~I Called Joe~
We have sun today and its really pretty out.. Yesterday
was wild.. It would snow like crazy and right in the middle
of it the sun would shine bright.. I mean the weather just
couldn't make up its mind what it wanted to do.. So I guess
it just kept messing with us, giving us that nice sunshine,
make us smile, then WHAM! Snow in bucketfulls. I would
say we have at least 6 or more inches.. I heard on the TV
that Kalamazoo got over 8 inches, and that's not far from
me. I watched that snow and got to worrying about the
driveway.. Penny would never be able to get that car in
my yard.. So, I called Joe.
Short while later I saw a blue truck with a plow and he
did the driveway and in front of the mailboxes.. I did
mention that to Joe. I don't mind taking our turn keeping
the mailboxes clear.. but the other two that have their
boxes out there could do their share.. I hope Joe tells
them next door.. They park their car in the front and
Joe is most displeased with that. They wont park out
back, probly cuz its a longer walk to get inside, but
I saw the plow guy clear in front of them so I was glad.
He doesn't do the sidewalks though..
So- I was looking at that and I know Penny carries a
shovel in her trunk, so I knew she wouldn't have to wade
through it.. While I was sitting here the doorbell rang.
I'm NOT used to having a doorbell, so everytime it rings
it scares the daylights otta me, then I have to look see
WHICH door! Both bells sound the same, so unless I
keep the blinds open I usually end up going to the wrong
door !! :-) Anyway, I had the blind on the back door
open so I knew no one was there, I went to the front
door and there was Jim, the COA snow guy. He asked
if I wanted my sidewalks shoveled.. I said NO.. :-)
Ya right, like I would refuse a snow job :-)
He shoveled the front, and then did the back. So Penny
wouldn't have to do it, So I KNEW she would be glad
when she got here this morning.. Bad thing was, she
didn't come today!, shes sick and running a fever of
101. I DONT want her here cuz I sure don't want that
crap ! Once is enough...She said 4 people at the house
are sick. They probly all got it at different times and
will steady pass it back and forth. My friend Blue in
Australia said his place is under lockdown, only staff
in and out. Last time that happened it lasted for over
8 weeks.. So many were sick. Penny is the house
mother, I guess you would say at this adult care home.
There are 5 or 6 people that live there, so germs
spread easily.. I just hope she gets better soon..
So anyway, I made a dress today for my doll and its
almost done, will be by tomorrow and I'll take a photo
of it. its really cute. Little girls dresses are fun to make.
Well anything I make to me is fun.. That's why I never
minded going to work when I had sewing jobs :-) Time
for lunch, Chris just left and checked the mail for me.
She does when Penny isnt here, sure is nice of her..
She looks a lot like my Kelli.. I will have to ask if I can
take a photo to put here... :-) Post time, food time,
and more sewing time :-) SO--"G'day, G'day" from this
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again......
At 10:14 PM,
MaryC said…
Six inches of snow that might keep people busy shoveling snow for a while.
Lois I might be missing a few days on the computer, running over to help Becky a few times a day has make me short on time. Not getting much sleep right now either.
Her Decubitus Ulcer not look real good right now. And that pad I make for her Geri chair not helping much...I really think she needs to be in bed with her legs up...
Will check it out in the morning and see what needs to be done.
Will see the Dr Miller Wednesday morning in the ER, that the only way they are able to check her out ... The Dr office are not able to put her on the table to check her out.
God bless you Lois and keep you safe.
At 11:20 AM,
Lois said…
Hi Mary,
You will be missed! Please dont overdo .. take good care of your self. I sure hope She gets better!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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