
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

~Me N' Dutch~

Its been awhile since Ive put a photo of this GORGEOUS
WEEBLE and thought I would of me and the boy, Dutch.
He loves to ride with me.. Usually hes on the back, lately
hes been wanting me to carry him in my lap, which he really
doesn't fit on! :-) Everywhere I went this morning he was
bound and determined to go where I did. I was glad he
decided to ride, I do and this poor cat walks his patootie
off keeping up with me.. What drives me nuts is when they
each or even BOTH walk in front of me, steady looking
back to see if I'm following them.. Like a parade :-) They
walk VERY slow, deliberately I think.. Just to see if I
will tell them to "MOVE!!!" specially when I'm in a hurry:-)
They seem to know.. :-) Just remember the rules for the
photo.. you can have it.. but don't put it ANYWHERE else.
The people next door have a black lab.. He barks at every
thing.. He has a red bandana around his neck.. I watched
the dog as he was out there to do his business, which Penny
verified that he did, TWICE ! Once in their yard, and once
in MINE! I saw the guy, well its there, hes cleaning up the
one pile..but neglected to pick up the pile in MY yard!! That
left out there will kill the grass in that spot.. well, unless it
rains right away.. Which we are under the gun for snow
Mary !! thanks ! :-) Just kidding ! I know if you had the
power Mary you would NOT send that snow to me.. I looked
at the weather and its headed straight at us.. Donnie is
headed back from Racine today so I hope he doesn't run
into bad weather..
You can see how close the high school is, not far, Im going to the magic
shows there!.I mentioned yesterday that my sister and Stanley came by
Friday.. I want you to know they screwed up my whole week
end.. not bad, but, they ALWAYS come on Saturday, I kept
thinking yesterday was Sunday !! :-) Anyhoway, Shirley got
some sheer burgundy panels for me.. Just the right color !!
I cant wait to get them up.. I have to wait till Monday , well
tomorrow night to get them up and then maybe not then, I
may have to wait until Wednesday when Penny comes back.

Donnie is coming over tomorrow night, I'm already pre-
warned :-) He hinted "Gran, you have NOT made stuffed
cabbage in a while you know". So I think hes kinda asking
for me to make them for him, which I just might, to surprise
him.. Hes a good kid and Id be lost with out him. Plus when
he comes Monday hes got to put up curtain rods here in the
living room. I have single rods up now, but I want double, so
I can hang these new sheers with my lace over top.. It will
be SO beautiful in here ! I know Donnie can put up the rods
and brackets but I think I will wait till Penny comes on
Wednesday to put up the curtains.. No insult but, its easier
to explain hanging curtains to a woman than a man :-) That's
just NOT a guy thing!..but, I'm sure he would if I asked him..

Well its noon thirty and lunch time. I'm hungry too. I was up
later last nite, watching a HBO movie.. :-) I don't remember
which one.. That's NOT good !! Talk about short term
memory..:-) At least I remember to post AND put my
GORGEOUS WEEBLE "g'day, g'day" though. I never forget
that :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You", is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Lois all the pictures of you are wonderful my friend....so sorry I missed Sunday...was having so much fun clearing off the snow from driveway and sidewalk.....my left arm is very sore now and swollen..my right arm does hurt a little but it's not swollen at all...Bob said he was a little sore too...I think we got 8 inches some said more then that...


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