I wear a small diamond heart, and have for years. I
took this photo of it and noticed how the veins over
the heart bypass scar are so dark and I hadnt really
noticed them before.. Why they have done that I have
no idea.. doesn't hurt or anything... so I havent the
slightest idea why they did that and Ive never thought
to ask .. doesn't look too great though... The very tip
of that scar is just under the heart. The mole is Dutch's
pacifier. When he was small he sucked on that mole..To
this day he tugs at the neckline of my tops looking for
it.. Hes got teeth now so naturally I don't let him.. When
he was small it was the only thing that shut him up he
was such a whiney baby.. I would hold him close to my
chest and one day he happened to find that mole and
he thought it was his mom I guess.. :-) hes a titty baby..
That scar continues all the way down and would you believe
ends at the outer side of my right stump? It does.. I have
had so many surgeries the doctors got smart and connected
them all. When the doctor told me that we laughed but I
also told him I almost wish he'd put in a zipper then I wouldn't
have to go through all these surgeries and have to suffer
at the staple removals.. I wont ever allow them to put them in
me.. They hurt taking them out more than the pain from the
When they did the heart bypass they took a long vein
out of my right leg, from the groin all the way down to my
was ankle... when the leg was amputated they joined that scar
to the vein removal scar, which connected to the abdominal
by pass scar which connected to the bowel obstruction scar
that connected to the heart bypass scar~! reminds me of
that song.. the leg bone connected to the thigh bone...thigh
bone connected to the hip bone... I guess that makes me a
totally connected GORGEOUS WEEBLE... :-)
Millie never did call me back yesterday and I put a call in
to her today but she was out. So I have no update on the
assembly of my wardrobe.. Now, if you would like to volunteer
to come here and put it together for me it would be MOST
appreciated :-)... I will probly end up waiting to see if I can
get an appointment with the boy next week. I know he can
put it together plus hes strong enough to lift it up once its
finished.. As heavy as the box is.. Penny cant budge it..
Penny was hour half late today and we had a ton of stuff to
do. I am expecting company this afternoon and I want this
place to look nice.. It does but.. it could look better.. She
made some spaghetti sauce for me and I think that will be
our dinner, with some angel hair pasta.. Will be so nice to
have company for dinner again, its always nice to talk while
you enjoy a good meal... and I do make some great sauce.
Penny put it together but its my recipe. :-)
Time to finish up the rearranging of my junk and post this
Time to finish up the rearranging of my junk and post this
and wait for my company, and of course write my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "nitey nite".
y'all have a good one now, Y'hear ? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 8:49 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi Sweet and Gorgeous,
Thanks for showing us your heart! But I've always known you have a big and loving heart!
Will have a few more pics on the way shortly.
Bare Hugs,
At 10:14 AM, Lois said…
Hi Butty!
Thanks for the great pics, I am so enjoying my Alaska trip! You take such great photos.. wonderful camera you have..
Hope you have a good week end.
Love N'Hugs,
Always, Lois ****
At 10:32 AM, Anonymous said…
Hi, Honey,
Your Docs need to learn how to sew!! They sewed me up - no staples, just stitches and they don't hurt when they take them out.
Look out, Butty, I just got a new camera!!
Take care, Honey,
Luv Ya,
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