~Rebecca Says Hi~
Good day today too.. I have been in a happy mood all week.
I am most grateful.. I talk about Rebecca from Keystone..Well
there is a new picture of this cutie..Isnt she pretty.?. I told her
I was going to put these here today and she laughed.. I told
her I was going to make note to point out her RED toenails!
:-).. Then you see she moved them in the next photo :-D .Shes
:-).. Then you see she moved them in the next photo :-D .Shes
so very nice, and has a young son Tyler, hes 3 or 4 I'm not
sure..She has a boyfriend :-) I had her to wave Hi at ya! :-)
Shes really good at her job..well you can tell she takes
Shes really good at her job..well you can tell she takes
it seriously..Look at her, how shes dressed.. so nice and
neat..a dress... She gets comfy when shes here and takes
her shoes off, I covered them over so the photo looked
better :-) Shes very at home here when she visits, which is
how I like all my company to feel..We talked about my
grant of course and she re assures me every time..She is
always offering to help me do things and one was to get
honest would LOVE to have it all one color again.. Its
just so hard with the shower set up I have. But I told
her that perhaps between the two of us we can figure
something out I'm sure.. My hair is getting so long, I
have seriously considered getting it cut..but Ive always
had long hair cuz I like it.. I can put it up, braid it, do
anything..classy it up or put in pig tails..:-) Last haircut
I got was back in ... hmmm 03 I think..been awhile..The
lady that did our hair at the hell home did people at
home so she came and did mine..Shes gone, moved
I think..I wish she was here.. I called the beauty shop
here to have it done..would cost 35.oo..well..I know its
such a treat to go there but..well I have better things to
spend that money on than my hair ! I have my priorities.
I was relaying a few tales to a friend about my travels.. When
I left PA and went from there to Jackson, Mississippi..then to
Nashville,Tennessee, then to Tampa, Florida, then I ended up
in Houston and Pasadena, Texas.. I guess that song "I've been
everywhere" really pertains to me. I was restless and what I
was looking for I don't really know.. I know I looked.. and really
I guess I still am.. for something better perhaps.. I was back
then too I think..When I think back to 1972, I was in Houston,TX,
I was working in a pool hall..where people came in to play and
rented time on the tables..Belonged to a sweet man, named
Blackie..he was a cowboy too let me tell ya.. Big man and not
afraid of anything.. When I went to work for him..he kinda took
me under his wing and watched out for me. I met a man and I
went off with him, name of Sid, and that's when I started to
work at the motels in Houston for that Lawyer, from there I met
my 2nd husband Willie..that worked at the motels too..I have
so many stories I could write about these many hats Ive worn..I
do enjoy telling them tho..maybe I will start to tell those stories
they ARE interesting I have to say.. :-) but nothing in my lifetime
has NOT been interesting..and truthfully, amazing.. :-) I've had
a good life..I have no complaints..even now..Life is good..Its
what WE make it.. :-) I'm making MINE good :-) slow at times..
but..its ALL good :-)
I slept late this morning..till 8 am.. I am a lazy bones.. The boy tried
to wake me up at 5 but I just covered my face with my hand and
the boy couldn't get to me and I went back to sleep..:-) Was a good
day and I'm ready to wind it down.. found some great music sites and
I'm gonna sit back and listen to these old songs that will take me
back to those "Good Old Days"...So its time for my daily
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"... :-)
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite"... :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!! :-)
Always, Lois ****
God Bless You, is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend"
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
until I write again .....
At 9:32 PM, Anonymous said…
When I think of all the places I have lived, NYC is always the favorite - partly it is because of all the cultural events and the good foods that are available I ran into my old frend today who is a bulgarian - american. He lived under socialism there. I always admire people who choose to live in nyc. I moved here from Missouri originally.
At 10:47 PM, Anonymous said…
Thank you for the pictures of Rebecca,yes she is a nice looking lady.
And so happy you have been in a good mood all week, that always nice.
Bob cut the grass today, sure didn't want him too...but he is feeling a whole lot better now...
Becky and Michael played ball tonight, both did very well. Will I hear there are two more games that needs to be make up...or this would have been the last game.
It sure going to make next week very busy for me...hoping to get back to painting again...It look like I won't have any time till after the 4th of July.
God bless you Lois
At 10:16 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Lois,
It's nice to hear that you are having such nice day.
Rebecca looks very nice in the pictures.
Me doing quite good these days. I sent u an email some time back this week but i did not receive any reply from you yet. I sent it on your gmail account.
Have a nice day.
Take care
At 10:32 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
What a very attractive lady Rebecca is - such a lovely smile and she looks SO relaxed with you.
There seem to be several blonde rinses in the drug stores these days - Ines uses them to hide the grey!! (Sorry, gray!!) I don't think they are too expensive, either. Of course, what you really need is someone to come and help you wash and rinse your hair. I am volunteering for that job!
Thank you for the pickies. Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 12:30 PM, Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
If you cut your hair short, i wouldnt get hair in my nose if i kissed your neck.... But ill bet it grows back before i meet you in person!
So do as you please with your hair, i am sure you are pretty in short or even bald, as in your long......
Tonight i leave for a two weeks vacation, and i want you to take care while i am away.... Ill call you if i have puter on hotel.
Dearest Lois am i glad you dont have toes, yes i am! let me explain! I HATE RED TOENAILS, sorry Rebecca!
But i love you!!!!!!
Take usual care dear!
kisses from your own
At 2:19 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar,
I loved to travel still do just cant..Ive never been to NYC but I can only imagine how diverse it is..
Hi Mary,
Rebecca is a good person..I hope Bob doesnt over do too much..Thats what happens not really well and try to do stuff and get set back..Ive got no plans for the 4th..just a weekend like all the others :-)
Hi Yashvin,
I have not recieved your email could you please resend?
Hiya Raife!
Ok come on! I need ALL the help I can get trust me LOL..:-)
Hi Rob,
I hope you have a nice vacation and please take care of that eye!
So nice to hear from y'all means alot to me..Thanks bunches :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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