
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

~I HATE Not Feeling Good :-(

What a week, I'm glad its saturday, I hope next week is better as far
as physically feeling.. Its amazing how the 2 connect. The physical and
the mental no matter what the connection is. When you feel bad you
automatically feel you LOOK bad as well.. I know many times this
week I've said If I LOOK like I FEEl... Lord, I KNOW I am looking
bad.... . . and trust me to look at me you could tell I was NOT feeling
well. lol.. and a few times I KNOW I looked AWFUL :-)

But when I feel good.. I LOVE to look the best I can. Even if no one
sees me, I see me. When I get up, and look for the outfits I know
look nice and are going to make me feel better about me. . I do my
hair, put some make up on and come and sit in front of this computer.
No one sees me but me, but feeling ok with myself I think makes a
big difference on how I make it thru my days, whether I see anyone
or anyone sees me.

Right now, even though I dont feel physically well. I have a lovely
silk gown on thats bright and cheery and of course silk. The feel of
it against me.. is soothing and smooth, as badly as I ache the feel
of the silk is a calming effect and makes me rest better and I can
relax and get the physical rest that I know I need, and the mental
rest I need as well.

Its the same effect I had when I was so upset and depressed in the
hellhome. I had a stuffed cat that looked so real you had to look at
her twice.. A lovely white persian looking cat I named Miss Priss.
She was so soft and warm. I would cry and hold her, the soft velvety
fur against my face would calm me and I would hold her softness
close to me and sleep, the tears would stop for awhile, I had peace.
Its amazing how touch of fur, silk, softness can affect how you feel.

I am hoping starting tomorrow I'll be up and can fix something a
little more solid than soup. I'm doing alot better, but not eating
much all this time, will take a few to get the stamina back. I phoned
my sis and bless her heart over 3 weeks for her, and she is so worn
out. I am hungry tonite tho, and something more solid I think will
help. What I dont know till I raid my fridge. lol. No, NOT Pringles.

Well the boys are waiting for a snack and I do need something so I
am off for the night .. Thank you so much for all the get wells... I
really appreciate them.
Y'all have a good one y'hear? luv ya...and thanks :-)
Always, Lois***


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