
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

~Grandpa Time~

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting at the back door
of course and saw Joyce next door headed here. I
watched as she and a little blonde girl about 4 walked
up to the door followed by a young woman in her 20's
with a toddler . A little boy, Cutie too. Joyce introduced
them as her granddaughter and 2 great grands.. She was
so proud of them which they were beautiful people. She
said they lived in lower Indiana and had come to visit for
the week end.. I noticed today that Carl got a boat gas
tank out of the garage so I kinda have a feeling they may
be boating today on that big lake here, Palmer Lake..
I watched Carl earlier with his great grand, they had the
best time gathering up those helicopter things that the
trees are shedding now. Carl would grab a handful of them
and throw them up in the air and Jayden I think was her
name, would giggle and squeal with laughter as she ran and
tried to grab them before they hit the ground.. I saw her
take off running fast as she could with Carl right behind
her, chasing her. As they ran around that big house she
didn't slow down at all.. I notice after about the 3rd go
round Carl hid behind the tree and waited .. cheater.. :-)
But as she ran by you could see her looking for him and
when he ran out she laughed so loud and they were off
again.. I thought about what nice memories they are
making for each other.. A beautiful day and a great time
with grandpa.. She will remember..
Later on I saw them ride down the street together. Both
peddaling along and I could hear her just chattering away
to her grandfather not making out what she was saying,but
you could tell they were enjoying it.. I bet they rode up and
down that street 3 dozen times. She was very good on that
bike and you see no training wheels.. I thought to my self,
that she will surely sleep good and I bet grandpa sleeps like
a log with the work out he got today!! I printed out the
photos for Joyce I hope they like them , just in case they
didn't take any photos or maybe not one on the bikes..
Do you see the dark peonie? its just wonderful.. 3 colors
of them.. and down on the left side of it Joyce thinks its
a tomato plant growing. NOW.. wouldn't THAT be great.?.
From what I could see it looks like that to me too.. I HOPE
it is !! :-) The Cardinal I hope is going to be a steady visitor
out back.. Hes so pretty.. I really am enjoying this back door.
Its really great.. I know how great it will be to take photos
outside and not thru the screen, most of the time I hold the
camera up so its thru the glass up top of the door.. it makes
the photo clearer.. Once I get outside .. I wont have to worry
about a screen!. How I see this deck out there It will be so
pretty Ive been looking through some catalogs at outdoor
stuff.. I have seen so many really neat solar powered lights
for out back that would look good out there and they were
not very expensive!.. I just have to find the wood...

Time to find some lunch, Its my usual noon hunger pangs
that happen every day about this time, what I'm going to
fix , I'm not sure. Its a lazy day today for me, all my
energy seems VERY low today, so I'm just gonna fix some
thing fast and easy and enjoy my back yard... :-) I hope
your backyard is as enjoyable as mine. This GORGEOUS
WEEBLE says "Happy Sunday!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? love ya and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you "friend".
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again.....


  • At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are so good at taking pictures, lot of wonderful memories you have there.
    It has been a bit warm lately outside, this afternoon I had to turn on the A.C. hoping to put it off as long as I could.
    I'm going camping in Nebraska the second week in June. my daughter taking us.
    Checking out my clothes, to see what I have...losing weight so I'd had to sew them up some...don't want them to fall off. It's harder to take up Bob clothes...some clothes are to big and other to small for him...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 9:06 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    Here in NY, very few people have central AC. Very few people have dishwashers or garbage shredders either. Only 20% of the adults in NYC own cars.

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    I enjoy taking pictures I cant wait till I can sit outside and REALLY take some good ones :-) You will enjoy your camping trip Im sure, I hope you have a good time..

    Hi Momar,
    NYC is so crowded theres no room for cars. I have a dishwasher but I dont have that many dishes to warrant using it. hands work ok..plus Penny is my dishwasher :-)

    Hope you had a good week end!
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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