~Strawberries~ :-)
I thought my other backyard was great, it was small,
very small compared to this one, but this one I can see
more and its MORE alive than the other! I was watching
last evening after the storm and I saw so much life
out there. I had two new guests though ! A beautiful
canary.. was lovely.. He, well I think was a she as it had
some black on it as well. I couldn't get a photo it was too
fast, I tried, but it flew off. The vines that are climbing
on the trellis next to the back door, I believe it may
be honeysuckle.. it blooms out white and then turns
yellow.. I saw the cutest hummingbird out there ! I
don't think Dutch knew what to think of it.. :-)
The hummingbird was so tiny and just flittered from
one flower to the other and I didn't have my card in
my camera.! I was so mad.. But I am having Penny look
for a hummingbird feeder for them.. We, well Penny
did, she moved the chimes to the hook that Donnie put
in the other day and when we get a hummerfeeder I
will hang... see? I... PENNY! WILL hang it from the little
hook where the chimes were. I think they will like it
there. I have some strawberries out there too !!!
Theyre growing along side the house and are wild. Theyre
so small..and have absolutely NO taste. I was surprised!
I ate two of them and nope.. no taste. I LOVE the berries.
I ate two of them and nope.. no taste. I LOVE the berries.
My fav of the main 3 are raspberries.. then strawberries,
then blueberries.. My sister makes THE very best STUFF
she calls it.. Its her own recipe and good? MMMM its great.
Its made with fresh blueberries.. My favorite jam is the
raspberry and I use to make it all the time.. Theresa did
bring me some I will miss that ! I wonder if Travis makes
jam :-)
From the first I can remember we always went up to L'Anse
to pick strawberries when my mother made jam.. I was very
young and it was fun .. I mainly just ATE my way through the
field.. When I moved up to Indiana in 83 my sis called one day
and wanted to know if I wanted to go pick strawberries with
her and of course I went.. By the time I got home I was beat.
I had eaten so many I was stuffed, the next day? I was so
sore I don't think there was a part on my body that didn't
ache from bending over and picking those berries.. :-) Was
worth it but I could tell a difference being older picking
them. :-) Next time I went I had Kelli go with me.. she had
a ball picking them and thought it was great fun :-) Just
like I did way back when :-) Penny is on the look out for
some for us.. :-)
Time for lunch and to post this and get something done
for today, I say that every day and end up sitting by
the door :-) Oh well.. I enjoy it.. Check out your back
yard If its like mine.. theres lots to see and enjoy.. Just
got to take the time to do it.. POST TIME for today and
this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says "I'll be back!" :-)
Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and thanks !
Always, Lois ****
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You", is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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