
Amputee life before and after...

Saturday, December 24, 2005

~Merry Christmas~

Before I write anything else, I have to say that this is a really wonderful
Christmas. My apartment smells like roses, and cinnamon..and cookies
all mixed into one..My telephone has rung today with some wonderful
phone calls from all over the world..From here in the states to Australia
to London. From my family, my sisiter, and brother, Donnie & Kelli
have been here and I have some of the most priceless letters in my mail
that I am just in awe..Some from people I dont even know..that have
taken the time to write to me..What a joy, and I am just so grateful..
I could NEVER say that I am alone..I may be by myself, well I am not
really, I have 2 of the most precious animals here by my side constantly
so..alone? NO , no I am NOT alone...or by myself, this is just a wonderful
Christmas... This year is ending, but what I have gained this year I am
just in awe... blessed..thats the only way I can describe it..So perhaps
the loss of my legs was..well a good thing..made me realize..hey...I do
have friends, no matter what... Merry Christmas...Lord, I am SO glad
I am here, and you are all my friends. This New Year, it will be great.

Donnie came by, and was so funny, he brought his gorgeous dog..a
chocolate lab named Jerky, which the only thing jerky is his tail.. Hes
8 months old..and just HUGE.. Dutch doesnt make a sound..He squeaks
Hes never meowed like a normal cat..he opens his mouth looks like
he is..but hes silent.. Last nite, I heard him actually GROWL..he was
going to attack that dog..got up on the bed..and I could not believe I
was hearing him..next thing I saw him run across the bed and going
after this dog..was too funny..Jerky ran..good thing..My boys are
armed and dangerous..lol..but to HEAR him? I was happy..He isnt
talking to me today..He is up here laying by my monitor of course, but
he wont look at me lol..has his back to me. hes mad..allowing a DOG?
in here...lol..LB he just ran under the bed..he didnt care ... kids...

The cookies and nana bread were a big hit..said I couldnt have
picked anything better to give them, me either cuz I got the odd
numbers as I wanted them to have exact dozen..so when the
batches came out to 15 or something well the spare ones are
mine since I'm the baker yes? lol.. and I did try all the cookies
I did really good. Was alot of work..and of course I made it harder
by my drops, spills and run overs lol..but well worth it..

My clock radio decided to quit today..and I have a spare, I
think I have a time fetish thingie..as I have a clock in every
room , yes even in the bathroom..well its important to know
when your on the potty what time it is Yes? :-D . The outlet is
on the wall where the side of the bed is, which is the head of
mine since I sleep sideways on the bed..so I had to pull the
bed out..and YESSS I remembered to make sure the brakes
were OFF.lol..but what a job..move all 7 pillows, woolbies..
to get at this outlet, had to reach way down and get to that
outlet..I did it..but boy,, this rolling around on my bed . I
do feel like a weeble..lol. All the motions I go thru..I sat
for a minute after I got the old unplugged and this other
in..thinking of all the more movements I have to make to
do even the simplest of things, and how things have really
changed, and I thought before I never thought that this
would or could happen to me...that a life could change so
drastically yet still is good...things we, well I did take for
granted that I would always have and be able to do, and
it can change in an instant.

I did find out today, that if you rent a handicapped accessible room
that the hotels will provide a chair for your shower if you need
one.. I didnt know that, so I learned something new today..see?
Life is such a learning experience..lol..Now I need to find out if
its true..Hmm maybe Chicago here I come?? lol...not a bad thought
I've been invited there. If I can get a ride I may go.. Chicago is a
great town.. maybe I could go and see Oprah lol...

ITs a a whole new year starting pretty soon..But lets not
forget the REASON for this season either..Like I say..Keep
Looking up, and you can do anything. so my friends I just say.....
Merry Christmas to all and to ALL a GOOD NITE, God love ya..

Y'all have a good one now y'hear? Luv ya..Thanks for this great
Christmas... yes Im headed to the kitchen I got cookies out there
screamin at me LOL :-D
ALways, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 5:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I remember last christmas.... Your mood was a real low one then, and now you are so happy and thankful.
    I must say even i feel better when you feel better. And now when the dog is gone even your boys feel better.
    So we all feel better and that is better. And YOU feeling better is the best, cause as you are the best....To me!
    Hmmmm a little bit to much philosophy there, but.....
    You are such an adorable weeble. : )
    KAO ***+*
    Your own ROB

  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Merry Christmas..Yes, thats true. Been along hard year but we made it Rob. I couldnt have done it without you in my life, I hope you know that, You encourage and cheer me on with your sweet, kind and wonderful words to me.
    Thank you my dear friend...

    Always, Lois***

  • At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    A very happy Christmas to you and yours, and many, many more on em!!
    You are DEFINITELY the most gorgeous Weeble in the world!!
    Your Joy and Optimism are a lesson to us all, Bless you.
    Have a great day,
    Lots of Love and Hugs
    from Raife

  • At 6:49 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Merry Christmas Raife, :-)
    Its the sweet words I read that make me happy, that keep me going.. Did you think I can do this ALONE? no no ... without these sweet tender mercies from DEAR people like you.. I couldn't do this Sweet Man. My thanks and love,

    Only the best is yet to be,
    you just wait...& you will see.
    Take my hand and roll with me,
    Together we can face the destiny...

    On the upward hills you may have to push...But on the downhill slopes, when the ride is fun, you can ride with me, and we will share our hopes...***


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