~2 Years Today~ :-)
Two years ago today I moved into this little house. I do
like it here, the only thing is I just wish it were more
suited for me. I doubt seriously if I will really ever move
from here so I should keep trying to adapt it more for
me and what I need and want.. I wish I could remodel
it the way I see it in my minds eye, it could be just so
perfect for me with what I see could be done to it..
After adapting the inside the only other real improvement
of course a deck in back, but if this place was on a lake
or even the river it would be so nice. But a huge pool out
there in that big back yard sure would be nice too, I'd
be happy with that :-) I have a friend has a pool AND
I'm not sure of the date though. It just doesn't seem
like this much time has gone by already, just shows you
how fast time slips by us.. and most of the time we are
not even aware how quickly things move along and change.
and then I see her sitting there holding her son... I see
photos of my grands, and of my sons.. so much time has
gone by.. that we cant get back, only remember. Looking
ahead is what keeps me going I think.. The past is done,
over, I cant change anything, and boy, if I could, I surely
would.. I know I made some mistakes, I don't regret
them as it was my choice, but some decisions I had no
choice but to make and I did what I had to do to survive.
That's why I can write this today.. I think that's built
into each of us.. that WILL survive.. I admit some days
he hides from me.. but hes still there, I have to make
sure WILL is .. his last name is TRY.... :-)
I wasn't sure what to make for my satday dinner so I
splurged and made my very best favorite.. remember
what it is? Yup.. Fries N' Gravy. I havent made them in
ages and I tell you what, I bet I said "MMM" after
every bite.. I hope I NEVER get tired of them.. I had
one last tomato, I sliced it.. had it with my fries and
well I have to admit, I did take a 5 yesterday after
I got on my bed to watch TV.. I was out light a light
for about an hour.. This getting up at 4 am is just
throwing my sleep habits into chaos... I hate when that
happens don't you? :-)
My SonDay Dinner I don't know for sure yet, I may do
some fish and sprussle brouts... I love those things and
they are SO good for you... I'm done for today and its
time for some TV .. ya right, I'm gonna go eat, then it
will be "take a 5 time" I bet :-) oh well. I have no set
schedule to do anything.. that's the joys of being a
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear.. Love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 11:29 PM, MaryC said…
WOW time sure has past fast, it don't seem that long...
Nice pictures you got of yourself Lois.
As we change in life our needs in the home changes too...wish every bed room was downstairs here...I could put them to better use.
I am not looking forward to winter yet, got to many thing I need to get done in the house...never got all the painting done...Bob was sick for a few months...then those to two trip which I enjoyed so much...I thought we were done with Patsy mother home, got a few more thing to do yet I found out today...
Going to help my sister in law Monday, cleaning her home...
My bedroom need a good going over again...putting to much extra junk in it again...not much room for me to move around...
I wish we could have fresh tomato from the garden all winter...
God bless you Lois.
At 1:37 PM, Lois said…
Hi Mary,
This year is almost done, and just slipped right past me.. I may be facing housing problems which are seriously stressing me out... They may foreclose on this house..even though I pay my rent..
Always something...
Glad your ok tho... keep well..
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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