
Amputee life before and after...

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Did you know that music can actually be good for you?
It does alot for me..I was discussing this with a friend..that
for no matter what occasion or situation or feeling there
is a song that would go along with it.. Happiness, sadness
MADNESS with some of the newer music. :-) But there is
something for everyone..I was a little moody yesterday
thinking of all the people I knew myself that were in a bad
way..and I got down a bit..and I went to a site I know and
started to listen to some of my favorites..waltzes, and sad
songs when I want to stay boo hooey for a while or I listen
to the happy songs.. Polka's and good Honey Tonk or
Rag TIme PIano, That kind of music will even get invisible
feet to tappin.. :-) Or chairs to rockin lol...

I know most everyone with this nice week end we had here
in Michigan that alot were working out in their yards..getting
them ready for spring planting..I chatted with a friend in the UK
and spring is sprung there..I saw pictures of the most gorgeous
flowers in their garden, narcissus, and daffydills..and they all
were just beautiful.. I sure miss that.. I would LOVE to be able
to go out and dig and plant seeds or plantlings..is that a word?
lol..and see all the colors and blooms...I think my favs are really
roses first..then daisys then morning glories.. snapdragons..
hollyhocks of course..hmmm I bet it would probly be easier to
say what ISNT my favorite..Same with a veggie garden...

I think I could work in one..if the beds were raised a bit..and I had
one of those wagons..I bet I could scoot along quite well..get a
good sturdy stick to propel me along..I think something like that
would work quite nicely..I have a air conditioning unit that is in
the wall in the living room, on the outside I could easily put a box
with some flowers in it..Like petunias..or geraniums..even some
daiseys possibly..My problem would be in watering them.. I would
have to depend on Raelynn to do it for me as there just would be
no way I could carry water outside ...I did tell Raelynn that I want
her to buy a disposable camera for me and she and I will go out
side and she can take some pictures for me.. I dont have any of
here..well yes I do..a few I took while they were building the apts.
next door..But I think be nice to take some..perhaps inside and
out.. I know many have NO idea what a roll in shower is lol...So
perhaps tuesday when she goes to the grocery store she can
pick up a camera..We decided friday is NOT a good day for
her to go shopping for groceries. Raelynn will be starting to get
here earlier now as she has another client..and so my time from
1 to 4 will be 11 to 2.. I like that better..

Talk about a lazy day I did absolutely nothing today ...I did try to
organize my photos but..well I think I just made more of a mess if
you want the truth.. I just have TOO many and I need to do a house
cleaning on those as well..Good thing I have a big Hard drive on
this thing to keep all this stuff, I am such a pack rat...I got up early
today my right stump was aching SO bad.. I had NO choice.. I
laid on my right side..for too long I guess and boy did it let me know
RIGHT QUICK lol.. It took forever to calm down, got me up at 4:30
I know, I have to come up with some other sleep positions..just my
back or sitting up isnt enough..lol..

So...I guess I WILL do something..:-) .did you guess what ?
yup..get some food lol..BUTT I have NO idea what.. I may make a
philly beef sandwhich with sauteed onions..no no Im kidding too much
this late..I would be up 50 times tonite lol..I have some new snacky
crackers that are pretty good, so I think they will do nicely..I could
make an ice cream float..:-) hmmm grape? well I'll think about it
while I roll out to the kitchen...Nitey Nite :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? Luv ya & thanks...:-)
Always, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'am sure that you have a green thumb and would be good in a jardin.

  • At 10:49 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Good Evening Robert.How nice to hear from you...Yes I guess I do. I like plant etc. I wish I could have them in
    the house, with cats however I cant, I tried, Nope Dutch would lay in them. lol Hope you had a good day :-)
    Always, Lois****

    Ps.Jardin? test again huh? GARDEN!!! I knew that one HAHAHA :-)

  • At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My dearest Lois!
    Do YOU know that music is the only language you cant say evil things in....No sarcasms or hard word can be spoken in the musical language. Well the text can be evil, but never the music itself! Aint that a good thing to lean on?
    Today im going to work and this night we have guests in our house (puterroom : ).... They are schoolpupils from Us, and here via United nations. Its kids that came from places where there is war and aids and such! The ones sleeping with us is leaders from US, well that means i miss the news from you another day..... But we two have lived trough hard times before, havent we?
    Well at last: These is allways a great comfort to hear about you and your life, and i hope you feeling as great as you can today.
    See you sweetie!
    KAO ***+*
    Your own

  • At 9:14 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    I havs seen wheelchair-accessible raised beds. They were about six feet long and about thirty inches wide, so you could reach to the middle from either side.

  • At 1:50 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray, that would be perfect, and I sure could enjoy that too. I think this blog is late today or something I only just now got this comment hmmmm . blogger sure acts up alot..
    hope your having a good day
    Always, Lois****

  • At 1:59 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Rob..so nice to hear from you! Yes, music is alot of comfort..I would be lost without it.. Hopefully soon the dragon will leave the lair, then when your company leaves you will have your room back..
    Hope all else is ok by you :-)

  • At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Lois,
    Yes, music is SOOO great, you can say 'most anything with it. I know of a piano concerto or two that are pure love songs and for me, many Mozart symphonies produce the feelings of a new love affair. That joy and excitement - you remember?
    Roses are my favs, too, but only if they are scented. Roses without any perfume are not REAL roses at all.
    Please, how do you make an ice cream float? I thought they would sink!!! - sorry!! lol ;o)
    Take care, hon, lots of love from

  • At 3:12 PM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Raife!! Music does wonders for me as well. I love it..

    To make an ice cream float..lol put vanilla ice cream into a large glass then poor cherry, grape, root beer soda over top and get a straw and spoon and eat and sip lol.its wonderful. Root beer is a fav. some good stuff hon lol..
    hope your cough is better :-)
    ALways, Lois ****

    Ps.. roses are red violets are blue, daiseys are white and I like them too :-)

  • At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes my dear Lois, music even heal but there is no music like the one we paise the Lord with! Allways lift my heart and my soul and make me well or much better

  • At 9:05 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    I agree.. I listened to my mother sing those old hymns..the sound was so wonderful..I sang in the choir of our little church from the time I was old enough to join..

    Music is a true healing power as well..but we ALL know the Greatest Power..

    ALways, Lois ****


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