
Amputee life before and after...

Monday, December 26, 2005

~With A Little Help~

The upkeep on a large 2 bedroom apt is NOT easy. Jane
was here today and she helped me move my powerchair into
my spare bedroom and we moved stuff around..So much easier
with her help..If I had to do all this moving of chair, table, sewing
machine etc, well I just wouldnt have been able to in one day by
myself..She got so much done today .. she's really good.. My
laundry done and the spot for the 3 in 1 is ready..all I have to do
now is set the printer up..I can do that..its heavy but I can slide
it onto my tray table I have maybe, but I didnt today...

They brought me a cart to use in the kitchen .. I wanted well hoped
they would find me a nice small wooden type like a tea cart or a
tv tray type that was on wheels..they brought me the kind you see
in a restaurant..for the dirty dishes..when they clean off the tables.
Its huge..and only 2 of the wheels go in a circle which is ok but
really all 4 need to move..well spin around, for it to be really
maneuverable for me.. I needed something I could work off of at
my level..This is so big..and I hate to be ungrateful..but the room it
takes up is unbelievable and I cant get close enough to work off
of it..and its still too high ..*sigh*

I keep going while I feel pretty good then my arms start to ache and
my stumps from leaning forward and putting pressure on them but
I dont realize it till later when they start to really ache. and tomorrow
will be worse probably..But I may have company and I wanted to
get this apt straight.. I just cant stand messy closets..lol..or stuff
everywhere. I just need a good cleaning out of stuff I dont use or
need, ya.. i know just how much will be gotten rid of ..NOTHING..
just moved to another spot..I know..I did do alot of bending today
tho since my sewing room is such a disaster.. I need a better set
up in there and in here.. I kinda miss looking out the window when
I had my puter in there even tho I did only look at the parking lot of
the new apts next door..I saw the weather lol..Now my back is to
the window and then my bed and my computer desk is at this end
of the bed.. I'll figure it out.. I was amazed tho that there wasnt a
cable outlet in the spare bedroom or a phone jack..odd...

I think the change in the weather is making my stumps ache to day
tho..Its raining and most of our snow is leaving..can see the ground
in lots of spots and I didnt sleep that great..I think my mattress needs
turned or something maybe..ive had it this way since I moved in..
not been turned, flipped or anything..Could be why my back aches
sometimes..I mainly sleep on my back..I cant on my left at all cuz
of the bypass that goes down that side..To lay on my right side I
have to keep a pillow between my stumps as the left is longer and
then puts pressure on my hips..and then they ache..WOW..what a
mess hey? well I mainly sleep on my back until it starts to really
ache then I sit up and sleep that way..sometimes I sleep better that
way.. I did that when I was in the hellhome just to be able to breathe
better...I had at least 6 pillows there too..now I have..7 on my bed
Its a double bed, but the way I sleep its a king..lol..plenty of room..
and the boys like sleeping on the woolbies my sis makes for me
out of polar fleece to cover with..they are so snuggly...a woolbie
for a weeble ...too funny.. :-)

Well I am off to bed...I'm really beat..watch some tv..QVC was OFF
for the Christmas..I like seeing all the neat stuff they have . I should
watch they might have some knives LOL.. still havent found that
little green paring knife..ratz...oh, snack tonite is crackers in bed..lol.
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? luv ya..thanks...
Always, Lois***

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 2:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    regarding knives: I have a different knife for each purpose. It is difficult to use a new knfe for a new purpose. Ah but to eat and enjoy. I love the French word melange or mixture. Somehow after I microwave a dish of food its flavors mix and I sit there moaning at the great new combination of flavors.


  • At 3:24 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning Momar...I agree there is nothing better than good food. Funny how we get attached to favorite things we use tho...I do miss my little knife. I cant imagine what happened to it. Its gone..WAHHHHH ...
    hope you have a good day..
    Always, Lois***

  • At 3:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    One of the frustrations of being good at D.I.Y. is not being able to help people who really could use some help, like a well known weeble of my aquaintance!!! I'm sure I could fix that trolley, if I could only get my hands on it!! My Russian friend is having trouble with her car and I bet I could fix that, too. We are all in the wrong place at the wrong time!! ;-(
    Love and hugs,

  • At 4:02 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Raife, I have NO doubt you could fix most anything you are as handy as a button on a shirt..lol..
    I don't have a car, so that is ONE less worry for me. & That is a luxury I certainly cannot afford.. :-)
    Always, Lois ***

  • At 12:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I got to read your last blog too.please be a little more careful
    with moving furniture etc!
    Even if you would not be in the chair some of the things you are
    doing eould make your arms feel hurt! Love ak.

  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi AK.thank you for your concern how nice to read.I will try to have more patience and not try to do things myself, Its just a hard habit to break. Thanks tho for caring. :-)
    Always, Lois***


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