
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

~Happy Easter!~

The picture up there is not of me this Easter Sunday..Its of my parents.
You can see 2 loving people as my Dad has his arm on my Moms..See
the happiness and the smiles..how content they look- this is how they
always looked ..smiling, happy, and loving..Kisses, hugs, were always
there and never did we part company with out a kiss goodbye..They are..
not my birth parents but the 2 dear people that raised me and whom I
talk about so much..that gave me the morals and things that I live by,
they secretly taught them to me..and I didn't know it..That was such a
good thing..I wonder if that day my Dad told me the angels kissed me
he knew that I would need the courage and strength he and my mom
would instill in me...If they hadnt made me this way who did?

My mother was the kind "do it NOW, lets get the job done and finished
and we don't have to worry about it anymore" Mom taught me the joys of
a loving home..caring for it..cooking and doing the very best you can at
all you do...Perfect is always the best...Keep everything in its place..be
neat , clean, take care of your family , friends..loved ones..give them the
care they need. I have some of her things..I had her desk for a long time
everything inside it was in boxes..and neat and tidy..a place for every
thing and everything in its place...Cooking, sewing..no one could out do
her..and up North that was a biggie..Every womans pride was her home
family and of course her ability to cook and bake...The family gatherings
attested to that..The food was so great..I loved those picnics!.. :-)

Dad...well I have to admit..I was my Daddys little girl and I loved him dearly
he was so gentle, kind and always there, ready to help anyone any way
he could..He loved the winter..so he could put his plow on the front of his
old willys jeep..and go and plow all the neighbors driveways. He kept it on
the jeep all winter ..he says "well you never know when you may need to
help someone out"...Dad was an avid outdoorsman.. He LOVED where
he lived..said he lived in the best place in the world, and I agree as there
is NO place like home, the Upper Penninsula of Michigan I call it God's
country... He loved to fish..and he hunted, and he and I had many many
trips to pick berries.. I never refused a chance to go with him picking
berries or for a ride just to get a car part that he needed..I only had to be
asked once and I made a mad dash for that jeep ready to go...

The 3 of us, as my now estranged sister had already graduated, would sit
and watch TV together we only had the one..I remember before that ..
when we only had the radio..the 4 of us..waiting for our favorite programs
to come on.. Mine was Sergeant Preston of the Yukon...and SKY KING...
we all had our favorites..of course the music was my mothers favorite
to listen to...Daddy just listened to what the rest of us liked,.I watched him
sometimes sitting in his chair just watching the 3 of us listening, laughing
and enjoying that old radio and seeing a look of pride and love on his
wonderful face...

If you look closely at their picture. look at the happy smiles..they were
married for over 56 years before Daddy was called home..cancer
claimed that dear man, and it took me 3 years to finally give his things
away...He is still with me.. I think when I write my stories..telling my
memories so to speak he guides and whispers in my ear.."remember
Lois..that time-.." Momma was always singing..there were radios in
every room..even the bathroom and when you turned on the light the
music played..I still can hear her sing those old hymns that she loved
so dearly..'In the Garden, It Is No Secret' I think this is why I love music
so much myself as there was always a radio playing while momma
was awake..And flowers? everywhere...The second that first one
bloomed she dug out the special vases she kept for each kind she
had..Daisies were her very best favorites..thats what I planted on her
grave..Daddys..I planted a lovely Tamarack tree that are very hard to
find and was his favorite..they are like a very soft velvety Pine tree..
not many can be found.. He did..and planted it in the yard..That is the
one we lovingly transferred to his grave side..I was pleased that the
cemetery allowed it.....

I get very melancholy on the holidays and I wanted to share this with
you so you can see who instilled in me what is seeing me thru this
life of mine..where I got my strength and courage..and love of life
music and every thing I hold dear to me.. Now you know even more
about this short weeble..:-)

Todays mess? well last nights.. by you know who..Dutch
of course.. He was on my bed..by the end of the tray table..I had
a grape soda on there I was drinking as I watched tv...well he
wanted in the window..and miss judged..and fell..hit the lamp..
that fell over on its side-which hit the soda..which fell over and the
GRAPE soda went Into the WHITE lampshade- that then dripped
onto my BEIGE quilt..got the picture on this mess? needless to say
he ran and of course MOM had to clean it up.. He didnt do it on
purpose.but I guess I need to put soda into something with a lid if
hes going to jump around like a big CLUTZ..lol..THEN..as Im taking
this soda and all the graped napkins out to the kitchen I decided to
try and balance the PLATE I brought in earlier with some food on
for me..yup..that puppy slid off my stump and "SMACK" it actually
popped when it hit the floor, plate pieces everywhere..that took me
over an hour to clean up as I had to vacuum to make sure there were
no glass shards to get in the boys paws..*sigh* I cant win lol.
I hope you dont mind my Telling Memories. might be a good name
for my book..:-) I really would like to write one..so those special people
that adopted and loved me would never be forgotten.. They would like
that...I know I would..maybe help someone else as well... Time to hit
publish..Happy Easter my friends.. I hope that bunny was nice to you..
and didnt leave any of them raisens..

The teacher asked little Johnny.."why dont you bring me any more of
those raisens ? Little Johnny said sadly.." My rabbit died" :-D
nitey nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..thanks..and Happy Easter..

Always, Lois****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Yes, they were both wonderful folks. Just look what a wonderful, courageous, strong, uo-beat lady you have turned out to be - and quite a bit of that wonderful character is down to them. But not ALL. There is a wonderful spark of your own in there, too. There had to be something pretty darned good to build on, in the first place!!!
    Take care, my dear, try not to break too many plates - perhaps you should try pewter or wood or even solid gold for plates?? lol ;o)
    Lots of love and hugs from

  • At 4:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If I turn my cpu or brain to the word soda - I remember all the wonderful cold sodas of yesteryear. If one stopped at a gasoline station, I remember a steel box with ice in it and bottles of soda standing upright surrounded by ice. We had brands of soda which were made by small local bottlers such as vess, syfo, vivi etc. Many of them are still around with names like Coca-Cola Bottlers of Kansas City or whatever. I think brands like Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew or Moxie are still around and bottled by the big bottlers. I remember my first vending machine for coca-colas in 1942. The price was 5 cents for a 2 dl or 8 oz. bottle.

  • At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Lois-love!
    Its strange how an adopted child can get the looks, of two people that aint related in the blood!
    You must have been chosen by God to be their daughter.... Be proud! Strange tho, the likeness! And they were a cute couple, and foolowingly you are cute!
    Take care and have a good day!
    KAO ***+*
    Your own

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Morning...They were lovely people and dearly loved and missed terribly. Perhaps is the Indian bloodline in me that helped form who I am today as well as them..

    Different parts of the country refer to sodas differntly, soda, pop, soft drink, depends where you live. I loved the fountain drinks when they made them right there. THose were so good. I dont think anyone has a soda fountain anymore..
    AHHHH THOSE were the days my friend.

    I'm so glad we have the photos to keep our memories in tact..

    OF COURSE! 2 GORGEOUS people would have NO LESS than a GORGEOUS daughter :-)...

    Have a good day!! :-)
    Always, Lois****

  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Thanks for your story. I was adopted also, though as an infant. Your parents wound like they were wonderful people. I found your story very touching.

    I hope that you are feeling better. That burn sounded plenty scary.

    The grape soda, etc., mess sounds terrible. On Friday a colleague of mine put soda on the sunroof of the car, got in, and immmediately and without thinking opened the sunroof. The sticky soda soaked his suit, the upholstery, and the rug. What mad it worse is that it was his wife's car.

    I hope that you have an accident-free day.


  • At 11:35 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,
    I was 14 months old when I was adopted my parents also adopted my sister Gayle, 8 yrs older than me..

    Ohh Poor guy...nothing like raining coke lol..ickkky stickky lol...

    Its very red today and quite sore..Appartently some has splashed on my left as well. *sigh* I hope this is a mess free day too!!!

    Have a good day.. good to hear from you again Gray..:-)
    ALways, Lois ****

  • At 5:00 PM, Blogger Gray said…

    If you need first aid perhapsd I should volunteer my services...

  • At 5:57 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Well Gray that would be a help :-)

    Always, Lois****

  • At 6:52 AM, Blogger Lois1 said…

    Hi Lois happy Easter(a little late) your parents were wonderful people and its great that you had each other so much love.........My daughter is 11 today her name is Eve she was born on Easter Sunday and this is the first time in 11 years that her birthday has fallen on easter sunday so we have renamed today EVESTER so happy EVESTER lois

  • At 7:20 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Lois! Happy Evester too :-) Yes, they were good honest hard working people, very well liked by everyone.
    And loved each other dearly, you can
    tell by the photo. they were in their
    60's then I think . not sure.

    Hope all is well by you kiddo :-) good to hear from you :-)
    Always, Lois****


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