~Laima Was Here Today~
I had company today, was my caseworker from APS,
Laima.. very very nice lady. She is going to see about
getting a recliner for me and getting rid of this hard
bed. She didn't stay long as she had lots of other people
to visit yet today. Shes going to replace the arm rests
on this chair that are so bad which will really be great.
She has been my caseworker for quite a while but just
has never come by here. She was surprised that I live
by myself and shes going to see if I can get my hours
raised since Penny is doing so much more for me.
I did inquire as to a raise for Penny but she said they
I did inquire as to a raise for Penny but she said they
just had a small one a few months ago.. I pointed out to
her that Penny does so much extra for me that she does
deserve a raise.. She assured me that when it was allowed
she would put in for a raise for her.. Penny deserves that.
Shes late every so often or misses a day but well things
happen.. I do know that if I really needed her Penny would
regular invasion today there were so many.. At one time
there were 2 squirrels and 3 doves and a whole bunch of
those little guys in the photos.. I thought was cute how
they gradually all ended up on the top of the fence.. But..
now look at those pics.. Do you spot something? look close
and see if you notice anything.. go look then read on...
See that colored spot in the tree? That is a LEAF that has
See that colored spot in the tree? That is a LEAF that has
already changed.. Just the one.!. I looked out the other day
and I noticed a few leaves had already hit the ground.. When
I took one of the photos I noticed that ONE leaf .. it had
changed color.. it just stood right out as if to shout "Hey!
I'm the first leaf to change!"... They will do that soon enough.
I'm the first leaf to change!"... They will do that soon enough.
I really enjoy the change of seasons.. I look forward to how
beautiful those trees will be soon.. Then white.. then green
again.. I honestly don't know where the time goes...
I know where I'm goin.. I got up at 445 and needless to say I am
a bit tired.. I still have that bad spot on my tail bone so I need
to get OFF of this GORGEOUS WEEBLE butt for today, but first
my "nitey nite" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!!!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm so honored to call you friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 9:42 PM, Anonymous said…
Hello Lois
Fall is just around the corner.Very nice pictures of the birds.
Sure hope you get more hours.
I did a lot of bread making today, what a mess it made...got it all clean up...putting it in the freezer to keep.
My washer had the holes off, that was the problem...glad we didn't get that other washer, it was going to be a lot of work...
I'm getting up real late now about 8 or 9 A.M. but going to bed about 1 A.M.
Love the thing you send my way.
God bless you Lois
At 9:48 PM, Anonymous said…
squirrels and birds - you almost live in a forest. One issue a while back the ny times inventoried all the wild life on one city block that they had cleaned up before the new construction of a high rise began. Hey it was a real jungle right in the city.
At 8:12 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
The leaves are beginning to turn here, too. The beech is changing from that lovely, soft green to a glorious gold - but it's too soon!!
Autumn (Sorry, fall!) is nearly on us already.
First pictures on the new camera were not as good as I had hoped. Guess I need driving lessons. These modern things do everything except eat dinner!!
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
At 10:33 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest dear one!
Yesterday my boss came by and we got out to dine, he does so from time to time, and when he wish to spend mealmoney on me i have to go with....
BUT and this is a big BUT (not a big BUTT!:)).
When i came back to hotel i got the worst of headaches, så i cuddnt look into a lamp or anything, and it ached so much that i puked.... I was awake all night and just slept 25 minutes b4 i had to get up....
So today has been a bad day at the job, and i figure i have to lay flat tonight early!
But it was uplifting to read about your caseworker and the things she is gonna fix 4ya!
Take care my dearest friend i hope we can have SOME time soooooooon. But until that happen i wish you the best, and look in my mailbox if someones gonna send me something picturely or something videolysh for me, wud be much obliged and happy!!!!
Kisses all over your wonderful you from your ownest friendy
At 2:35 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
Not too long and all will be white.. I have a bread maker I use..havent for quite a while tho..Im glad you like what I send.. I hope Bob is getting better..
Hi Momar,
We have alot of trees here which I like.. I have lots of outdoor pets!
Hiya Raife,
Fall is not far away.. You will get better with your camera I have NO doubts :-)
Hi Rob,
Please take care of yourself.. I hope you get to feeling better.. So very nice to hear from you.. Hope we can chat soon :-)
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
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