
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

~Only 2 Months Left~

The past few days, well in fact, most of this week,
Ive not done too much of anything... I blame it on my
arms and hands being almost useless and that they
ache, or I blame it on these thyroid pills not going
into effect fast enough.. But I think what it really is,
is that I'm just totally tired, all the way into my
deepest innerds :-) This last half of this year has
really been stressful.. And whats bad is that some
of it may carry over into next year... you realize
that NEXT year is only 2 months away?
This rent increase crap is NOT settled... even tho
I am assured "Do NOT Worry"... I still do...So if
its NOT settled it could just keep going on and on.
which will mean its a daily stress for me. As bad as
this state is getting, everyone is worried as to what
they will cut next... What if they cut our food stamps?
THAT would be most awful... I worry about the price
of gas... although I have been told it will be cheaper
this winter.. My furnace has been running now every
day, and I know my gas bill has probly tripled.. I should
get it in a few days.. then I will know pretty much what
is ahead as far as what that bill will be the rest of this
winter.. I have my thermostat set on 66 now.. If I get
cold I put on a sweater... :-) Cheaper than turning up
the heat :-)
Isnt that neat? Dunno what kinda bird.. :-)

I don't have any plans for today and no one is due to be
here. So I may clean my table off in the kitchen. Its a
mess.. Plus I have some projects that I started that I
need to finish.. like the dishcloth I'm knitting and the pot
holder I am crocheting :-) I don't have much to finish on
them so it shouldn't take too long if I just stick to it till
theyre finished :-) Penny crocheted my sister a doiley,
and brought it yesterday.. its just beautiful... She does
such great work.. shes very talented...Shirley will love it.

The boys are fighting and I will have to break it up.. Dutch
of course started it, he wanted to lay on the towel that's
on the couch... He bites LB's neck and then that makes LB
wheeze.. His asthma or what ever he has is not getting any
better, and when Dutch bites him that sure doesn't help..
Then- LB gets so mad and runs after him and the fight
is on again.. once he gets his breathe back :-) Dutch has
too much energy but he is a happy cat :-)

Time to post and to get some lunch so I can take my pills.
And this GORGEOUS WEEBLE needs to accomplish some
thing today :-) I'm gonna try anyway :-) But ... "I SHALL
Return!" :-)

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend.
I Pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Alls I can say is that the new place, never mind it's off from the main drag in Colon, has a ton of stuff going on in the yard. It turns out to be an interesting place to hang out. You are lucky.


  • At 10:26 PM, Anonymous momar said…

    The fall colors look beautiful. I have been eating well and resting a lot. Sorry to hear that your arms are aching. My hands have ulcers that do not seem to heal. I will see the doc soon about this

  • At 11:52 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hiya d,
    Yes its a nice place and Im glad the birds like it :-)

    Hiya Momar,
    Fall is a beautiful time of year. Make sure you keep a check on those hands.

    So nice to hear from you! :-)
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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