
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, September 04, 2008

~I Used To Draw~

Ive always liked to draw. Ever since I can remember. I have
to say I am..ok WAS pretty good.. When I was a bar tender
in that little hole in the wall bar in Houston, it was slow most
of the time, so I took a big tablet with me and I would sit
and draw the customers.. I sold everyone of them.. One I
did of a guy that was really good, he gave me 25.oo for it..
I was pleased..
I had gone on vacation and saw a paper place mat that this
restaurant used and I really liked it. The top photo is a
drawing of that place mat.. I think that one I did in 81.. the
other in 80... I'm glad I signed them. The bottom one of the
deserted farm was from a photo I saw and I really liked it.
Reminds me of my Uncle Stanleys farm out on Haggerman
Lake. I have both of these hanging in my bedroom.. I had
started to give them away as they don't really match my
decor but.. I drew them and I hated to, so I put them up.

I have seen some drawings my son Mark has done and he
is very talented as well.. My sister is a very good artist too.
So I guess it runs in the family. We had a wonderful chat
last nite .. its so very nice to talk to Mark.. Poor little Tyler
had gone out with his mum to fly his kite... well Tyler and
Mum came back in but his kite is up top of a huge tree. I
know he was upset.. I have a friend that makes them so I
hope I can sweet talk him into making one for Ty... I could
my self, in fact I have made kites for Kelli when she was
little. We had a huge back yard and when she was ready to
go and fly hers she would say.. "Gran, fly the kitey for me"
and well who can say no to their grand? We had big fun with
that, until it crashed one day, wasn't damaged at first.. but
Greta, my German shepherd saw it as a threat falling into
her yard.. she attacked it and needless to say that kite was
no more.. Kites are easy to make and I steady made them
for her.. I enjoyed it as much as she did.. :-) It was good
times together and I have to say Kelli and I had fun.

I bet I made a dozen calls today to try to find someone to
put this wardrobe together for me.. I called COA, I called
my caseworker at APS, and DHS... nothing.. I am waiting for
a call back from Millie over at COA she said she may know
someone that would do it for me, and what they would charge.
I guess that's the only way I will get it put together is to
pay someone to do it..

Rebecca came today and offered to help Penny, and they
both put it together.. Penny couldn't even move the box. Its
too heavy. Donnie cant till "maybe" one day next week when
he has nothing scheduled.. and If I cant find anyone before
then I will have to wait for Donnie.. I have decided to get
rid of that hospital bed and get a big recliner.. I think that
would be better for me. I'm going to try it, I need to do
something.. but I have to do it with a plan of attack..First
put the wardrobe together, then get rid of the bed, then
get a recliner. I saw one I really liked a big overstuffed
one..but when I saw the price..well.. just a little more than
what I had thought.. If I am very frugal... perhaps in a
few months I can get a new recliner...

Well I'm gonna get a snack and watch some TV.. I may have
company over the week end so I have a list of things to do
when Penny comes tomorrow, and no they cant put the ward
robe together, theyre company and I wouldn't ask... I can
wait.. Chair life teaches you one thing.. Patience if nothing
else... This PATIENT GORGEOUS WEEBLE says its that
time again "Nitey Nite"... :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
ALways, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There is a restaurant on east 14th st in nyc called curly's - they have crayons on the tables and customers draw on the place mats and Curly's hangs the better drawings. My drawings were never good enuf to hang.

  • At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Bob will be out of the hospital Friday if thing goes well.
    You can draw pretty good Lois, not so with me.
    My pastor wife loved rings, 2 or more on every finger and she loved purses too. She always look so pretty all dressed up all the time...You always look nice too...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    hiya Momar,
    Just keep tryin.. you will get better...:-)

    Hi Mary,
    Good to hear.. I hope he gets well soon.. I always have like clothes and jewelry and jewelry and clothes :-) lol..

    So nice to hear from you thanks!!!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Always, Lois ****


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