
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, September 01, 2008

~Squirrel Got Hurt~ :-(

I looked out the window this morning and was glad to
see the glories blooming so pretty. When I looked closer
I saw the brown squirrel..He was eating as fast as he
could.. I saw the black squirrel was watching and they
don't get along at all. Look close at the back of the
little guy. I felt so bad.. Hes been injured.. :-( poor baby.
He seemed to be ok and I looked as close as I could even
zoomed in with the camera...Its not red or anything so I
think its healing.. It was probly a run in with a car. They
go across the street in just a mad dash they will run out
in front of you.. I had to quit watching one day as one of
them kept trying to cross this 3 lane road out front.. I
was a nervous wreck.. I would see that thing start across,
then suddenly stop and a car zip by, he'd run back..try
again .. I couldn't stand it.. Id yell at him.. "ok GO!... WAIT!"
"RUN!!!!" was awful... :-)

Well I had to have a funeral here last nite.. My mouse died.
I was right in the middle of clicking out of a music site and
all of a sudden my mouse refused to move. I got kinda upset.
I didn't think I had a spare.. I sat for a few minutes and
tried to see what if anything was wrong..Well it was a laser
mouse, which I really like..no mouse pad then. I didn't know
what to do with it so.. I had to go in search of another old
mouse.. My cordless quit a while back ... This was my OLD
laser mouse . I looked EVERYWHERE, then I remembered I
had seen it the other day when I was looking for something
else..it was right behind me in the end table.. bloomin thing
could have yelled "LOIS! HERE I AM".. and let me know in
stead of me going thru my bedroom dresser then digging
under the couch.. I looked for quite a while. It works but
its one with the ball under there and I just don't like

I wasn't sure if Penny was coming today but she did. She went
to Meijers to get the mouse and to check on some ruby earrings
they had on sale.. She called me when she got to the jewelery
department and said no one was in that department and she
couldn't find those earrings.. She finally found a lady over in
the bakery and she was sposed to be 'watching out' for the
jewelery department, the regular girl wouldn't be in till 2 and
no one else knew anything about anything.. I told Penny to just
leave and I think we will take our business to Wal Mart. It
seems everytime Penny goes there to get something the service
is just awful.. Wal Mart was always my favorite anyway.. They
have an excellent craft and material department. I told the
lady that said she was the supervisor of the store that it wasn't
that the help was bad its the management.. That's their problem.
Too many chiefs and not enough Indians..

This week, possibly Wednesday or Friday, Penny and I are going
on a shoppingtrip, well- not to buy, but to look..and we are going
to Wal Mart. I havent been in one ..well..9 years? long time.. I
am anxious to see what new stuff is there. Not that I really
need it but.. I think it might be most interesting.. I will make
sure I Eat before we hit that grocery store tho.. I used to
do that alot..go to the store just before I had to fix supper
and was hungry.. Everything in the store looked good... I
always ended up buying stuff I didn't need. I don't do that
now tho.. I only have so much in food stamps and I don't go
over that.. I have a very strict budget...and I stick to it..

Well its time to get some dinner, I'm late posting today and
I have no real excuse.. I even slept till 7:30 today.. I am

Y'all have a good one now Y'Hear? Love ya and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you friend.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello Lois
    Yes it does look like that squirrel been hurt, sure glad he going to be all right...it nice to see them running around and you enjoy watching them so much...they become like your pet in away.
    I had a nice Labor Day here, Becky,Pam and Michael was here for lunch and Patsy was here too...my oldest daughter came by to see everyone...my oldest son was not able to come by this time.

    Bob going to surgery Wednesday morning, will be in the hospital a few days...if I miss coming here you know why...
    God bless you Lois

  • At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, Honey,
    I'm SO glad you are going out on a widow shopping trip. It will do you good to have a bit of a look around. Wish I was there to come with you. It would be a real education for this here Limey to do a bit of genuine American shopping!! (If I could stand the bad spelling and people saying "sked-yule" instead of "shed-yule"!!!!!)
    Squirrels are pretty tough. Mate of mine was telling me he had to put about three shots in one from his 12-bore to finish it off!!
    Now you hate me again, don't you? "He's a heartless beast!" I just don't like them eating all the bird food, that's all.
    Take care, Honey.
    Luv Ya,

  • At 2:40 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Yes, but I think he will be ok.. Yes, I sure enjoy when all of them come by so I can watch them for a while..breaks up my day.. I make a cuppa coffee and sit and watch them...

    HiYa Raife,
    Ya, I know..would you believe I used to cook them after David got them..lol

    Nice to hear from you Thanks..
    Love N'Hugs...
    Always, Lois ****


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