously waiting to see your photos I have heard so much about trips to Alaska how beautiful..I have a very dear friend lives in Homer..

    Hi Yashvin,
    My skirt and top both are silk. Its my favorite material. Im glad you liked the photos..

    So nice to hear from y'all thanks bunches!!!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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