
Amputee life before and after...

Thursday, October 26, 2006

~Good & Bad Day~ :-)

I am so tired tonite..what a day this has been.. It was a
pretty good one yet kinda scarey too.. The woman that
is helping me to get my grant for my rent came today to
take me to the doctor at community mental health..She
is a big strong girl but it was really hard on her..She said
she had an uncle was in a chair..and was used to it...She
did good getting me out..but coming back in..well..THAT
was really scarey..for both of us..

Que is her name...she backed up to the bottom step and
proceeded to pull me up backwards..she got to the 2nd
step and the screen door closed and she almost lost her
grip...She tried to lower me back down and I almost slid
out of my chair..as she started to pull me back again she
slipped and sat down under my chair..Im dangling over
the edge of the 2nd step...She reached around and held
me and we both just sat there not knowing what to do..
There were tons of cars going by up and down but no one
noticed us. We paniced..we were both so scared..

There is a business, auto repair i think, across the street, a
man pulled up in his truck and we yelled at him..HELP! He
looked , walked faster into the building and a second later
he came back out and quickly walked across the street..
He rushed up to us..and grabbed hold of my chair while Que
stood up and then helped lift me and my chair inside.. What
a wonderful man.. How sweet he was to come to our aide..I
didnt get his name or anything just thanked him over and over
for helping..he was so sweet..what a kind man...He got me
inside..wished us a good rest of the day and he went back
across the road.. Wonderful man...

Que came in and was totally impressed with my house..she
really likes it and i can say I am pretty positive that I will be
getting the grant.. I am so happy..what a relief..and she is
pretty sure it will be paid on the first..THEN i got a notice
today that my food stamps have been increased as well..
and I found out there are some people doing community
service that may come and help me get my house set up.
This was a good day..it really was..and I am just so tired..
and its early and Im already thinking of going to bed..It was
a hectic day. I KNOW I am going to work super hard at
getting a ramp built...I need that so badly..after today ,,well
I dont and cant go thru that again..I felt sorry for Que..that
was hard on her as well...

Hope tomorrow is a good day too..its got to be..its another
day...nitey nite...

Y'all have a good one now Y'hear? luv ya and thanks..
Always, Lois

God Bless you is my prayer today,
I'm so honored to call you "friend";
I pray the Lord will keep you safe
until I write again..


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