
Amputee life before and after...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

~Ready For A Ride?~

I got some of the nicest mail about this blog and how many seem to like
sharing my memories with me and seeing all these pictures I put here.
I really do enjoy doing that. Every photo I have has a little tale behind it.
I wish I had all the ones that Gayle has in the albums I HAD to give her
that were our parents. Every time I would go home, I would sit on the
floor and get the photo albums out and every time..my Dad would say
"Lois, we never look at these things, only when YOU are here, but I
sure enjoy it".. and they did..they would tell all the tales behind all those
old photos of what they remembered about that time. You could see the
smiles on their faces as in their minds eye they were transported back
in time, to that memory caught in that photo, when my mother dressed
so ..hmmm badly? and my dad was so strong and handsome, or the
ones of the family that were long since gone. It was so nice to talk and
hear all these things.

We had gone for a ride, my parents and Willie and I when we were up
there visiting, we rode up to Marquette, out by the lake, dad telling
us how he would drop mom off at the shopping center- he would ride
out to Presque Isle, watch the huge ships as they were loaded with
ore, then take that gorgeous ride around the island. I had my tape
recorder with me and taped dad as he told some of the stories that he
remembered from a long time ago about Marquette and this gorgeous
island.. It is a beautiful city..Northern Michigan University is there
where I went to NursingSchool. I loved it there.. Was such a HILLY
place..the main street of town was on the side of the hill next to the
lake beautiful.Get up that way.go out to Presque Isle.see the little
zoo they had and take that ride around it.theres many places to stop.
Well see the photos..its a GORGEOUS place... I love that word ..just
describes such BEAUTIFUL things LoL.. :-) suits me too :-)

Those huge ships would pull up to those docks, the train cars full of
ore would travel along the top, dump the ore into the ships, it was
interesting to see. The beach all around was wonderful.Not
alot of people swam in Lake Superior-was NOT the warmest one.
The Inland ones were the best..the water was always warmer..Lake
Superior is one of the most dangerous of all the 5 great lakes..It even
one of those huge ships sink years ago because of one of the many,
even to this day dangerous storms that can just come out of nowhere.

Presque Isle Park is beautiful. There are picnic tables all around the
island..theres a little shop..even a small zoo in the summer.Its a very
popular place- many secluded spots for just quiet times that I KNOW
are there from my college days lol. There are places where roads
go closer down to the water. Some of the roads, last time I was there
had to be moved farther away from the edge as they were getting
washed out underneath, but there is not one place from anywhere,
where the view is not just wonderful.

The water is so clear..you can see the bottom and the small coves
are just great..the rocks many climb on just to get closer to see the
wonderful views that the island offers from every inch of it..

If you time it just right the reflections of the sun off the water, it
sparkles and shines and even though its hot out..the coolness
of the spray as that sparkly water hits the rocks..it cools you
down. We sat just off to the left at a table and enjoyed the
quiet only hearing the water and of course the sea gulls that
were always flying . Those picnic tables came in so handy, my
mom never went on a ride with out at least some sort of
snack and drink while we sat at the tables and enjoyed the view.
and of course enjoying the snacks, usually cookies or bars she
made. That made the rides even MORE enjoyable...

Im glad I have these photos of such a beautiful places, I love it
up there, so much to see.. I Have lots of photos of the rides we
took..all over by the lake..Houghton and L'anse to the Indian
burial grounds.. I will share..lol.. Im glad to know you dont mind
wandering..well ok ..ROLLING down all these lanes with me.. I
really do enjoy sharing them here.. Helps me to remember those
good times and helps me to face what is ahead..what ever that
may be..

Well I do know what is ahead in the next few minutes..lol Yup,
rolling out to that kitchen and seeing just what is out there that
I just HAVE to have lol I had a nice chef salad for lunch that was
really good so Im not real hungry..so just a light snack..I got up
early and I am tired..so I will just scoot up on that bed behind
me and watch tv..haha I say that every time but I honestly just
DONT see that much..That tv just does something to my eyes!
makes them CLOSE :-) nitey nite... :-)

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear ? Luv ya..and thanks :-)
ALways, Lois ****

May God Bless you today,
I'm so honored to call you friend,
I pray the Lord will keep you safe,
Until I write again...


  • At 3:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    recently I went to the East Ender of Long Island for a wedding - 51 years ago, I had introduced the bride's parents. Now as I rode the LIRR past my old neighborhood, I had 1000s of memories of Freeport, Merrick, Bellmore, Wantagh from 23 years of living in Wantagh.

  • At 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My Dear Lois,
    Wow, what great pics and memories. Looks and sounds almost as good as Exmoor!!! lol ;o)
    Thank you for sharing these lovely memories. I sure hope that what lies ahead for you is only GOOD - you surely deserve it.
    Take care, Hon, lots of love and hugs from

  • At 9:33 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Morning Momar,
    It is amazing when I look at the old photos and then the new ones and see the difference but yet the same. Maybe those that go back and cant remember now its NOT such a bad thing. I Love photo albums, when I dont have one, then I look at catalogs.lol..that can be a BAD thing!! lol :-)

    Hiya Raife!
    So glad you liked seeing some of the Great North Woods..Even though I dont live up there anymore its still one of THE most gorgeous places in the world. I could take you on a fishing trip along the Ontonogan or Paint River or Cook's Run, you would LOVE, show you some GREAT places to even Skinny Dip lol. Be great travelling in a bus or caravan..:-) and a GREAT time could be had by all :-)

    Have a great day!
    Always, Lois****

  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Those are indeed beautiful places. Thanks for sharing the photos. What great memories!

  • At 10:44 AM, Blogger Lois said…

    Hi Gray,
    The Upper Penninsula of Michigan is really beautiful..lots to see and the freshest air anywhere. glad you liked the little ride :-)
    Stay cool now..
    Always, Lois****

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Gray said…

    Yes, I did enjoy it. You can take me anywhere.


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