~How Bad Did I Want That Clicker?~
While I was watching TV last night- I did manage to make it
thru Prison Break and only the beginning of Medium, but before
I got onto my bed I sat in front of the TV so I could read what
the movies were, I cant read what it says on the screen from
my bed.. While I was sitting there I dropped the clicker (remote).
I continued to watch TV for a while then turned and rolled up to
my bed and scooted over to it.. I shifted here and there and
fixed my pillows, got all my stuff set where I could get what I
wanted, soda, or whatever..My nightly routine.
I got all comfortable..and decided I wanted to change channels
and then suddenly noticed I didnt have the clicker up on the bed.
So then, of course, I remembered and looked at the floor..sure
enough there it was..and naturally OUT of Reach!!! So, I looked
for my grabber, well it was NO where to be seen..so I sat there
deciding..well..the only way I was gonna get that clicker was to
get back in my chair and roll the 2 feet and get it..I actually sat
there for quite a little while..honestly! deciding just HOW badly
did I want to change channels :-) I did..!!
Well ..Fooey, I would have to turn..at least 3 to 4 times to get
lined up with my chair..back into it..undo the brakes..and then
back up..turn..then go forward..lock down..grab on to the back
of this chair..lean over and grab the clicker..THEN do all that
in reverse to get back up on the bed..JUST to get this clicker.
It is Not just a quick stand up reach and sit back down for me.
Just the smallest thing like that is quite a few moves for me..
All involving arm strength. I got it anyway..and sat there after
wards thinking about this..just amazes me what I took for granted
before when I had legs..and all the movements I have to do now
just to pick up a clicker not EVEN 2 feet away from me..Was
pretty sad tho..I actually did consider just watching that one
channel..lol..and not go thru all this...is that lazy or what? lol...
Todays Mess:..I rolled out to the kitchen this morning..and I dont
know if I did it..I dont think I did..I wasnt in the kitchen in the dark.
I think Dutch was playing. Well the bowl of dry cat food was on its
side..cat food up underneath the counter, it hit the water dish,
and knocked it over which HAD to go right onto the dry cat food.!
I dont know when Dutch did this..but it was still wet. I couldnt
wait for RaeLynn to get it by then it would be dry and take a chisel
to scrape that off the floor..so I had to do it.. Well I got my daily
bend in half exercise. quite a few of them wiping up all that wet
gooey cat food. then had to wipe up the floor..or that would have
glued to the floor what was left there..so I had to wipe it twice..
The joys of a messy kittie.. lol..He plays, bless his heart, I've
watched him dance around that kitchen floor just chasing a tiny
piece of cat food..Hes a happy little guy and I'm glad..I want my
boys to be happy, they sure do alot for me..they , no not they, LB
is a good kid..Dutch makes me mad sometimes..but for all the
laughs and kisses he gives me? well its worth it.. :-)
The 2nd mess? well I had my check book, which I keep all sorts
of stuff in..on my keyboard tray here on this desk..I closed the
tray and the check book went off the far end way up under the
desk here and fell off.. SHEEEESHHh.. I had to find the grabber,
thankfully I did this time..and dig all those papers and check book
out from under my desk, bend and grab..pull papers out.. then I
would have to roll back to see what I had missed..and bend and
reach at least 3 times to get it all..Well im transferring check
registers too..so its kinda full..lol..I know..I did it to myself..:-)
If I can work my way out to the kitchen SAFELY and with out making
a mess..I think I will have some tapioca pudding..sounds good hey?
all nice and cold..I get those small snack pack ones..theyre pretty
good..If I got it in the cans its just so much and I would have NO
choice but to eat it all lol..:-) so these little snacker pack ones are
really good for me..as long as I only open 1 lol.. Thats the hard
part but all I can carry is two so..lol..thats not too bad..not as much
as a whole can lol..well it doesnt save real good so you HAVE to
eat the whole can of it !! lol.....NItey Nite.. :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya..& thanks..I love reading
all your comments..sure is nice ..I love knowing this is being read..
means alot to me..and that you let me know.. :-)
Always, Lois****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 3:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
I could make you a couple of clamps with clips on them to fit the tubes of your chair frame, to take your grabber, so's you always have it with you - I made a pair for just that purpose for my Russian friend. I haven't heard how well they woked, though. But the offer is there!! ;o)
I guess you know, when the kitty food has got wet and then set like concrete, a damp cloth laid over it for half an hour will loosen it O.K. Still have to bend over, though!
Take care, hon, Lots of love and hugs from
At 5:31 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Raife, Thats possible..I dont know..Yes, i know that about kitty food..Just such messy eaters. I wish they would learn to clean up their own mess..
Always, Lois****
At 6:37 AM,
Gray said…
What a lot of work to do small things. A form of enforced physical therapy.
My cats are very neat eaters, but one of them has an overshoot problem with the litterbox.
I have a friend with cerebral palsey, and he has a holder made from an archery quiver for his two grabbers. It also had small pockets for his keys, cell phone, and other necessities. There is even a clear plastic pocket for his commuter rail pass.
At 7:45 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Gray, I know..but I never thought about it..and I bet most people havent, there is no comparison as to the work or strength involved. Bending is good exercise, not after you just ate though lol..:-)
Yes, If you look at the photo of me as a sak I put on here, you can see a bag I made to carry stuff. but a archery quiver on the back of my chair would work..good idea. thanks..:-)
Hope you have a good day :-)
ALways, Lois ****
At 9:11 AM,
Gray said…
My friend's quiver is on the side of his power chair at an angle. He can easily reach items in itwith his limited arm motion. The really clever thing is that it has a ripstop nylon liner attached at the bottom to a thin nylon strap. When he accidentally drops something like his van keys down the main compartment, he can pull the liner inside out with the strap so he can get anything out without help.
At 9:51 AM,
Lois said…
good idea Gray!!
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