
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

~Nice Dinner Today~ :-)

Homemade Bean Soup and fresh Hawaiian Sweet Bread
is what is on the menu for today and it sure smells good
in here :-) Dug out the bread machine and the crock pot
and now its just a matter of time waiting for the bread
to get done... I called and invited Donnie and John for
dinner too. I guess John is a permanent resident at
Donnies.. He wasn't sure if they could make it or not,
Donnie has so much stuff to do on his days off that
I guess the kid really DOESNT have a day off... He
said he worked 52 hours last week, not counting his
2 side jobs.. Donnie stays busy.. :-) I do hope he can
come up though Ive not seen him since he delivered
Mark and that was on the 11th ! :-)

I had planned, well, considered, going outside and
tagging along on Marks evening walks.. Its such a
gloomy day and we are sposta have rain today...So
I may not venture out... The treads on these tires
are so deep that I don't want to go out if the ground
is ickky.. If I tracked something in here, like grass
or what ever in just a matter of seconds Dutch would
sniff it out to find it and eat it.. Then of course he
would THEN throw up.. I cannot have any kind of plant
or grass or even bugs in here cuz that cat will eat them.
LB is not like that, hes so picky. A big Garfield :-)

Steve came over yesterday and visited for quite awhile
gave us all the scoop on all the neighbors, since he has
lived here for 8 years.. I guess there has been a big
turnover of unsavory people that Joe has rented this
apartment to before me...So Steve and Lisa both are
glad to see that I wont pose any kind of problem for
them OR Joe.. He said Joe and his wife Karen are
very nice people and if I had any kind of problem he
knows Joe would fix it.. He also did say he was going
over there today and will put in a good word for me
about the deck, since apparently that MENNONITE
Church did NOT keep their word..

I had thought about calling, but decided not to.. If that
church cant keep their word Its best not dealings with
them then, I will make some other arrangements to try
to get a deck if Joe, which I kinda think he will, wont
build one for me... Just take time.. And if I don't get one
well, its not the end of the world.. I still have my front
door..So as long as I can get out one of them I'm ok...

Well my arms are telling me enuff typin for a while so
I am gonna post this and wait for the good food to
finish cooking :-) I hope you are having a good week
end and this GORGEOUS WEEBLE says again... "I

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? Luv ya and Thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend...
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again....


  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger MaryC said…

    Homemade Bean Soup and fresh Hawaiian Sweet Bread sure wish Bob and I could join you and Mark...
    We had left over potatoes soup,beef patty, tomato and fried Okla...
    I've lost 2 lb this week, so happy I'm starting to lose weight again...I stay 205 lb for next to two months, now I'm 203 lb and yes that make me so happy. I have learn when I go out to eat, I have to be very careful what I put on my plate...just because it cost me money to eat out that no reason to stuff myself to overflowing.
    God bless you both

  • At 4:45 AM, Anonymous raife said…

    Hi, Honey,
    I guess Dutch's Mom was frightened by a Lab when she was pregnant!!! Labs will eat nearly anything, animal, vegetable or mineral!!
    Holly eats apple cores (I have to save mine now - I used to eat them!) cucumber ends, cauliflower - you name it, she'll eat it.
    Perhaps there is some Lab blood back in Dutch's ancestry?
    Take care, Honey,
    Luv Ya,

  • At 6:58 AM, Anonymous momar said…

    I make a lot of bean soups. Sunday I made a cream of turnip soup with diced turnips, turnip greens, onions, and white beans. You have a real salon there. It is sure is good to have your son there.

  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary,
    Well, you and Bob are most welcome! :-) Salads are very good for diets and if you use vinegar and oil dressing that helps even MORE ! :-)

    Hiya Raife,
    My cats dont really like dogs at all..They stalk Jerky when Donnie brings him :-)

    Hiya Momar,
    Mark is a great help and I sure appreciate him.. Plus hes a wonderful cook :-) THAT might pose a slight chair shrinkage problem as Raife calls it :-) oh well. cant dance, might as well EAT good food.. Works for me !! :-)

    Good to hear from you THANKS!!
    Always, Lois ****


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