~Lots Done~
I got quite a bit done today, Spent most of it on the phone
or looking for info online..I know all this stuff going on here
will work out..but there are so many variables its hard to
know just exactly the right thing to do, so I've asked advice of
different friends, and see what their suggestions are.. It is
really an Issue facing me that I think many other, not only just
amputees but anyone that needs or uses other medications
to deal with their pain, depression or what ever. I myself do
NOT like taking Pills.. I haven't now for about 2 years.. I was
on about hmmm.12? 14? I really don't remember too MANY.
When I was on these medications..I honestly felt I had no
brain.. Really and I couldn't be helped but be called a BLONDE.
lol. I felt groggy, no energy, sluggish..and EVERY time..well
my Dr. was coming to me then..once a month.. and I would tell
him I feel crappy or tired or depressed his stock reply to me
was "well.lets try this drug for a while and see if it works" . and
he would write out a prescription for it..They would all clash and
I would be on such a radical..up and down..that I didn't know if
I was coming or going.was awful. I hated that feeling..I did this
for 2 years..and I got tired of it. said NO more Pills and quit
taking every one I had.. You can test me.. you wont even find a
aspirin in me now and you know what? I found out I DO have a
brain !!! I can think! I bet if I was still on all those pills I would not
be as capable with this computer.. well im still not, but..well I
KNOW what I would have been like..probly just sitting and staring
at the screen drooling. I DONT miss all those pills.. BUT now, what
works for me may not for someone else.. I could be taking a big
chance..But well.. If I can improve my quality of life..shouldn't I?
I think THAT is my main priority, and whos to say doing this did
NOT improve it.? I THINK it DID..and thats the main thing...
I seriously am going to look for a more private place to live.. This
is the 2nd time I have lived in an apt..and I honestly hate it.. I need
a more private place .. I should start playing the lottery I keep
saying ..well, LOTS say it..IF I could win the lottery I would get.....
I know what I would get...A nice place to live..doesn't have to be big,
but enough for me and 2 boys ...OR so.. :-)...well never know ..that
Prince may still find me before I end up in one of those Rocking
wheel chairs.. Still possible. I would hate to think that THAT is not
a possibility anymore.. I would feel sad..Its a day dream..
I think if we didn't have our daydreams..of things we would like to
have and we can sit back and say "one of these days I will have
that train ride" or "one of these days, I will have the kind of place I
want" or the best day dream of all is.."when I WIN THE LOTTERY" I
bet almost every person in the world that has them the people have
said that.. ALL I would need?? well a million would do nicely.. I could
buy a house..small , nice, on a lake and If I did right.I could live VERY
comfy the rest of my life.. NO worries and I think I could be VERY
happy lol. All I have to do now is PLAY..I bet everyone says that too.!.
well Im gonna go play out in the kitchen and find some food..these past
couple days have been really stressful and I can feel the toll. My boy
seems to be feeling a little better too..Raelynn was even worried about
him..She instant messaged me later and asked how he was..She felt
bad..he didn't want even play "String" lol.. She really likes him..well he
likes her too..Sometimes he pouts when she leaves..he wasn't done
playin...I think animals are very sensitive, I didn't get but a few hours
sleep last nite as this has really taken a toll on me..I don't like this
not knowing what to do state.. Good thing I know what to do in that
kitchen!!! . . . Nitey Nite.. :-)
Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya..and thanks :-)
Always, Lois ****
May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...
At 10:08 AM,
Gray said…
Good luck with your searchm, Lois. It soulds like you are risking to the occasion.
At 12:32 PM,
Lois said…
Hi Gray,, Ya, im taking it one step at a time..But I do think I need a lawyer.. But so far no luck :-( I have some ppl looking for me tho.. got to be a Devotee lawyer somewhere lol..
Hope your having a good day :-)
Always Lois****
At 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
My dear Lois,
I pray that that Prince Charming will turn up, preferably carrying a check from the lottery!!! I wish that I could be him, but I'm too old and too married!! ;o(
Chin up , Hon, lots of love and hugs from
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