
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

~Good & Bad~

The good , even tho today started out very early--3 am, I fell asleep,
as soon as my butt snuggled down in my bed last nite...It was a
good morning, my sister in law and 2 neices stopped by for a visit,
was so nice to spend time with them. I hadnt seen my neice in
years..and one I had never met..So I was most pleased to meet
her, the chance never came up for me to. We had a good time
talked and gossiped about every body we knew..but thats the joys
of having company - you can talk about everybody else that isnt
there or you havent seen in for ever, it .was a really nice visit..I
almost didnt hear them at the door . My yahoo notifier when some
one logs on is a door knock, so when the cats ran to the door
I figured someone maybe is knocking .and they were !

We must have sat and talked for 3 hours..Was a total surprise
my sister in law made it here. Shes a wonderful driver, just has
a tendency to get lost if she has to stray off the main roads ..
I live very close to a main road and luckily she remembered
how to get here since she had only been here one time before.
My one neice I hadnt seen in 10 years i think..been a long time.
The other I never had the chance to ever meet her and it was
so nice to see her and know her a bit.. Shes very lovely, and so
nice..She is my brothers only child..The other neice is my
sister in laws daughter. Was really a great morning for a while
anyway..then I got a phone call .. Now the bad....

I got some really upsetting news when I got a call very shortly
after my company left..... Jane has had to quit..she has had a
family emergency that she has to attend to..which I feel may be
her parents..or one of them..I hope its nothing serious..I sure
did like Jane..I am so glad now she came yesterday and we did
get so much done. But I am SO distressed that she wont be
back..I got a call from COA informing me. I did get upset. :-(
I now have to go thru the routine of finding someone that will
do homecare AGAIN..3 months it took me last time..This is so
stressful. But I just cant do this with out a little help..I tried and
it sure did NOT work at all..only to almost make me sick..I sure
didnt or wasnt expecting to go back 3 steps..well Rolls - AGAIN.
So I will be making dozens of calls .seeing what I can find out..if
there is anyone that wants to come and help a weeble LOL..
sheesh can you believe this..??? my luck ..Great way to start
the year! *SIGH* I hope I can find someone faster this time.

How many days left of this year? I was hoping to make it thru
to the next with out anything major drastic happening .. so much
for that hope hey? lol..I'll tell ya..just sucky ducky again.. Makes
a person really wanna start a whole new year dont it? And got
no choice, I have to keep rollin..see how fast I can roll over this
bloomin LUMP....BUT....Not to worry..If I roll back and forth over
this lump a few times It will smooth out.I really.just hope that
it doesnt take 3 months of rollin--gets a girl dizzy..or should I say
Dizzier....hmm a dizzie weeble....I can sure find some names
for myself hey? :-) and the BAD thing is they ALL suit me :-D
hmmmm.. .

The picture up top is of course my boy Dutch.. hes still very
mad at me for letting that dog in here.. also I had to yell at
him twice last nite for plundering on my desk. Now you can
see a cat with an attitude lol..Kids..

Well speaking of starting this roll I'm gonna start now - by
way of the kitchen - of course.. I was upset about this and I
didnt eat lunch .. I think I hear some cookies out there that are
screamin at me that have my name on them and I know its
spelled wrong on them AGAIN, so ,,,,you know what that means,
I have no choice but to go out there and eat them. So..Like
that old Rawhide song says "Rollin, Rollin', Rollin', I just hope
my hide doesnt get too raw on this roll :-D.

A rollin dizzie weeble with a raw hide, eatin cookies.. sheesh...
aint that a cute image,...*Nitey Nite* :-)
Y'all have a good one now y'hear..luv ya..thanks for all the
sweet concern so nice to read ..
Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tuesday - my cleaning woman came. I made a 12-bean soup - to which I added breast of chicken, spinach, carrots and barley. I served it with elbow macaroni, parmasan cheese, bread crums and croutons in a large bowl. It is a whole meal. It is low sodium, because I added no salt. Wednesday, I will be going to senior centers for theater tickets , lunch and then visit a used c-d and record store.

  • At 3:58 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar.12 beans? there are that many different kinds? I didnt realize that..sounds wonderful..and yes that would make a whole meal would work for me..better than what COA provides ..You just stay so busy Momar, you will never get old..whats so amazing is you walk all over doing this. maybe thats why? get some good tunes now...
    have a good day...
    Always, Lois***


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