~Things Will Be Ok~ :-)
Rebecca phoned early this morning and she will be
here tomorrow and she and I will talk then. She has
no control over this and I know its not HER fault.. she
has been very nice to me. Hopefully tomorrow I will
know more. She again assured me not to worry that
something will work out. I sure hope so.. With things
as bad as they are now, there are TOO MANY without
homes, and HUD has changed things for everyone.
Michigan is so broken. What gets me the most is that
all of us lower income are the ones suffering.. I have
YET to hear of that first congressman or represenative
or even our Pres, offer to take a pay cut from the
hundreds of thousands they get every year, to do...
WHAT?.. Cutting should start there I think.. :-)
Bad subject ... like religion.. don't go there :-)
I AM MOST grateful for all the help I get, I could
NOT do this if I didn't. But I will be honest and say
that this REALLY is stressful.. As the time goes on
and problems come up, which is just about every day,
it can really get to you, and those that are alone and
have no one to talk to at all .. I worry for them.. Me,
well I tell everyone and anyone that will listen .. its
the only way I have to really reduce the stress and
these past few months my stress level has gotten
WAY out of hand.. and I can sure tell...
I know when my blood pressure goes up..I get a bad
headache and if its too bad I will have chest pains.
The longer the stress goes on with no relief the more
my chest will hurt and I KNOW I have to back down..
Well.. not really back down,, but away.. let it coast
for a while.. I think what I really need is a holiday, to
get away for a few days.. I told Penny that she and I
need to take a ride over to the casino and spend the
day and stay over night at the hotel.. I know she could
use a break too! :-)
Ive been working fixing up the sewing area I have
in the kitchen.. I emptied out my gold cabinet and
re folded stuff and its ALOT neater out there. It
was getting so cluttery and I cant stand not being
able to find anything.. I had to stop and take a
break cuz my arms felt like they were gonna fall
off from the lifting and folding fabric, they get
sore and really achey.. plus its kind of a crappy day
out side.. its fairly warm but it cant decide what
it wants to do, be rainy or sunny.. :-) Its time for
some left over goulash Penny made yesterday.. shes
a very good cook :-) Needless to say this HUNGRY
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is glad she is !!! Hope you have
GORGEOUS WEEBLE is glad she is !!! Hope you have
a good lunch too :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
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