~New Caseworker~
social worker from Southern Care, I
forgot her name, but shes very nice.
was pretty good and didn't make any
major messes. The boys were good too.
I didn't show up here yesterday but I
have good excuse, I was watching the
birds and cats and taking photos. I
camera right next to me just in case
I see something I need to take a photo
of, and I sure musta saw a lot yesterday
so hard to get that stick into the house.
It was such a big stick I'm surprised that
little bird could fly carrying it! She was
determined to get it in there, after quite
awhile of trying she left it outside.. :-)
I found out I have a cousin, David that lives
in Battle Creek! I was so glad to find that
out.. Hes interested in our family history
just like I am.. Its amazing how many relatives
there are!.. I'm so glad that I have my family
tree - my grandfather put together, it
took him 20 years and its got to be 4 feet
long. Its quite detailed and goes back all
the way to when our ancestors came over on
one of the boats that sailed with Christopher
Columbus. One of our ancestors testified at
a witchcraft trial even.. I have to read it with
a magnifying glass the print is so small.. I'm
hoping David will come for a visit.
Well I'm gonna close this for today and enjoy
my open door while I can.. Its gonna get hot
out and I will have to close it later, so I try
to sit there every chance I get...
So, until this GORGEOUS WEEBLE returns,
keep well and God Bless...
Always, Lois ****
"God Bless You" is my prayer today,
I'm honored to call you 'friend'.
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
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