
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, April 23, 2009


One of the biggest differences in this new place
besides it being so much bigger is the quiet. At the
little house, there was always noise from the traffic
outside no matter what time day or night. I sat here
last evening, after I had logged off and shut my
computer down, I was looking out the window and I
could hear no sound at all.. It was quiet quiet.. Then
I heard the sound of a siren, like an ambulance, I
think there is a difference in theirs and a firetruck.
When I heard that siren, which, being here since
last fall its the first one ive heard ! That's what made
me sit and listen. I miss the noise, the activity, I do
kinda miss seeing all the people walking down that
street, it was a busy one that's for sure.. I wont get
to see the Sturgis Bike parade this year like I have
for the past 2... :-) I like the quiet but sometimes
I need the noise too.. to show there IS life out there!
That's why I say our most important blessings are sight
and sound. We can get around the rest, but with out
those 2, life would be just a blank... a nothing, a void. I
don't think I could stand that.. be constantly afraid,
not knowing what is happening, much less trying to
understand it...how could a person learn? Food for
thought hey?
I don't know about anyone else, but this month has
been THE longest, draggiest month!! To me anyway.
It started off rough.. We all got shorted a week on
our food stamps cuz they changed the date of them,
on mine from the 1st, now to the 8th is when I get
them. Then this month is what I call a 5 week month,
and they are KILLER.. They run me right up to the
red line.. thankfully I never go over but I sure do get
close to it.. I look at the calendar every day and it
just seems this month is crawling by, even though its
been very busy and stressful.. When its a stressful
time is when time seems to drag.. THEN I HAVE
to do something to UN stress :-) Fixing the problem
is usually what I do , one way or the other.. :-)
This was my very first cook book, I got it when I was 10. Betty
Crocker is the best cookbook there is...

Penny made it here today she is better, we are all
clean and she brought kittie food and a bag of treats
for them that they LOVE ! I was surprised at how
much they like them, specially LB.. Dutch will eat any
thing or at least he will try it.. LB, there are only 2
people foods he likes.. one is coffee.. the grounds..not
cooked.. and graham crackers.. I can open the bag of
them and I don't care where LB is, he smells them
and there he is.. Every morning when I make coffee
for me he has to have a few grounds, its like his morning
coffee, like I have mine...

I was going through my other desk, well really I was just
making a mess! But I found all my OLD cook books. I have
some dating back to the 1920s. All were my moms. I love
to go through it and see the names of the ladies, most of
whom I remember, and read their recipes.. My mother's
and grandmother have quite a few in it.. While I was digging
through this drawer I found this old book. Its a reading
book it says.. and the date is 1902 if you cant make it out
on the photo.. I was going to check it out online to see if
it has value and read about it.. Its not a thick book and its
not hardcover. I have 3 books that were my grandfathers
that are books of his when he was supervisor of mining or
something in the UP. He has detailed logs of every mine
ever dug up there, probly MANY now that have been long

They say, and I have heard that most of the UP of Michigan
is under mined, there were so many dug up there for the
coal and iron ore and copper. Many many times I remember
hearing of cave ins.. Some people early early one morning
heard and felt the ground shake, looked outside and their
whole back yard was gone.. Lucky the house didn't go.. A
road down in this little town called Gaastra, during the night
caved in.. 3 cars went down in it, and it took someone crawling
out to warn others and get the road blocked.. so.. what they
did.. was just put a new road, that just went around the huge
HOLE ! it was fenced, but made me nervous when we went
by it.. Cave ins were and probly still are happening up there.

Well I need lunch, today is wide noodles with spaghetti
sauce. I had a taste.. Penny makes good sauce, she uses
MY receipe.. everyone she cooks for likes it too :-) That
means its post time, lunch time and clean up my mess time
TOO ! Oh and GORGEOUS WEELBE "g'day, g'day" time.

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 9:30 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    I eat one bowl of yellow split pea soup lately. I also make green pea soup. The French Canadians in New Hampshire are nicknamed pea soupers. I also have sandwiches and a meals on wheels dinner which I doctor with marjarine and a salad dressing marinade on the meat.

  • At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois
    The quietness is nice at times, but you can get tried of it too...nice to have both.

    I'm going to be off the computer for a few day, Friday and Saturday I will be at the church...I'm looking forward to it all...Bob and I are the one that get to clean it up after...all will help clean, but we go over it after there cleaning to get it just right and there not that much to do most of the time.
    We work 5 hours today at the church, got some cooking to do in the morning.
    God bless you Lois and keep you safe my friend.

  • At 1:18 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Momar,
    I LOVE pea soup.and my gramma Wales could make THE very best, yellow or green peas.. Every time she knew I was coming home from college she would make some soup for me :-)

    Hiya Mary~:-)
    You are very right Mary, sometimes you need the noise to appreciate the fact that you CAN hear :-) You are a blessing to your church Mary..and to many people.. just take care of YOU too.. Dont over do..

    So nice to hear from you.. Its friday 1:15 and its 77 degrees out side !! wow.. what a DAY.. Life is SO good.. :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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