~My Poor Sis~
Today is better, thank goodness.. I was getting tired of this already...and I bet y'all was too...nothin' like a whiney weeble. lol...I do feel better I did have doubts a couple times tho..My sis just phoned.. with bad news.. She fell and broke her ankle this morning on her way to church.. She has a cast on her leg .. Always something.. My brother in law will be very upset when he returns..since she fell from a slippery ramp she has that goes into her house..that he was supposed to have fixed. Its wood and with the snow, and rain it gets slippery..And this morning, by her, they had both so was very slippery and she lost her footing and down she went..She is doing ok.. I remember how many times I had sprained my ankles and I broke my leg twice..The last time just before I had it amputated I think that was why they really didn't put it into a cast..just a air boot type thing...hurt horribly..When I worked I always dressed up and wore heels. I very seldom fell off them but I did a couple times and sprained my ankle.. I don't know which is worse, a sprain sure hurts alot, but a break isn't pain free either... When I had fallen and broke my leg that thanksgiving just before my first amputation.. I think they sort of knew that my foot was dying.. it had a few bad spots on it that would not heal..and had gotten really dark.. By the time January got there my foot had turned black.and I watched as it sort of disintegrated and seemed to just melt PAINFULLY away..I remember the pain most of all. I know by the time the day came to have the amputation.. i wanted it off - I needed SOMETHING to be done. I actually remember begging them to hurry and do this..please just so the pain would be less, i was in agony .. I think that was the first thing I really noticed when I woke up.. That the excruciating pain was gone...It hurt..and was propped up on a rolled up blanket..but it was a pain I could handle..I was really glad that it was done..but I hated the look of it..I honestly did not like the bk amputation.. I had a horrible time to straighten my stump out. it just would NOT..when I would try it would really hurt.. like the tendon had not been left long enough so the remaining part would lay flat down on the bed was awful and I hated it.. When I got back to the hellhome no one there seemed to know how to bandage a bk amputation.none of the dressings stayed on..that's why it got infected..from the nite the dressing fell off to the floor and the nurse just picked it back up and slid it onto my stump before I could stop her.. I still cant believe that a RN would do something that stupid...I was only a LPN and I knew NOT to do that..ANYONE does...but she actually got MAD!!! said she didn't have time to put a new one on ..let the day shift.. I told her to give me the stuff and I would do it..she stomped out of my room and I could hear her mumbling all the way down the hall..when she came back she literally threw the packages of tape and gauze onto my bed..while she hurriedly put a new bandage on ..I was taking up too much of her time.. That's why I had to have it taken off AK..because of the infection that set in...was from her neglegence.. she did not lose her job, as she told them.." I DID put a new dressing ON" but did NOT state that I made her...Thankfully she is no longer employed there, I hope she is not in another home abusing patients. think of the ones that cant complain...thats why they wanted me out of there because I DID..I let them know, (when i was sane) when they were wrong...I think thats why they kept me drugged LOL. just to shut me up .. well someone had to say something when they did wrong 90% of the dearies in there didnt KNOW They were even IN there.. :-) someone had to look out for all of us... Well I am going to go and lay it down for the night ..thank you all for your get well wishes and I apologize for the boring posts the past few days..If you have any questions or something you would like to know about.. I hope you will email or post a comment here and I will try to answer you...Maybe some others are too shy to post a comment and are too shy to ask...but let me know if you do.. I am always glad to get email..I love to write.. :-) didnt know THAT did ya? see? good thing I told you ....nitey nite..:-) Y 'all take care now y'hear? luv ya..and thanks again.. ALways, Lois *** May God Bless you today, I'm so honored to call you friend, I pray the Lord will keep you safe, Until I write again... | |||
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