~Butterfly Needles~
Surprise ! :-) I was playin, hadta get my mind offa this D Day
stuff..Its small but oh well..its ME ! :-)
stuff..Its small but oh well..its ME ! :-)
Its 10:40 am, ive been up since 7:30. Ive not made coffee
today, I had a cuppa tea instead..I'm already nervous.. I'm
on the countdown to tomorrow. D Day...Ive gone over what
all I have to do before they come and even to what I will
wear...Well I don't wanna wear something long sleeve when
I know they will take my blood pressure, I KNOW they will
draw blood.. I just hope they listen to me... so many don't
and just shake their heads and use what they want. They
get 4 tries to draw me and that's all...Ive been stuck as
many as 6 times just to draw blood...For IV's its worse..
I think the highest count on that is 12...finally they put in a
pick line..straight to the artery..no more getting poked
constantly....I was in hospital and they had to draw blood
every 6 hours I think..they ran out of places after the 2nd
day..I felt like a pin cushion..They finally agreed, was a lot
easier... But those are my rules..I told Ashley to make SURE
they had TINY butterfly needles, like for a child..If they don't,
I WILL be upset...
I wont drink anything after midnight or in the morning, most
tests they don't want you to..So depending on what time
my appointment is..I will wait till after theyre gone..Penny
will be here in the MOrning so I hope they come then too..
Then she can get my prescription filled that I hope he gives
me for my thyroid..Then he may wait till after the blood test.
I dunno..Ive gone over everything in my mind a dozen times.
I wish it WAs already over....I am such a baby when it comes
to this..but when you have had as much as I have, you would
probly be the same way..Remember I had a year of the
worst infection and pain a person could almost endure when
my left stump scar was infected..I had a nurse come 4 days
a week..sometimes more sometimes less...I'm gun shy..
but I earned it.. I am still surprised I made it thru that year
of pain....You could say I had 3 years of doctors....doctors
doctors.....being poked, jabbed and well every time I have
a appointment I do this to my self...this is me. :-)
Other than to worry all day about tomorrow I have no plans.
Its kinda nice outside, not a lot going on out there tho..the
Its kinda nice outside, not a lot going on out there tho..the
kitties came by for breakfast of course, 6 today;...Eary
came by, hes so skinny .. hes VERY VERY scared..He
sees me at all he runs..Slowly the others are getting used
to me..even Fuzz, he doesn't run anymore..Stinky and
Graybell I think have decided they live here..:-) Donnie
is making me 2 boxes...Cat Houses :-) But I do hope
Penny takes them home..they would have a barn there..
AND a lot of attention..Her guys each have kinda adopted
one of the 5 she has out there..None are as friendly or
lovey as Stinky and Graybell though..sweet kitties...
Well this SWEET GORGEOUS WEEBLE is hungry..
I KNOW I probly shouldn't eat till after the doctor visit
just to be safe, but maybe I will just have some Mrs.
Grass's Soup..I like that stuff..I don't think Donnie
took it :-) He raids my cupboards when hes here :-)
Spoiled brat.:-)
Post time and to continue counting the countdown
to D Day..Y'all have a great Sunday and don't forget
I shall return! Before or after I don't know..depends
what time the D gets here :-)
Always, Lois****
Always, Lois****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 6:41 PM, Anonymous said…
You are in my thoughts all day, as all other days of the year!
Kisses and good luck
At 5:49 AM, raife said…
Hi, Honey,
It'll be Monday when you get this, so Good luck with to-day. I hope all goes well for you and that they LISTEN. Throw a wobbly if they don't!! Any halfway decent doctor should take a great deal of notice of what you have to say, after all, it IS YOUR body!
Anyhoway, I'll be thinking of you and praying for you.
Take care, Honey,
God bless you and watch over you, 'specially to-day!
Luv Ya,
At 1:14 PM, Lois said…
Hiya Rob,
Thanks sweetie...good to hear from you...:-)
Hiya Raife,
Dr just left..scoop in on todays blog... not good but not that bad either..
Good to hear from you ..Thanks..
Love N'Hugs,
Lois ****
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