~I Forgot How To Write!~
Today I decided I would write a letter to my cousin
June..She is the Elder of the family at 83. Still takes
care of herself..strong woman and a sweet woman that
I have had a special place in my heart for always..She
even used to tell me that I wrote lovely warm letters
and she loved when I wrote to her..I Tried to today. I
did..I got paper, pen and a envelope I was going to write.
Do you know by the time I finished the first paragraph
my hand was cramping and the pen fell right out of it? I
have gotten SO spoiled by this computer.. I type out my
letters and I can type alot faster than I can write...then
print them off and post them lol. Well..to a favorite cousin
and someone younger I would, but out of respect for her
I will hand write it.. This is the same thing as how my power
chair spoiled me and I had to go back to my manual.. I wont
go back to NO computer no no..but I think I should take
more time to write stuff by hand.. Most I write now is a
check which takes 2 seconds to do..specially when you dont
have any money to spend anyway I only write 2 a month.
rent and supplies lol..I got out of practice...lol.
To type a letter on a computer is so fast and easy.. I have
always been a fast and pretty good typist..I had a teacher,
Miss Swanson..wow I remember!! she left an impression hey?
Well she was VERY strict..and on first day she gave us a
picture of a keyboard and told us to memorize it. On the 4th
day after reminding us all 3 of those days..to memorize, this
was 10th grade...lol..and told us what to practice typing. Miss
Swanson walked person to person while we were typing and
put a sheet of paper over our hands..and if we stopped typing
because we were looking at our hands, we would get a F for that
day, and double homework.. Then if we didnt the next we were
in BIG trouble. So I learned. I HATED failing grades..that was
NOT acceptable lol I can remember I had DREAMS about key
boards.lol. I made sure I learned it. And I remember it to this
day. I tested once..I did 96 wpm(words per minute) and had
3 mistakes... not too bad..:-)
One hot day, in class, one of the guys, Leo, big tall guy- kinda
of one of those "bad" guys..always into something..Well- he was
trying to type and was his turn to have Miss Swanson put that
paper over his hands.. He had to stop typing lol..She told him
he was getting a F for every day for a week..he had PLENTY
of time to memorize that keyboard..Well..Leo jumped straight
up..grabbed that typewriter off that desk....remember I said
was nice warm day? The windows were wide open for air..
yup..he stomped over to that window and THREW that type
writer OUT of it!!! Told Miss Swanson "NOW !! you can't
fail me cuz I quit" and marched out of the room..He never
did come back ..but boy did he get in CRAP ..I think, suspended,
and had to buy a new typewriter, apologize-he did nothing :-)
We ALL laughed our butts off it was SO funny. Miss
Swanson was so shocked I thought she blew a gasket lolol..
But I can still type close to that today tho..so ..I LEARNT..
now if I could get the punctuation right I'd be ok..huh
Raife? lol...I give that poor man fits with my writing style
when he reads me.. well I cant be like anyone else can I?
NAAAA-- Im GORGEOUS ME :-) like no other lol...
I think I need to type a recipe for making some food..lol
Lunch wasnt too bad..spaghetti and garlic bread but guess
what was with it? no no not carrots lol SPINACHHHH ..
EWWW ..WHO would want SPINACH with spaghetti?
well for that matter who would want it at all? lolol NO
i dont like SPINACH either ..boiled grass looks like to
me..no Ill put that right with the carrots.lol. :-) I have
some good recipes tho. Now if I can just make it out
there and back with no mishaps ill be fine.. Oh and say,,
NO mess report..well a tiny one. just some washcloths
knocked off the closet shelf ..well they had to lay down
lol its a favorite spot, so we're doin good on that front.
I'm hitting POST now..Nitey Nite :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv Ya! and THANKS!
Always, Lois ****
Ps. Like this print better? lol..
Ps. Like this print better? lol..
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 10:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
As always, enjoy readig you.
Bon soir,
At 5:33 AM,
Lois said…
Good Morning Robert. ummm wait..I'll think of it BON JOUR!!! lol...thanks hon :-)
Always, Lois****
At 7:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Writing letters both with a word processor and on paper:
The president of one of our local universities suggested using a yellow computer with a rubber tip (pencil).
The trouble with a word processor is that the writing loses some of its spontineity. My word processor has letter, word, paragraph, page and world delete. Do not use that world delete code. When I worked for a museum it was suggested that I do my letters in 52 charachter long lines and print them if I used a pencil. It is them there thoughts that count but a lot of letters use long lines which get confusing to the eye.
At 7:45 AM,
Lois said…
Good Morning Momar, Nice to hear from you.. I have NO idea what you said lol.. Ive never used that I dont even do MS word or any of those..too confusing, email works for me lol...
Have a good day..:-)
Always, Lois ****
At 9:05 AM,
Gray said…
MS Word? I mostly use OpenOffice. Free and good and works an all types of computers.
That was a good story. I remember a kid in middle school who had a similar personality.
This is from an add from the Vermont Country Store, a place I know well.
Manual Typewriter
Honest-to-Goodness Manual Typewriter
Manual Olivetti moves at a pace that allows time to compose your thoughts, which is probably why Thomas Pynchon, Tennessee Williams, and John Updike used Olivettis. MOMA-worthy design, perfect for your writer's cabin-and it will never, ever crash! Full-sized keyboard, sliding margin controls, three line-spacing selections and touch controls, ribbon positions for black, red, or stencil. Steel-case machine is built like a tank, with no electronic parts to fail or malfunction. Heavy-gauge vinyl carrying bag. Color is gray. 13½"x12"x3½"; weighs 12 lbs. (Gift wrap not available.)
John Irving (Garp, Owen Meany, Cider House Rules, etc.) writes his novels with a pencil.
At 9:36 AM,
Lois said…
Morning Gray :-) I learned on an old Royal manual..sure made for strong fingers let me tell ya. Those oldies were wonderful. well MOST oldies are LOL.
Hope you have a good day today :-)Im waiting for my caseworker, then Raelynn will be here..busy day ...
Always, Lois****
At 5:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear, GORGEOUS Lois!!!
Try relaxing your fingers when you write. Many children at school, I used to notice, held their pens SO tight they turned their index fingers inside out, nearly. Relaxer-vous, or, in your case, Relaxe-toi. I'm sure you would be able to write for HOURS like that! lol ;o)
Take care hon, careful with that punctuation, now, lots of love and hugs from
At 6:11 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Raife, I have to give you something to do! lol. I used to love to write letters..I had lots of pen pals all over the world when I was in school. This computer did it..lol..spoilt me .. Hope all is well over on your side of the pond, rain here and gonna be cold. AHHH the joys of living in Michigan..lol..I LOVE it :-)
Nite hon !
Always, Lois****
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