~Good News!~
Well.!.!. I have a new caregiver starting on friday. she will
be here about 1 in the after noon for 2 and 3/4 of an hour.
I'm allowed..get this.. 5.8 hrs a week.. I mean.. they even
go to how many MINUTES we are allowed.. thats kinda
pitiful..and I am allowed more time for laundry, 7hrs a
month and only 6 hrs a month for cleaning.. I guess they
figure my clothes get dirtier than my apt ..figure that out--
they must think i only slop on myself :-D and I DON'T..
well sometimes I do.. lol.. depends how hungry I am lol..
no no I'm very neat..i don't drool.. :-) I just hope it works
out.. I question this hour stuff all the time and the more
Becky tries to explain it to me I think she gets confused...
I would like to know who came up with the time allottment
however RayLynn will be here on friday and tuesdays...
I'm so pleased....
I want you to know I cannot raise my bloody arm lol.. but
hey.. I did NOT hit the floor and If I could I would pat my
self on the back for that.. Do you know what I would have
had to do if I had? scoot.. well if I didn't break anything --
when I hit the floor..Butt, I would have had to drag this butt of
mine ALLLL the way into the dining room , thru the kitchen
THEN into the living room, the whole time .pushing my
chair in front of me.. so I can get to that popcorn can, then
then take the cushion off the couch.. and start my climb
step by step back up into my chair.. I havent figured
out a easier way unless i get 2 different height foot stools
which would work and serve for extra seating in there.
THEN I try to manuever that can under my butt, which ya- like
that is easy too ... I know you can just picture all this too.
and don't be laffin at me neither LOL, :-) so now I am leaning
wayyyy over to the side.. then try to set the can straight
up with ME sitting on it.. yeahhh thats fun.. like now you
KNOW my butt fits on that can too right? SURE it does :-D
KNOW my butt fits on that can too right? SURE it does :-D
So here i sit.. hangin all out all over that can which is about
maybe 15 inches across, not sure, I'm perched there like a
big old BIRD..and have to turn so I can then I scoot to the couch
where there is no cushion..then I get up onto the other
cushion , about 8 or 10 inches thick and the same height as
my chair. then I scoot into my chair and tada! im back in it
All because I fell out of my chair, that is the only way I can
get back into it.. I have tried to pull my self up in.. but I just
cant figure out how to do it. now.. remember too, I am in a
skirt.. so ya.. thats another biggie while i am pushing my chair
back here to the living room.. its scoot.. pull my skirt, scoot, &
pull.. I guess if I wore pants be easier.. but since i only wear
skirts I have to be a little more ummm.. "careful" lol...well ..trust
me I do with out divulging too many secrets here LOL.
I have a couple bruises on each stump and the ribs are sore
too.. But hey.. I DID NOT hit the floor.. thats the main thing.. Do
you KNOW how mad I would be if I had broken my hip or arm?
ohhh no no totally unacceptable .. I still have not figured out why
that brake, well lock gave way I dont think I hit it.. I know I did
touch the tire first before I tried to get the grabber part on the
front of my chair.. well the L shaped part in front.. Maybe I
disengaged it.. they are coming tomorrow to check it out tho.
Just to be safe.. But it taught me a lesson to just be VERY
careful when I back up anymore.. I need one of those back
up things like on trucks lol. that beep when they are backing
up.. well they do.. just means Look out here I come..many
times I have to chase Dutch out of my chair when he sees
its empty he will jump in it and lay there cuz its nice and warm
from me being in it ..
You should have seen those two looking, wonderment on their
faces lol. watching me get back into this chair, I KNOW thinkin'
what their crazy mother was doing laying on her side by the potty
after I got back on the potty I had to make sure I hadnt hit either of
them they stay right there and watch while I do my business you
know..That is so hard to explain to company that my cats are the
potty escort and like to watch. My sis runs and slams the door,
knowing Dutch is on the other side waiting, I think what it is, they
like to watch the toilet flush.. LB will jump up and put his feet on
the seat, watch it flush for a while then run like crazy like some
thing is gonna jump out at him. Dutch well he gets on the seat and
tries to flush it again.. We are a weird family here.. lol...
like to watch the toilet flush.. LB will jump up and put his feet on
the seat, watch it flush for a while then run like crazy like some
thing is gonna jump out at him. Dutch well he gets on the seat and
tries to flush it again.. We are a weird family here.. lol...
Penny has been sick all this week she said is why I havent heard
from her.. She said she cant get rid of this stuff. she came over
and was going to go to the store and wanted to know if I needed
anything which i really did.. I was out of my favorite soda.. Bet
y'all forgot what that is too huh? ok take note..CREME SODA..
tastes kinda like vanilla that you use for baking..its really good.
She picked up soda and some ham for a nice grilled ham and
cheese sandwich ..ohoh I just told what my snack is gonna be.
But Penny looked so pale.. I felt bad for her and I told her I sure
appreciated her doing this for me.. She came back in about
an hour or so.. and I gave her some money for gas this time..
its gone up again here.. And I really appreciate her being so
kind to me.. I can remember some fights she and I have had..
Shes really alot like me.. She says what she thinks.. and
expects the rules to be obeyed.. the same for everyone..
maybe thats why we clashed so much at first. lol.. but she is
a good person.. Her daughter is in a chair.. and Penny takes
care of her and Katie the grand... Jody Is a para from the
waist down from a car accident.. a single mom. only in her
twenties I think not sure..pretty girl.. goes to college bless
her heart...Penny takes good care of them...
Well the ham is screamin ..ready to be heated up and cheesed
and Im starved Lunch was AWFUL.. some greasy dead lookin
chicken.. ickkaaaa .. so Im starved... Thanks for all the get wells
and the concern about this wobbly weeble lol.. I didnt hit the
FLOOOORRRRR ha ha !!! hey I'm good here :-)
FLOOOORRRRR ha ha !!! hey I'm good here :-)
Y'all have a good one..Y'hear? Did you know they have FOOD
they sell on QVC? Some CARMEL APPLE CHIPS.. M M M...
Always,Lois ***
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 5:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
I'll risk getting my butt kicked by saying - You did put the brake right on, didn't you??
O.K. I ducked that kick!!! lol ;-)
Some DAKs seem to be able to do a sort of hand-stand to get back in their chairs - I guess that is a bit too athletic? O.K. when you are 20 - 30 Y.O. but not so clever now??
O.K. I ducked that kick, too!!!
Take care, no more flying lessons, lots of love and big hugs,
At 4:23 PM,
Lois said…
lol your too funny Raife lol...yes dear ..brake was on..you saw a dak do a handstand? hmmm ok..no I cant do that..are you kidding it would end up a sommersault LOL ive not seen but 1 person get in & out and he lives down the hall hes only 26 or so..he can . but me? no no...handstand..lol..
I dont like to fly...lol..take care..
Always, Lois ***
Am I late or what answering you? lol...sorry..hetic day...
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