~We All Need TLC~
If you read the comments from the past few posts you will
find Jo's, Richard & Judi's, Cherry's.. We all are going thru
our trials and tribulations, we all have need of prayers. Jo,
Bless her heart, is just having a very rough go these past
few years..We met through a stationery group for email.
She writes lovely poems if you read the comments from
last nite. Shes a wonderful writer..Shes been through so
much yet still shes happy and counts her blessings even
though she faces so many things not only in health issues
but family as well..Dear Judi..shes a Native American
sweetheart..and has gone through so much these past
months, yet still found the time to visit with me here and
her loving grandson that took the time to read to her and
put comments here, to encourage me.. Cherry, what a
sweetie..The people from the UK..well everyone I know
from there are the loveliest people...Cherry's Mum is
having a hard way to go..she's in hospital..My dear friend
Mavis..she can't walk but a few feet and runs out of air
to breathe. Marlene, a fellow DAK,, I ve not heard from in
quite a while..I hope she is ok..she was not well the last
I heard from her.. So many in need of prayer..a helping
hand..lots of TLC ...
And I complain..because I have to bend in half or have
a hard time to reach..or I make a mess...I am still here
and I am at my computer.. perhaps one day I may be
really down..in hospital..but for THIS day..I'm here...I
am reading what my friends write and the compliments
they give me..the encouragement..and the concern they
have for me..and I am just SO grateful..I should never
never complain...when there are so many many that
cant be at a computer, or cant get into a chair to make a
mess..or even are aware that this is even a day...I
count my blessings..and I do stay up beat..and happy as
I can..I laugh and yesss sure I do cry too..I get discouraged
but..we CANNOT give up..Take each day, each hour,, and
then each minute and live it... be grateful..thankful..when
you lay your head down at nite..knowing your safe, warm
and fed, your ok..say "thank you LORD"...and have some
sweeeeeeeeeeet dreams... Life is so hard..it really really
is..You read what Jo wrote. yet..she came here to write
to me.. now..how wonderful is that? THATS what its all
about..just living..loving..and caring about each other..Life
is good...
Keep praying for these sweet dear friends of mine.. I called
everyone I know to pray for them..just read their names..when
you do..all you gotta say is.."God...bless them" THAT works...
trust me. :-)
Today was quiet..and I downloaded some of the best tunes
and got a few from a friend that knows I LOVE piano music..
That old Rag Time, Honkey Tonk..ya...I love that stuff.. I
really LOVE it all...I really didnt know what to write about today
and I had to write this.. It amazes me I say everyday..."hmmm
what will my post be tonite?" and I always come up with some
thing and its usually from someone else..like tonite..my dear
friend Jo..going thru all that and STILL reading me..what a gal.
:-) well this gal is yuppp lol HUNGRY!!!! Is that a disease?
I am beginning to think so lol...I know I have it..lol..ALL the
time it acts up on me too !!! BUTT- I KNOW how to cure that !
dont we all? lol..Time to hit publish...nitey nite my friends..:-)
Jesus loves you and so do I :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya! & thanks, thanks..
Always, Lois****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 6:31 AM, Anonymous said…
Dear Lois,
Love to-day's post. It is such a good idea of yours to balance the lighter-hearted side of things with something a little more philosophical. Thank you for that.
Take care, hon, lots of love and hugs from
At 6:39 AM, Lois said…
Good Morning Raife, Thank You :-)Living is such a complicated thing that affects every part of us. Spritual, physical, mental. we are a complicated lot us humans. :-)
Happy Sunday my friend :-) Hope the cough is better ...
Always, Lois****
At 8:52 AM, Gray said…
One of the best things about the internet is that we can support each other from afar, even if we have not met in person. That was indeed a nice post.
At 1:48 PM, Lois said…
Hi Gray, Thank you :-) The net has opened a whole world for alot of people..
ALways. Lois****
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