
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

~Squirrely Corn~ :-)

Squirrels love corn. I watched 2 of them yesterday
fight over who was gonna get on top where that ear
was.. Finally one ran the other off and he stayed up
there until he ate almost every kernel and THEN he
took the cob with him.. He was so fast and when they
do that and catch me off guard I don't get the photo..
But I had a good time watching him... The only one he
couldn't fight off were the blue jays.. They dove at
him with a vengeance and he left for a while, but he
came back and fought off the others :-) That corn
was his! :-)
Watching them reminded me of how much I enjoyed
that field outside my window before I got a computer.
I sat all day, every day, watching the birds and the
ground hogs, I also remember the pain of that year.
I'm really glad that I mainly remember that field...:-)
I wish I could forget the pain... Was a horrible year.
Maybe seeing all these great things outside are a way
to remind me of the nice things, and that hasnt changed,
they are still there if you look for them....
Was a quiet day yesterday and I really didn't do too
much of anything once I closed this computer down.
There is a channel I found by accident that I didn't
know I had, well they don't tell you.. and I never did
get a listing of the channels I get.. But I found this
channel that has some pretty good movies.. And I
would rather watch something that has no commercials.
I cant stand them..They advertise so many different
things and NOTHING is sacred any more.. They have
ads for everything.. Stuff they would have NEVER
allowed to be on the radio or a billboard much less in
a movie! ..

I can remember that western Jane Russell was in.. I
don't remember the name of it.. But there was the
biggest stink about it because of her blouse and you
could see things that they felt were NOT to be seen..
Nowdays if there isnt a sex scene in a movie they feel
no one will go to see it... To me that isnt what makes a
movie. That's whats so bad about today, they leave
NOTHING to the imagination...

Today is a do nothing again day.. I still never did get
my table cleared off.. or finish the dish cloth and hot
pad I started.. I have not accomplished one thing I
set out to do.. I just talked myself right out of it...I
have a tendency to do that... It was the squirrels
fault :-) I HAD to watch them and the birds... :-)
Sounds good :-)

Post time for this GORGEOUS WEEBLE and what
else I have no idea.. Well yes, one thing else... my
"I shall return!!!"

Y'all have a good one now, Y'hear? luv ya and thanks!
Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you Friend..
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Great pictures Lois

    So glad to be able to come here from the library...
    God bless you Lois.

  • At 11:29 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Mary!
    Its good to see you here again! Thanks ..hope all else is ok..
    Keep well Mary...
    Love N'Hugs,
    Lois ****


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