Ive been sitting by the open back door, sometimes
I sit in the front, but its so close to the road I feel
so conspicuous that I sit more in the back door.. I
was at the front door last nite for a while and a lady
and 2 kids, a boy and girl, I would say 11 and 13 or so.
I'm not good guessing ages. But the 2 kids were out
in front and mom was walking at a steady pace, I think
it was the kids keeping mom company on a exercise
walk.. As she walked by my door she glanced over and
saw me and smiled and waved, which I gladly returned
to her :-) but it reminded me of all the walks I used
to take.. for no particular reason but it was something
we always did when we went home. My parents walked
every night through the cemetery that was across the
alley in back of their house.. It was a beautiful one.
Very well kept and the walk was enjoyable, not to mention
Very well kept and the walk was enjoyable, not to mention
most interesting. Reading some of the very old tomb
stones back to the 1900's were great.. some had photos
of the person. Cemeteries are very interesting, specially
the very old ones. :-)
My parents lived there for over 50 years in that house
and watched every funeral and knew where every person
was buried even more so than the caretaker of that
cemetery.. They walked it every single day.. I rode my
bike up and down the roads many times as there was a
really nice hill and you could get up some great speed
and just coast right up the other side IF you prepared
for the turn.. I missed it a few times but no damage...
All you would run over were graves, but I was very
respectful.. To this day I NEVER step on one... and I
have NO idea why but I don't. Although I have fallen
into one :-)
My Dad and I were on a walk, and I was young, 11 or so.
As we walked along I was steady chattering away to him
not paying ANY attention as to where I was going.. I had
thought I was following right next to him.. however I did
not see he had changed course and was headed right
by a grave that had just been dug for a funeral the next
day.. I took a step and landed at the bottom of it and
let out a blood curdling scream "DAD!!!!!!!" He looked
down at me, sitting there totally terrified and upset,
crying, the whole 9 yards.. He laughed at me and said,
"well, don't YOU just look cute, what do you want me
to do? Pull you out? YOU fell in it- YOU get yourself out!"
When I stood up I realized the grave was only HALF
DUG.. The top of it came to just about my waist :-)
DUG.. The top of it came to just about my waist :-)
I felt like an idiot.. I STILL remember that.. and I
bet my Dad is still laughing about it today...he did help
me out though :-)
bet my Dad is still laughing about it today...he did help
me out though :-)
Today is a gloomy ickky day, dark and threatening to
storm.. I wish it would make up its mind.. It got very
warm yesterday, in the 80's.. I turned the ceiling fan
on and I prefer that to Air Conditioning.. Even though
it was really humid yesterday too. I'm going to do some
sewing for Alex today and make him some shorts for
summer. Kids grow out of stuff so fast.. I made the
cutest purse for Pennys grand. I was anxious to hear
if she liked it, which Penny said she LOVED IT!! :-)
It had a comb in a cover and a small little purse thing
It had a comb in a cover and a small little purse thing
inside.. it did turn out nice. I want to make one for
Kelli's niece Trina, that has been wanting one for a
while.. I just don't have any pretty quilted material
that would be nice for a little girl.. I will get some
though. :-)
I woke up hungry and never did get around to fixing
some toast so you KNOW I am a HUNGRY GORGEOUS
WEEBLE as usual.. :-) I hope COA lunch is good today,
the suppers are great ! Post Time ! :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today.
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....
At 9:21 PM, momar said…
I live one block from the Greenwood Cemetery - It houses 500,000 souls. Among the people buried there - Leonard Bernstein, and Louis Morreau-Gottschalk. I work 3 blocks from the Atlantic Ocean. We went there Tuesday. Nice clean salt-air.
At 11:01 PM, MaryC said…
Hello Lois
I'm back on the computer again, it sure has been a real busy time for me... Too have 2 old friend died with in a few days of each other is hard...
My daughter Beth ask us if we would go camping with her the second week in June... we are very happy to go with her...June 9-12 I will be off the computer...
Buddy Ball has started for the handicap, so much fun watching them all have fun.
God bless you Lois.
At 10:56 AM, Anonymous said…
Dearest dearest dear one!
I dont have had time lately... Havent felt well at all, but am better now!
Someone i share newspaper with had her birthday, with guests and so on....
Had the grandchild one day, oh my dear its hard work... He is SOOOOOOO FAST!!!!!
Here the weather is just like a dear friend in michigan... Warm, nice and pleasent... Hope it stays so forever, and that she does!
Kisses until....
Your own
At 1:47 PM, Lois said…
Hi Momar,
Cemeteries I think are most interesting, sadly very few people go there, even if they have family there. I know my family are caring for my parents graves.
Hiya Mary!
Sorry for the loss of your friends but I am so glad your back.. You were missed :-)
Hiya Rob,
Nice to hear from you.. I hope you are taking good care..Enjoy your grand while hes small.. thats the fun time, then it turns into a JOB!! :-)
So nice to hear from you!!
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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