~Saturdays Are Lazy Days~
Saturdays are such lazy days...I didnt get up till 10 am.
Talk about a lazy bones.. :-) I do feel alot better today tho.
My sis called and said she wasnt coming up to see me,
but like I told her I sure didnt expect her to!!! I know she
is having a rough time getting around..I feel bad for her,
I know exactly how she feels.. I do worry about her tho as
she was diagnosed not long ago as diabetic.
When I hear of breaking a leg just reminds me of how
mine started..with mine breaking that november..didnt
take long for it to really deteriorate,..went fast..well from
November to January..about 2 months of agony that was
a really bad time and I remember some..but not alot. I
think I mainly sat in my dark room and either slept or
cried the whole time.. I was a real pain in the patooty.
They really did try to stop the pain..but when gangrene
is eating away at your foot and you watch it turn black
the pain is excruciating..Perhaps it is a good thing I
dont remember all of it...
I remember that first morning after the bk amputation,
laying there thinking.. I dont feel any pain..and trying feel
what DID I feel..and I felt like I was ALL still there and maybe
I was dreaming..that I wasnt where I really was .. till I looked
side to side and saw I wasnt at the hellhome...until I REALLY
looked..then I felt maybe I was still dreaming when I saw the
flat part where my foot should have been...but I was SO NOT
dreaming.. the foot was gone.. I dont know how long I sat there
staring at that.I think in just disbelief wondering how this could
have that this just sneaked up on me, one day I had a foot
and the next it was gone..and NEVER to come back-.was a
very sad, odd, weird sort of feeling.. so many thoughts go
thru your head.. specially . "what am I gonna do now?"
I was thinking of the rehab that I had almost from the very next
morning they made me get up and move around...the rehab at
the hellhome was to just use a walker and hop up and down
the hallway.. and sit for a little while and do arm pulls on some
weights .. and that was only for 6 weeks after surgery.. The rest
of the time I was in there I had to amuse myself if the daily bingo
didnt amuse me.. I did play once in a while and they did off and
on, have some wonderful dedicated people that came in there
to visit us or bring us things..Many clubs or people that played
music came in quite often..The activities lady did a good job
I had talked to a friend about how I learned to do alot of
the things that I do.. where did I learn them. well I made
up most of my own way of doing things that I felt were the
safest, and easiest to do things..Only way you can.. we
can get tips etc but I think we all have to just make our own
individual adjustments as to how we do things.. like my
sister, I can tell her different ways.. but she is built so much
different, that the way I can do something she may not be
able to.. such as sitting backwards on the potty.. I dont have
the leg thingys on the front of my chair.. so when I pull up
against something I am flush up against it.. now for her if
she has her foot thingy she wont get as close as I do..which
may mean more open area..for her to navigate.. Plus she
has no side rails by her potty. well she did I guess, till she
tore the towel rack off the wall LOL.. :-) I can just see her..
I laughed at her lol..she did too tho..and wasnt funny at the
time..but like I told her she had to look like a big mad bird
floppin all over tearing up her bathroom... LOL...
I had to show my lazy LittleBoy and you can see he is enjoying
his saturday...All 3 of us had a nice dinner, I had some frozen
ravoli and sauce and they had a can of their favorite cat food..
I am so glad Rae knows of a cheaper place to get food for
I am so glad Rae knows of a cheaper place to get food for
them.. I like to give them 1 can of food a day and of course
their dry food.. I never have gotten them any treats tho.. They
have never had them I guess I should get them some..they
are good kids and Dutch HAS been behaving lately *knock on
wood* lol.. I know better than to say that lol..well I guess I can
there are NO bags of powdered milk or marshmallows where
he can reach them.. Hes up in the closet on the shelf. :-)
Well I am off to watch cops.. I hope they have something interesting
I get tired of watching them arrest all these prostitutes and all the
stuff they go thru to arrest those people..I would think other stuff
like murders or drugs be more important..but its illegal so I guess
that makes it newsworthy..I have more than one channel anyways
I LOVE this cable...what a treat...We bid you good nite !
Y'all have a good one now y'hear? LUV YA!!! & thanks..
Always, Lois ***
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 7:44 AM, Anonymous said…
I got a call early Saturday that they were not going to wait until Monday to amputate Shelley's legs to AK. He is a diabetic with gangrene. He still smokes. Anyway I keep in touch with his niece. I visit Ethel my ex- super who is legally blind to help her with her shoping and read her mail (Mondays) - she is Shel's aunt.
At 10:26 AM, Lois said…
Hi Momar, so sorry to hear that. I have been where he is. He has to be in excruciating pain, bless his heart.
Hope your projects are going ok..
keep me updated :-)
Always, Lois***
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