
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am so mad right now I cant even think of anything to write
here.. I am FURIOUS...I have a friend that has phoned me
before and I have known Brian for years now..5 at least..
apparently hes applied for some crap online and using
MY phone number AND address and Putting It ON the NET!
I don't even do that. I have gotten at least 6 phone calls this
morning already. I cannot believe that Brian would do this to
me. Ive known him for years.. but to deliberately put MY name
AND phone number on the net so it can be sold..that's not

I know Brian and when these people asked I was shocked
that they didn't recognize a Austrailia email and a US phone
number..not too smart..I have left messages for Brian and I
would think he would know better being a retired cop to use
false ID to apply for stuff.. these places calling me are for
credit card stuff .. I don't even HAVE a credit card... I am SO

I have a raging headache and need to get this fixed so this is
a short post by this FURIOUS GORGEOUS WEEBLE.. I
hope you have a better Monday than me..I hope this isnt a
sign of what this week is gonna be.. I am NOT a happy
camper and I am logging off for today but.. I shall return
AND I WILL get this fixed.. Have a good day....

Always, Lois ****

"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


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