~Penny Made It~:-)
PennyMae made it today:-) I'm glad shes feeling better.
That's not her middle name just something I made up
for her :-) She brought cat food and treats so the boys
were VERY glad to see her. :-) So was I, she made some
spaghetti sauce for me .. Shes a good cook.. I'm giving
her lots of good recipes.. She finishes here, then Penny
goes home to the Adult Foster Care house she babysits.
She makes dinner for them.. there are about 12 people
that live there.. so she makes some big meals... But she
is like me, she likes to cook.. Ive given her a lot of easy
recipes that will feed a lot of people yet are easy to
make which is a biggie. 12 people, that's a lot :-)
My boy came over last night with bad news.. His job is
no more.. Monaco Coach has shut down.. One of the best
makers of those big cruisin buses.. Sad sad.. I feel so
sorry for these guys.. My son Mark is out of a job too
and hes in the UK.. its bad EVERYWHERE! I have a
friend out in San Pedro that works the docks there,
he told me that ships are just docked, not going in or
out.. Things are so bad.. Donnie is going to try to start
a business of building decks and the like.. he and a
friend Gerry.. I printed some business cards out for
him last nite while he was here. Things are not good at
all and for 2 of my boys to be out of work... well it makes
a mom worry... I have them in my prayers and I'm sure
going to try to help, but then Mom's are sposta worry
and help :-)
Really nice day today sure feels like spring.. Its in the
60's and sunny. But I looked on the forecast and it is
saying rain this after noon. Well its 2 now and still no
rain.. I'm late today but I was printing out some pages
for Pennys grand daughter to color.. Penny doesn't
have a printer and her computer is down.. Shes looking
for more clients too, everyone is looking .. I went to
look at the Sturgis paper and there are not even any
job listings.. Penny said her son has been all over the
county and in Indiana and not had any luck.. Scares me.
Well even though I'm a big scaredy cat I'm hungry.
I tasted that sauce Penny made and its good. So
I tasted that sauce Penny made and its good. So
needless to write that THAT is where I'm headed,
after I put my GORGEOUS WEEBLE, "G'day,G'day".
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya ! Thanks !!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 8:41 PM,
momar said…
I have a first cousin in the S.F. Bay area in California. 2 of her 4 children are out of work. one was an animator with Pixar Graphics, and one was witha Jazz magazine which folded.
At 11:36 PM,
MaryC said…
Hello Lois
So happy that Penny was able to come to work for you today...Another cool day here for us.
God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend...Mary
At 12:53 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Momar,
Everyone everywhere is in a bad way..Its so scarey to me.
Hiya Mary,
She made it today too.. we are super clean!! Rainy, windy and cold here..
Ickky day..
NIce to hear from you THANKS!!!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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